Status: Active

A Matter of Time


November 18th, 2688

She couldn't see through the smoke that was stinking her eyes. Smoke that was coming from the remains of her city, her home, her world. The fire was blazing, and screams where flooding her ears. As she ran through the wreckage of her own house, she hopped over a body. She didn't know who's, and she wouldn't dare stop to check. She needed to find it, where was it? In the lab, but where was she? She was in a panic, as where the other few that where still alive. Searching through the unrecognizable ruins. She ran up a flight of stairs and down a hall. Another blast hit the wall and she flew on her side, quickly regaining herself and ignoring the burning on her arm. Finally she reached the door, she didn't need the key as the lock had already been blown off. Ripping the door opened whilst the the steel handle was burning from the flames was had burnt her hand severely, but she ignored it and went straight for the draws at the other end of the room. She rummaged through until she felt her hand greedily clasp around the incredible silver box that had managed to keep a cool touch through the chaos. Now what? Was she to wait for the rest of her family or go on without them? How would she even know if they where still alive? She looked back at the door, looking frantically for any sign that someone else was coming. Seeing nothing but red and orange curls of the fire, she turned back to the small box in her hands. She cautiously opened it with shaking hands, lifting the small long pre-loaded gun out of it. Inside the gun was a small chip. She had been over this with Doctor Reynolds hundreds of times. The chip was to be used in only an emergency. Well this seemed like the biggest emergency ever, there would never be another chance for one. She dropped the box, but was sure to keep the gun in a tight hold when she heard a crash and a grunt from the hall. She saw her twin brother Adam crawl through the wreckage, but as she ran through the room to get to him, there was another blast that sent her flying through to the left side of the room. She felt a sharp pain in her side, but didn't look down out of fear of what she'd see. She crawled over to the door, but it had been barricaded by rubbish that had fallen from the ceiling.

"ADAM!" She called for her brother through a small hole.

She heard coughing. "Gwen!" Replied the familiar deep voice of her brother.

She couldn't help, but smile to her self. "Here, take use the chip." She said shoving the small gun through the hole.

They where both leaning, backs against the door. "No Gwen, you take it."

"Adam, just do t and then pass it back and I'll do it." She shoved the gun through again.

There was a short pause. "Ok" Another pause, this one longer. Then it plopped back through.

She held the gun behind her neck, right where the doctor had showed them. Finger on the trigger. "Does it hurt alot?"

"Yeah." He sounded in pain.

She took a deep breath and pushed down the inserter. It was a sharp searing pain. She could feel it wrapping it's way up her cerebral cortex and fusing into her brain. There was a pulsing, then a gush a warmth through her body. She screamed a little then it was over. Everything was ok now, they where safe, Adam and her.

"You ok Gwen?" Her Brother asked concerned.

"Yeah, was it as bad for you?" She asked, wondering why he seemed a lot more calm then natural after it.

"I didn't do it." He said emotionlessly.


"There was only one, Gwen. I only said I did so you would go instead." His voice was sad this time.

"NO! Isn't there more in this thing? I thought there was enough for everyone!" Gwen was in a panic, her brother had just given up his life for her.

"Doctor Reynolds only got to making one before they came."

"No!" Gwen yelled through her tears. How could he have lied to her like this? "You tricked me!"

"I had too." Adam said apologetically. "It was the only way I could be sure you would do it. I'm ok with dying, sis. We all have to at some point, it's just a matter of time."

They sat there in tears. Surrounded by flames and falling metal. Just there, back to back with a door in between. This was it, the last time they'd be together, they both knew it.

"What do I do now?" Gwen asked, completely unaware of what was about to happen.

"The Doctor said you just think of where you want most to be, or something like that. I think it just knows what's right, maybe you can't control it, the point is it'll take you somewhere safe and away from here."

"Adam, I can't just leave you."

"You can and you will. I love you" Adam spoke the last words he would ever say.

"I love you too." Those where Gwen's last words to her brother before there was another blast bigger than the others.

This one brought on a severe pain in her stomach, as it lurched up. She tried to open her eyes, but it was too bright. Her whole body felt like it was being compressed into, then it was numb, and all went black. It was completely silent and calm, then a ringing appeared as Gwen was being hurled through a tunnel of nothing. 


April 17th, 2003

Gwen woke up on the flat, wet, dirty concrete. She opened her eyes and saw the evening sky. Sitting up, she saw the two brick buildings on either side of her. A cat ran past her as she got up. She became aware of the brake that must have happened in the leg. Wincing, she limped out to where the busy street noises where coming from. People where walking along and there where cars honking on the street. It was unlike anything shed ever seen before. Complete strangers just going about themselves without having to care about if they where hunting, or ready to raid, it was wonderful.

Out of all the people on the street that spring evening, only one cared enough to notice the bloodied girl on the side of the street. A fifteen year old boy stood still about 25 feet away from the girl. He went up to her.

"Emm, are you ok?" he asked cautiously.

She turned her head quickly towards the boy. Her face was dirty and covered with soot. "I.....I......" she started, then her eyes rolled in her head an she fainted. 
♠ ♠ ♠
It's not very long, but it's just the prologue. Please tell me if you like it, it would be greatly appreciated. I've never written anything with science in it, i've read it, but never written it, sorry if i get any terms wrong.