“Welcome to our kingdom” “Dude…it’s just a high school” “Yeah…but we rule it”

Chapter 9: A ***er

~Still Ivonne’s POV~

What have I gotten myself into?

“Hey, listen, I gotta go, I think there’s a murderer on my front porch…bye” She said as she hung up.

I didn’t even notice how weird what she said is because I was still thinking…”Roomie”?

Crazy_monkey: Uh…

Dante_Torelli: Brilliant :D Thanks a lot.

We started talking about stuff like music, movies, sports, then guys and girls…he said that he does like someone…but he wouldn’t tell me.

Then he asked me.

I also told him that I’m not telling him. I could just imagine him pout…

We talked the whole evening…and until 2 in the morning, but then I had to go to sleep, because I was practically falling asleep on my keyboards…

He even gave me a hug emoticon when he said good night.


Now…I only have to find out what the hell was that school trip all about….

~Arrow’s POV~

So…you are probably wondering what was the thingy with the murderer on my front porch…
I was walking around the house ‘cause I always do that, and I just went to take a look at the street in front of my house…

And holy shit there’s a weird man standing there with his back at my house staring and cursing at his phone…


Not…when he turned around…I saw someone, or at least I think that’s him, I couldn’t really say since he was too far away…Archer Torelli.

I would’ve preferred a murderer.

I hung up since I was talking to Ivonne…and this issue of this man contaminating my front porch is was more important than her little Dante crush…

Archer- I think- tried calling someone again…

My phone rang…

What the fuck…

I made the connection, he was calling me.

I looked at the caller’s ID and I was, indeed, right…

Satan’s Spawn

Appeared on my screen.

I pulled the curtains a little more.

“Hi?” I …asked?

“Hey, sweetheart.” He said and I could see him smirking from where I was.

He turned to look at my house and I quickly ducked and threw myself on the floor so that he didn’t see me at the window.

I think that he must’ve heard the impact over the phone cause he asked.

“Is everything fine there, sweetie?” He asked and I could see his smirk fall. Aww…maybe he cares…a little.

“Yeah…I’m fine.”

He smirked again.

“Why the fuck are you calling me Archer?” I asked him suspiciously…

I also wanted to ask him why the fuck he was on my porch…but…this can be fun without him realizing that I know that he is here.

“What’s with the tone, sweetheart? Not happy to hear my voice?” he asked still smirking.

“Honestly…no!” I said.

His smirk fell again. I smirked this time.

“Whatever…I was thinking that maybe we can make…uh I dunno…truce?” He said sincerely and I looked at
his face and he looked sincere…


I’m an evil bitch and won’t give in so easily.

I grinned, an evil grin.

“Well…NO! Any other questions?” I asked calmly.

I watched his face turn into a frown…he pouted. Oh my god…he acts so cute when no one from school is around him.

“Well…I don’t know…Uhm…how about we play the question game?” He said.

“Uhm…I don’t know…I have better things to do.” I said lying…

“Oh really, like what?” He said amusement creeping on his face as he raised an eyebrow.

I snorted and he heard it ‘cause he started chuckling.

“Like…doing math homework…” I said the first thing that came into my mind.

“You hate math.’’ He said still amused.

“How do you know that?” I said snorting.

“Well…once…when we were in school, during free period the other girls started talking and you made a comment saying that “The math teacher isn’t even half as bad as the subject itself” He said.

“…You actually pay attention and remember what I’m saying…” I said kind of shocked that he paid so much attention to me and my stupid snide comments.

“Well…” He said looking down…he even blushed slightly.


So cute…

“Anyway…questions…What’s your favorite band?” he asked taking out a little notebook…

Really, Archer, really?

Taking notes?

“MetallicA all the way!!! It’s the best fucking band in the universe!” I shouted.

He started laughing.

So beautiful…I love his laugh.

“Okay. It’s also my favorite band…” He said grinning.

