“Welcome to our kingdom” “Dude…it’s just a high school” “Yeah…but we rule it”

Chapter 10: School camps and more bets

~Arrow’s POV~

“Come inside, we have to talk” I told him bluntly.

I went inside with him following me looking down.

I sat on the couch and he was just standing there looking around.

“Sit down” I told him.

He sat down at a safe distance so that we don’t touch in any way.

“Now…what in Satan’s name were you doing on my front porch talking to me on the phone and trying to become what I said I like and trying to get rid of what I said I don’t like?” I asked him raising an eyebrow.

“Well…uh…” He said…

“Yeah…? I’m waiting.” I said calmly.

“Well…you see…I know I have this reputation of a man whore and playboy, but…for the first time in my life…it’s like…I dunno…It sounds gay…” He said shaking his head…

“It doesn’t, I think it’s really sweet when guys express their feelings…” I said smiling sweetly.

“Really? Well…then, It’s like with you I feel different…I don’t feel like THE Archer Torelli…I feel like myself…so….I guess…I like you” he said blushing a lot.

I couldn’t stop the grin that appeared on my face.

“Well, I don’t believe you, Y’know? They say : “Once a playboy, forever a playboy.” And I believe that saying…I think this is just another one of your many tricks of trying to get me in bed…I know that I’m your target this year…Yup, I already know that.” I told him still grinning.

“So, you’re saying you don’t believe me?” He asked looking somewhat hurt…

I feel kind of bad…I mean…maybe he is able to feel…but I don’t want to be the one that tests that. And I don’t like him, at least…not enough to tell him that or to be with him anyway…

“Yup, I don’t believe you.” I told him bluntly.

“What can I do to prove you wrong?” He asked me.

“Uh…I don’t know…” I said thinking…

There isn’t really one thing he can do…

“How about…you give me a chance?” he asked me looking so vulnerable and helpless…I love seeing him like this…it makes him seem so innocent, which he is not.

“Um…do you have any ideas on how to make me believe?” I asked boredly…

“Well…if it helps, I haven’t had sex since the first day of school after the party…because I met you and I knew that I HAD to get you…but I didn’t think it would take this long…” he said kinda frustrated.

“Well, I’m not like all the other girls…”I said somewhere between softly and proudly.

“Oh, believe me I noticed that.” He said somewhat sourly.

“But I think that’s what draws me to you so much…” He said looking at me now.

I didn’t even notice him getting so close to me while we were speaking…I stared into his eyes.

~Archer’s POV~

I just poured my heart out to Arrow and she tells me that she doesn’t believe me…

It’s really ironical…I told many girls which I have been with that I love them…never meant it, they all believe it.

Now I’m telling the one girl I truly and genuinely like that I like her, not love, only like, and she doesn’t believe me…


“Well, I’m not like all the other girls…” She said proudly but softly like soothing me at the same time.

I fought the urge to snort.

“Oh, believe me I noticed that.” I said somewhat sourly…

“But I think that’s what draws me to you so much…” I said now lifting my head to look into those beautiful color changing eyes…Hazel green right now…

She also stared back into my eyes…She bit her lower lip, a thing she does when she’s nervous…which drives me insane. I looked at her lips and back at her eyes…

God…how to resist…when she’s making herself irresistible. She then licked her lips, another habit of hers when she’s nervous….that drives me even more insane…

I leaned in to her…and she just kept looking at me not doing any movement of pulling back or leaning closer. I guess that doesn’t mean “stop”….so I kept closing the distance…

*SLAM * The door slammed open and me and Arrow both pulled back.

I turned to look at the door with the deadliest look possible on my face and there were Yoyo and Shade, The cutters couple…which wasn’t officially a couple yet, but everyone knew they liked each other, but none of them would admit it to each other.

Shade practically talks non-stop about Yoyo and he’s driving me mad…I don’t care about Yoyo’s bra size, he even knows that…but It would be very interesting if I could find out Arrow’s bra size…maybe she’s a D? I’ll have to find out…but now back at the ruined kiss :((

I wanted to kill Shade…or even better make him kill Yoyo, since he likes her, and then I can kill him. Mwhahahaha, that’s for ruining my kiss with Arrow.

What a best friend he is…

~Arrow’s POV~

Archer was coming closer and I was just standing there looking at him not moving…I thought about pulling back….but I wouldn’t exactly mind being kissed by him…doesn’t mean I have to move, I have nothing to lose if he kisses me, it’s not like it’s my first kiss or anything…so I was just waiting for him to kiss me.

But then…the perfect moment…which I have a feeling that I was enjoying too much to be considered innocent was interrupted by my so-called friend that just busts in at the worst possible time.

Yoyo and Shade…The dumb ones, The emo’s, The cutters whatever of their nicknames, given by me and Gunner during a phone conversation, you want to call them, opened the door…more like slammed it open and ruined everything as me and Archer both pulled away.

We both got out of that daze-like state…

Yoyo and Shade were just standing there….Shade was looking like he wanted to be 6 feet under than here right now…and Yoyo was wearing a knowing look and an evil smirk directed at me.

Oh great…later I would have to the whole “explaining feelings to best friends-crap”…uh-mazing…

“Hey there, what’s going on? Why is “Satan’s Spawn”, according to you, in your house?” She asked raising an eyebrow and making air quotes at the “Satan’s Spawn” part referring to how I call Archer when I’m talking about him to the girls.

