Status: Story for Writing contest



Anna sat on her bed with her laptop on her lap, she was going through her pictures and was also talking to her friend Lauren who was three years younger than Anna and went to a different school.
Funny Lauren: I can’t believe you’ve got detention for punching someone. You’ve never punched anyone. EVER. So what happened?
Upset Anna: she was just making me so angry. She kept saying stuff like the world would be a better place without Josh and freaks like me and that we should all just die
Funny Lauren: aw Anna that’s harsh, no wonder you punched her, I would never say something like that to someone whose friend just died and I’m heartless
Upset Anna: ha-ha you’re not the type of person who’s heartless intentionally
Funny Lauren: really? Then try telling that to Jade she thinks I’m a back stabbing bitch for reasons unknown to me
Upset Anna: aw don’t worry you’ll sort it out
Funny Lauren: yeah hopefully, I got to go dinners ready
And with that Lauren signed off. Anna flicked through a different album named Carnivals and stopped at a picture of her, Josh, Natasha, Lauren and Sam from when they had went to the carnival together for her 16th birthday. She flicked through the rest of the pictures and thinking how happy they were that time and wondering why Josh would kill himself just a month later. As she was about to log out MSN a message flashed up from Justin O’Neil.
Justin: Hey Anna
Upset Anna: Hey Justin, what do you want?
Justin: I just want to say I’m sorry about this morning
Upset Anna: It’s not your fault
Justin: I know that but it’s hard when your friend dies
Upset Anna: how do you move on Justin? How did you do it after Ryan died?
Justin: it was hard, I acted like I never cared but I did, I kept thinking would he still be here now if I had got to him in time, I still do think it
Upset Anna: Ryan sent you a message just like Josh sent me one, why?
Justin: most suicides do it, but probably because we meant the most to them, you stood up for Josh loads of times and helped him
Upset Anna: you and Ryan used to be inseparable, you were like brothers, and you changed after Ryan’s death
Justin: I know I did, Anna try and move on but you’ll never forget and you shouldn’t want to, also don’t change I kind of wish I didn’t change now
Upset Anna: Thanks Justin, I needed to talk to someone who’s been through it, sure I had Ryan’s death but I had only known him three months before he died and I never knew him as well as I knew Josh
Justin: I know, look after yourself Anna and try stay out of trouble
Upset Anna: so I can’t punch Chelsea anymore? Oh shame
Justin: you punch Chelsea again and there’ll be a world war 3
Upset Anna: that sounds kind of fun, I better go, there’s some stuff I need to do, bye
Justin: ha-ha, ok, bye
Anna logged of MSN, placed her laptop on her bed, she jumped off her bed, put her shoes and jacket on and picked up her purse as she walked out her room and out her house. She walked to the shop at the bottom of her road she bought a big bar of dairy milk chocolate, two crème eggs, four small milky bars, and three caramel freddo bars. She paid for the chocolate plus a six pack of coke and walked home in a daze swinging the bag.
she spent the rest of the night eating the chocolate and drinking the coke, by the end of the night she was leaning over the toilet vomiting it back up.