“No really?” I said not really believing.

“Yes! What non-fan would know songs like…the outlaw torn, low man’s lyrics, Ronnie…Dirty window?” He asked smirking.

Okay…those aren’t popular songs…at all…

“Okay…I believe you.” I said giving in.

Looks like we have at least one thing in common.

“I see…what’s your favorite color?” I asked him.

He smirked.

“Not very creative, are you?” he said.

“Fuck off…if you’re going to be a fucktard I’m hanging up…” I said rolling my eyes.

His smirk fell…

“No, no, no, don’t hang up…..Um…my favorite color is…” He trailed off looking at my house, probably searching for colors.

“Um, yellow” He said. Yup. That’s my house’s color. And dude, who the fuck likes yellow?

“Ugh, I hate yellow” I said.

“Yeah…uh…me too…I didn’t mean to say yellow…”he said stuttering.

“I see…”I said…

“Fuck this” He said really quietly.

“My favorite color is black” He said this time speaking the truth.

“Mine too!” I said.

“Great…uh…what do you like in a guy?’ He asked.

“Well…um…I like long haired guys…green eyes….” Ugh…he probably thinks I’m describing him.

He did, indeed, smirk.

“Guys that like rock and metal, manly guys that at the same time have a caring and gentle side…intelligent guys…I don’t know…something among those things…” I said…

He got a thinking look on his face…then he grinned. I raised an eyebrow, even if he can’t see me…

“I see…well…favorite male character from any movie?” He said while lighting up a cigarette.

“Legolas from Lord of the rings all the way! And also V from V from Vendetta….but I’d say Legolas more” I said happily…

“So…Legolas…okay” He said grinning.

Does he think they are alike? Because they aren’t…too much…just when it comes to looks….a little…

“Okay, and what do you hate at people?” He asked me.

I smirked, time to make fun of him…

“I hate people that smoke…”I said watching him look at his cigarette before throwing it on the ground and stepping on it.

I held back a laugh.

“I also hate man whores, arrogant, witty, stupid people…”I said…

He was taking notes again…

“And…I also hate stalkers who stand on people’s front porches and talk on the phone with them.” I said grinning evily.

He quickly looked up from his notes realizing and turned to look at my house. He spotted me at the window smirking evily at him.

I hung up and went outside still smirking at him.

He gulped and looked at me a little scared.

“And what are you stranger doing on my porch?” I asked him swinging my hips a little more as I made my way over to him.

He looked me up and down.

I was wearing really short shorts and they weren’t even visible since I was wearing a long Tee which said “Hot mess” with pink on white.

It was one of those outfits that guys find attractive and we girls don’t understand why. I wasn’t expecting…um…stalkers right now so that’s why I was dressed so…home-like…

But judging by the expression of lust on his face I didn’t even need to dress up.

He gulped again.

“Well…I was just passing…and I decided to stop by.”

“You didn’t look like you were planning on coming in since you’ve been here for at least 10 minutes as we talked.”

“You knew I was here the whole discussion?” He asked narrowing his eyes…

“Yup!’’ I said grinning evily.

“And why didn’t you say anything?’ He said still glaring at me.

“It wouldn’t be like me, I had to make some fun of you first…” I said innocently.

He looked down.

“You are such a stalker! Guess what, I’m not falling for you like all the other girls.” I said glaring.

He came closer to me and looked me in the eye…I swear I saw some hurt in his eyes when I said that.

“I don’t want you to fall for me as all the other girls…I want you to fall me…as the real me…” He said looking really vulnerable and innocent…and most of all…sincere…

I stared into his eyes…

And I realized the awkwardness of the situation…

We were on the street, him fully dressed with some notes about me in his hand, me sitting there seeming like I was only wearing a T-shirt, him telling me that he wants me to fall for the real “him”, coming closer to me and me starring back into his green…beautiful, I might mention…eyes….

“Come inside, we have to talk” I told him bluntly.