Status: Finished :]



Oh no, We wont go! Oh no, we wont go! Oh no, we wont go!

"Behind me you see environmental activists protesting the deforestation of the Redwood Forest. Most have chained themselves to trees while the rest are marching with picket signs. The activists say they are peaceful and want no trouble, but they will not leave until the logging contract is destroyed. Police officers are standing by in case things get out of hand, but aren't anticipating trouble. The police chief have stated that 'as long as [the activists] remain peaceful, no physical action will be taken."

Oh no, we wont go! Oh no, we wont go! Oh no, we wont go!


A young man, dressed in overalls and work boots, approached my sister and I. He couldn't have been that much younger than us...maybe four or five years. He was clearly pissed.

"You're ruining everything! Without this job my family will starve! We will not be able to make our mortgage payment... You stupid, stupid, tree hugging freaks! You stupid tree huggers!"

"We refuse to stand by as we watch you destroy our Earth... our home!"

"Forget these stupid trees! We need work!"

"Oh no, We wont go!" I began to chant once again. He didn't budge, just stood there and stared at me. "Anything else? We are not leaving..." The man turned on his heal and stalked off.

"Stupid tree huggers..." Spirit mocked, "They can find other work, ya know! Without this Earth, nobody would have work... We all would starve! Everyone of us."

"I know, Spirit," I replied as I adjusted the picket sign on my shoulder, "I know. We have to stand up for what we believe."

"That's right, Sunflower, somebody has to. They'll destroy the Earth for money if we let them."

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the same young man from before approach us.

"Hug a tree, Spirit, they have far fewer issues than people." I replied with a smirk. I couldn't have been more right.

Gun shots rang out. Blood covered our precious Mother Earth. Screams. Horror. Shock. Blood. I fell to my knees next to Spirit's lifeless body. My baby sister... Why? Why?!


"It is a sad day for the environmentalist community. What started out as a peaceful protest by thirty-two Earth-loving activists, has ended in the injuries of four and the death of one; Twenty-nine year old Stephanie "Spirit" Milsan. Spirit was here taking a stand against something she truly believed was wrong, and it lead to her untimely death. She and her sister were here protesting the plans to log eighty percent of the Redwood Forest when the alleged assailant, twenty-four year old Kenneth James Smith, started shooting at the activists randomly. Smith is said to have had a verbal altercation with the victims sister, known as "Sunflower," just minutes before he returned to his vehicle to obtain a firearm. Police currently have Smith in custody and are further investigating the events of today.

This is Tess Monroe, Channel Seven News."