Status: On hold

I Know You Love Me

Snack Packs

"Justin Bieber?" I gasped. I had no idea. How could I not have known?

"Yeah," He laughed, nervously.

"Why didn't you tell me!" I said, louder. "This is ridiculous!" I set the movie down and sat down on the couch. I felt so stupid that I didn't even realize it was him.

"I just didn't want..." He stopped.


"The publicity." He sneered. "Sometimes I just get sick of it. The paparazzi up in me and my girlfriend's business, screaming girls everywhere, sometimes I just can't take it and I need to...get away."

"I wouldn't have told..." I said.

"But if it gets out then my vacation is ruined. I have to keep my head low everywhere around here." He sighed.

"I get it," I said. "And I'm going to keep your secret safe."

"Are you not...surprised?" He asked. "I kissed you."

"On my cheek!" That was the first thing I answered to. "But no, are you kidding? I'm insanely surprised! I don't even know what to, I'm starstruck."

"No," He groaned. "Don't be. I'm just normal. I've been trying to tell everyone that for the past five years!"

"But you're famous." I said.

"Who cares?" He sat down next to me and wrapped his arm around my waist.

"You have a girlfriend." I took his arm off my waist and laughed.

"Yeah, whatever. She just seems like she's playing me anyways." He said.

"What?" I asked, confused. "Why?"

"Well see, Selena--"

"Selena Gomez?" I shrieked. "I love that chick!"

"You didn't know that Selena Gomez was my girlfriend?" He raised his eyebrows.

"I don't really keep up on Bieber news." I laughed.

"Not a fan?" He pouted. Then I felt bad...I never really did like his music.

"I'm sorry!" I whined. "It's just...I never really liked your songs or anything. It's nothing personal..."

"I get it." He laughed. "It's don't have to like my music." He put his arm back around my waist.

"You're a flirt, you know that?"

"And you're blunt, I like it." He smiled. "So, you wanna watch my movie?"

"You're movie?" I laughed. "This is going to be good." He got up and popped his movie into the DVD player. Even the T.V. was huge in this R.V. which he told me was actually his tour bus when I commented on the size of the television.

After watching the movie I had a whole new perspective on Justin. The movie inspired me, but I would never tell him that. It really showed how to never give up on your dreams even when you think they're impossible. If you want something badly enough, go for it.

"That was fuckin' awesome!" I said.

"Hey, watch your mouth!" A kid about mine and Justin's age came into the bus.

"Yo, what's up Chaz?" Justin got up from the couch and they pounded their fists together. I rolled my eyes, they were such guys.

"Who's this?" Chaz raised his sunglasses and looked at me. "Cutie." He winked.

"Um, this is...Shaun." Justin said and stared at Chaz as if he were telling him to back off.

"Nice to meet you, Shaun." He put out his hand and I shook it.

"Nice to meet you too...Chaz." I smiled.

"We watched Never Say Never!!" Justin shouted the last part.

"Dude!" I yelled and hit his arm.

"Never say never," He said quieter and winked at me.

"Whatever, you nerd." I got up and went to his fridge to see if there was something to eat. Usually I would be super uncomfortable to go into a friend's fridge and get something but with Justin it seemed...easy. It was a relaxing feeling.

"Don't touch the goods!" Justin got up and blocked the fridge with his body.

"What you have in there?" I crossed my arms and smirked.

"My stuff," He said while making a funny face.

"Let me see!" I pushed him aside as hard as I could and when he stumbled I yanked open the fridge.

"Snack packs?" I burst out laughing. His fridge was completely full of pudding.

"I like them, okay?" He said. "They're mine."

"Can I have one?" I stuck out my lip, pouting.

"One!" He let me take one out of the fridge and then he closed it. He sure was protective of his Snack Packs.

"Do not get in the way of Justin and his Snack Packs." Chaz warned me. "I tried that once..." he shivered.

"Okay, okay!" I said, my mouth full of pudding. "Only this one..." I took a couple more bites and it was gone. When Justin wasn't looking I opened the fridge and grabbed another one, opening it quickly so he wouldn't take it.

"No!" He yelled, laughing. He grabbed it out of my hand and started slurping it up, covering his face in chocolate. I burst out laughing.

"Wow," I shoved his head. "You're crazy, Bieber.