“He was stalking me.” I said crossing my arms over my chest. “He was sitting on my front porch stalking my house” I said pouting.

“What? I was not!...” He said pouting also.

“You were” I said still pouting…

“Okay…okay, I admit it…” He said giving in still pouting.

Yoyo and Shade were laughing really hard by now.

Shade made a sound with his hands like a whip hitting flesh.

“I am not whipped!” Archer said sticking his tongue out at Shade.

“You are soooo whipped” he said still laughing.

“Anyway…I’ll tell you the details later… Now why are you guys here?” I asked them. “For all I know I could’ve been running around naked…” I said.

I watched Shade’s and Archer’s faces turn into smirks…I didn’t mean it literally…

“I wouldn’t have minded that” Shade said with a perverted glint in his eyes.

Archer narrowed his eyes at Shade and growled a little at him…Jealousy can be a really big bitch.

“She didn’t mean it literally” Yoyo said hitting Shade in the arm.

“Okay okay, stop hitting me, woman” Shade said now rubbing his arm.

“So, we are here because we wanted to ask you if you are going on the school trip…” Yoyo said excitedly.

“Me and Shade are going. What about you, guys? You spared us of asking Archer privately…” She said grinning evily.

“Huh? What school trip? Dante also said something about that.” I said thinking about Dante’s and Ivonne’s conversation…I chuckled a little at her dumbness.

Archer gasped a little faking hurt…I think faking…

“So, I know you talk to Gunner everyday for hours I can hear him talking to you…but Dante, you even talk to my other brother more than you talk to me?” He said.

“No….I didn’t talk to him, he talked to Ivonne and Ivonne told me…uh…it’s complicated…’ I said frustrated.

“Oh okay” Archer said now grinning again.

“Anyways…the trip is organized by the music teacher and we’re going on a camp, 7 days in the Rocky Mountains… at some old hut…And almost everyone from junior year is going.” Shade said.

“Oh…cool, I’m coming, I looooove camps which last more than 5 days.” I said excitedly.

“I’m also coming and so are Gunner and Dante” Archer said grinning.

So, Dante is coming, seems like my advice for Ivonne wasn’t bad, I rock.

“Oh, and there is also one more thing you might want to know…” Yoyo said grinning evily.

“The rooms are mixed, boy and girl.”

“What the fuck? Does the music teacher want babies to be made on that trip?” I asked shaking my head.

“Well…quoting “I want you kids to get over the problems regarding sexes so that we can have a great collaboration between the people from the show”….he’s talking about the talent show…”

“I see…well, it might not be that bad…I mean, probably the people will use protection…and I don’t think anyone will rape anyone…so yeah…” I said…

It’s not that bad if you don’t get paired up with a pervert.

“Well…yeah, but we choose our pairings…me and Yoyo will share a room.” Shade said winking at Yoyo. She just rolled her eyes at him.

“Better than with some creeper…since we also share the house…ya’know?” She said.

“Yeah…I don’t know who I should share with.” I said thinking.

“With me! Share with me! Please!” Archer said doing puppy dog eyes at me.

“Uh…I don’t know…I was thinking about sharing with that cute guy, Blade from Chemistry” I said.

I actually knew that I would be ending up sharing with Archer, since Ay MUST be sharing with Gunner, Yoyo is sharing with Shade…and who would want to share with that emo boy and Ivonne is sharing with Dante….so I am the poor one that has to share with Archer in the end…that guy Blade is out of the question…sure, he’s cute but I don’t know him well enough, he could be a rapist for all I know… but I just said that because I know the secrets of making a boy want you more, so that was just to tease him.

“Please! Be my roomie” He said making his puppy dog eyes even cutter…he’s so…immature but can at the same time be mature…and he’s so cute but at the same time arrogant…maybe he also has bipolar disorder like me…

“Okay…fine…” I said after “thinking” for a while…

“Good, we’ll have lots of fun, I’ll make sure of that.” He said now being the other side of Archer…the arrogant, cocky one, but I can’t say that I truly hate it…it is somewhat…intriguing…

“Don’t get your hopes too high, Archer baby.” I told him while smirking

“We’ll see…” He said also smirking now.

Now that we looked around…I didn’t even notice when Shade and Yoyo left and neither did Archer I think.

“So…” He said now an awkward silence taking over.

“Penguin!” I said breaking the silence.

We started laughing.

“And that’s how you break an awkward silence.” I said.

He just nodded still grinning.

“I want you to believe me when I’m telling you that I like you…and maybe in time….you will like me back…” He said now transforming into mature Archer.

“I don’t know what to say…You see…I’m a gamer…and until now, every boy I liked…I broke up with him after maximum two weeks because there was no competition and excitement with him anymore…so you shouldn’t risk anything with me…you will probably just get your heart broken in the end.” I said completely serious, not lying about anything I said…I have to warn him now if he wants to get involved with me romantically.

“I’m willing to take any risk” He said smirking.

~Archer’s POV~

She warned me that in the end every guy she was with got his heart broken and told me that for her it’s all a game to get the guy…Well… I’m gonna change that. As I thought that I can’t really like someone truly till now…and I was proven wrong since I met her…I will prove her wrong that she can also like someone truly and that “someone” will be me.

“I’m willing to take any risk” I said smirking. “I will get you to be with me and believe me, you will like it.” I said.

“We’ll see” She said also smirking now.