Status: On hold

I Know You Love Me

Where Are You Now

After the long, grueling day with Mrs. Perfect, I just wanted to lock myself in my room and relax. So that's exactly what I did. I hopped on my computer and went to Facebook. I usually only had about 2 notifications but this time I actually had a friend request which, I must say, is probably the first friend request I've gotten in about a year. I clicked on the little red button and I almost peed myself when I saw Justin Bieber's name.

I immediately clicked accept and went to his page. He had a few hundred friends but not that many because his page was exclusive. I looked around for a few minutes at his pictures, which I fell in love with immediately because he had personal photos on there, not just pictures of him in concerts and at Grammy Awards.

My IM popped up and Justin's name was on it:

Justin: hey

Me: hey where have you been?

Justin: What do you mean??

Me: Chaz was looking for you yesterday...

Justin: i went to see selena..

Me: Oh..

Justin: What?

Me: Nothing :)

Justin: Seriously...what's wrong Shaun?

Me: Nothing!! Lol.. when do we hang out again??

Justin: i'm not leaving this alone. we're talking about it
when we see each other. tomorrow. dress fancy ;)

Me: K awesome. :D

My cheeks started to hurt from the biggest, corniest smile that was plastered on my face. We kept talking for awhile but it wasn't anything special, just asking each other different questions. Then he had to go because apparently he has a "computer time" and his mom kicked him off. I laughed at the thought of him actually having rules.


In the morning Janice didn't wake me up in her usual way, thank the LORD. If she woke me up one more time I don't know what I would've done.

Today I planned to just go out on my own until Justin texted me and we finally got to hang out. I was so excited I kept getting butterflies each time I thought about it. This cheery attitude I was in when I thought about him or was around him was not normal. I kind of made myself sick.

"Breakfast!" I heard Janice call from downstairs. I groaned. Just hearing her shrill voice made me hate my life a little more. Despite of her annoying presence I was still human and still needed to eat so I got up and went to eat breakfast.

I was hanging out with Justin today so I was sure nothing could make me be in a bad mood but when I was getting ready to go Janice came in and I wasn't so sure anymore.

"Hey, sweetie," She almost sang as she danced into my room. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. How my dad was able to stand this woman I would never know.

"Hello," I breathed out and smiled.

"What are you getting ready for?"

"Um, a date." I said as low as I could.


"Um...a date." I said, a little louder.

"A date?" She squealed like a ten year old. "Can I help you? I mean, I have about a million dresses and they would look perfect on you." I thought about it for a second, ashamed that I was actually thinking about takin a dress from her but it would be nice to be dressed up for him...

"Okay," I forced myself to say. This was for Justin.

"Yes! Come on." She took my arm and dragged me into her room and threw open the closet. She was not kidding, a million dresses were in there. Maybe not a million but there were probably a hundred or so. I wondered where my dad's clothes were but then I looked over at a smaller closet on the other side of the room. Of course.

"So, I think green would look soo cute on you." She started pulling out all the green ones.

"I was thinking" I said.

"Black?" She looked up at me. "You need color."

"Okay..." I rolled my eyes.

"I'm thinking this light green or pink." She had pulled out two dresses that were actually kind of cute in no time. How she found those dresses that quick out of the closet was incredible.

"Yeah...they're pretty nice." I scanned both of them and already chose the green one as my favorite.

"I'm thinking the green one." Janice said and I suddenly I found the pink one better but she shoved the pink one back onto to rack. "Green looks good with your skin."

"I guess so." I said and grabbed the green dress and went to put it on.

I had to admit it did looked great on me. I didn't want to start agreeing with Janice though. This was one time and one time only. I shuddered at the thought of liking things that she did. I walked back out and Janice gasped.

"Hot!" She said and spun me around. "You look absolutely amazing." I stared at myself in the mirror. It was one of those dresses that clung to your body but had ruffles at the bottom. It only went down to mid thigh though. Janice paired it with one of her studded black shoes.

I was pretty content with how I looked and I liked her a little bit more for helping me out. A little bit.

"Are you ready?" She looped her arm with mine. I disliked her all over again.

"Yep," I ran my hands over the dress and breathed out in relief. As ready as I could ever be.
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I hate trying to think of chapter names that aren't extremely stupid so I'm goin to put
JB songs! GO MEGAN :)

Shaun's dress for the date.