Status: On hold

I Know You Love Me

One Less Lonely Girl

Justin's Point of View

"I missed you so much, baby." Selena kissed me on my mouth. We were hanging out at her house. I had just flown here yesterday so I could see her and she wouldn't feel as if I was abandoning her.

"I missed you too," I whispered into her hair. She smelled fruity and sweet.

"So, what have you been doing these last couple days?" She said.

"Hangin' out with Chaz and Ryan, I guess." I knew she didn't care so I didn't think out my answer that much.

"Oh, I see. Well, guess what I'm doing?" Of course she changed the subject to herself. I didn't want to be mean to her or anything. She was so nice to me and my mom was completely in love with her.

"What?" I asked. She told me about her new song and her trip to Japan and I sat there nodding my head and putting input in when necessary. It's not like I didn't like Selena. She was amazing. Plus, if we broke up. I think about a million fans would go crazy.

"So, do you?" She poked me.

"Huh?" I asked. "Sorry, I've got a lot on my mind."

"No, it's okay. I asked if you wanted to go to New York this weekend!" She beamed at me.

"Well, I sorta wanted to stay in Stratford for a couple more days. I wanna soak in all that I can." I said. I really missed my hometown. I really missed being a normal kid. I would never give up my life now though. I had a perfect girlfriend, I had all the fans that I could ever want, I have lots of money and I can attempt to help people.

"I understand," She insisted, but her smile faded away.

"Good," I kissed her and my phone buzzed.

where are you mr. bieber?

It was from Shauna.

"Oh, shit babe." I kissed Selena again. "I gotta run, I forgot I was going to hang out."

"Oh, okay." She smiled at me. "We need to hang out again soon."

"Of course," I grabbed my stuff and headed out her door. My agent, Scooter was waiting outside for me.

"How'd you know I was here?" I called out to him.

"I always know where you are. Get in." I hopped in the passenger seat of his car. He drove me to the airport just in time for the flight that he booked for me.

"You know me too well, Scoot."

"Don't," He paused and looked at me, ushering me to my gate. "Call me that."

"Sorry, Scooter" I laughed and pushed him.

"'Kay kid, I'll see you later." He pulled me into a hug.

"See ya." I hugged him back then ran onto the plane. I texted Shauna when I got on.

hey, how late am i?

She texted back:

ur not? where are you tho.


i'm nowhere.

I checked the time that it would be in Stratford and I only had a couple hours until our date. It wasn't supposed to a romantic date. Scooter explained this to me a million times. I was allowed to go on dates with girls even if I had a girlfriend as long as it wasn't romantic. I would hardly call a date with Shaun romantic.

ok :P I'll see u soon.

I turned off my phone as the plane started taking off. I was never nervous on planes but I always turned my phone off because I was scared it messed with something in the plane.


I landed in Stratford a couple hours later and rushed off the plane to find a car waiting for me. Scooter had it all under control. I loved that guy.

"Hello, Mr. Bieber." The driver greeted me when I got in.

"Hello," I said.

"Where to?" I was surprised at him asking because I was sure Scooter would have said. But then I realized he didn't know about the date with Shaun.

"Um," I had to remember where I told Shaun to meet me. "Belfry." It was the nicest restaurant I had ever been to in Stratford. I didn't really know much about fancy restaurants.

Shauna's Point of View

"Are you sure this is the place?" Janice asked as we pulled up to the restaurant that Justin told me to meet him at.

"Uh, yeah." I looked out the window at a super fancy, obviously expensive restaurant "I think so."

"Is he in there?" She asked.

"I don't know." I said.

"Maybe we should wait and see if he comes."

"No!" I thought about the chaos she would cause if she saw Justin Bieber. She was seriously a thirteen-year-old girl at heart.

"Okay! I was just asking." She defended. Then I saw Justin pull up in another car.

"I'm gonna go inside," I said. "I'll text you when I'm coming home." I got out hurriedly and went to the door to wait for Justin. I prayed he wouldn't get out of the car until Janice pulled out. No luck, though. Just as Janice was about to pull out of the parking space Justin got out of his car and she literally slammed on her brakes.

"Oh, no." I muttered, my eyes wide.

The next thing I saw scarred me for life. "Justin Bieber!" Janice ran across the parking lot, her boobs bouncing almost hitting her in the chin.

"Janice!" I ran as fast as I could in my tall heels.

"It's Justin Bieber, Shauna! Justin Bieber!" She shouted to me and wrapped her arms around him.

"Janice, please." I pulled her off of him. I didn't want to tell her this was my date.

"Shauna?" Justin was trying to hold back a laugh.

"YOU KNOW HIM?" Janice shrieked.

"Dude!" I yelled at her. "Seriously!" I put my head in my hands and sighed. I could not believe this was happening to me.

"Shauna, why didn't you tell me you knew Justin Bieber?" Her voice was more normal but still unnecessarily loud.

"I just..." I didn't even know what to say.

"Janice?" Justin smiled at her. "Would you like an...autograph?" He was trying to get her to leave.

"Yes!" She squealed. I groaned, if I didn't know her I could never tell that she was over the age of fifteen.

"Okay," He went to the car behind him and took his My World CD out and signed it. "There ya go."

"Thank you!" She hugged him again.

"Janice? Can you leave?" I pleaded.

"Fine, we're talking about this later miss!" She laughed. "Bye Justin!"

Justin and I stood there until we were sure her car was out of sight. "That was...interesting." He said, then burst out laughing. "Who was that?"

"I do not even wanna talk about who she is to me."

"Why? Is she your sister?"


" sitter?"


"Your cousin?" He ventured.

"No!" I pushed him. He stuck his arm out for me to grab onto and led me towards the restaurant.

"Who is she then?" He asked.

"My step-mom," I muttered, too low for him to hear.

"Huh? What was that?" He leaned in closer.

"My step-mom," I said again, jumbling my words so he couldn't understand.

"Seriously!" He chuckled.

"Okay, okay!" I laughed. "It's my...step-mom."

"I am so sorry!" He laughed with me. "How old is she?"

"You won't believe me," I said and followed him through the doors to the restaurant.

"Try me," He led me to a candle-lit table and pulled out the chair for me.


"Wow, no way. She acts like she's a teenager."

"Looks like it too," I said. I looked around the restaurant in awe. It was incredibly beautiful.

"Do you like it?" He asked.

"It's gorgeous!" I said.

"I was hoping you'd like it," His smile glowed.

"I love it," I replied.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know I'm not the greatest writer ever so don't think that I think that!!
I just wanted to say that so no one is like "does she actually think she's good?"
no, I don't.

Comments! Make my day? :) please, it only takes a few seconds.