“Welcome to our kingdom” “Dude…it’s just a high school” “Yeah…but we rule it”

Chapter 5: Poetry and spit balls…

I woke up to my alarm clock ringing…

So fucking what?!

Well, I've been to Hastings and I've been to Brighton
I've been to Eastbourne too
So what, so what
And I've been here, I've been there
I've been every fucking where
So what, so what
So what, so what, you boring little cunt


(Rudest song ever, which absolutely kicks ass)

The first thing I heard this morning is “So fucking what?”….this is the way I like life to be…

I went to the bathroom…you know…all the crap.

Then I got dressed into this:


I left my room and met Yoyo in the hall. She was dressed in:


I love her skirt, and earring, and her shirt, and her bracelet, and her shoes….you got the point.

“Hey there girlie, what’cha doin’? “ I asked her laughing like crazy.

She looked at me like I was crazy…which I am…

“Are you always like this in the morning?”

“Yup” I said grinning.

“Oh well, I can get used to this, I think” she said laughing.

We went downstairs and I , yes, I made us omelets with Yoyo watching me carefully the whole time afraid that I might burn something…but…even if I don’t necessarily look like I’m a good cook I actually am since I love food so much.

We finished eating and cleaning the plates and we left together to school, in MY beautiful car.

We went to English class and I asked Yoyo “Did you do your homework?”

“Once in a lifetime, yes” She said grinning proudly.

“Mhm…” I muttered.

The class started and the teacher asked everyone for their poems.

“Gunner Torelli, what did you choose, made by you or from a book?”

“Reflections of a Beautiful Morning by Michael Briek” he said smirking.

„Oh, I know it. Please, read it.”

’’The sun rises above the hillcrest,
As does the joy of my heart;
Rays of warmth and love,
From her I will never depart.

Fresh dew upon the grass,
Young birds chirp in their nests;
I watch her gently sleep,
My love to her I silently profess.

I enjoy the stillness and calm,
Watching as she smiles and dreams;
She brings me to stillness and peace,
Like that of a slow flowing stream.

My heart and soul flow with love,
And I smile as I quietly reflect;
I’ve been handed a sweet princess,
A sweet princess to love and to protect.

A vow to myself I make,
As she quietly sleeps away;
To love and always cherish her,
Until my last breath... until my last day” he ended it nicely by closing his eyes.

Some girls were crying wishing that he would recite this to them. Now it was Shade’s turn.
„The World’s Most Beautiful by Muhammad Edwan Shaharir´´
“I’d give anything to see the sun set on the horizon,
I’d do anything to gaze at a full moon in the night sky;
Even a rainbow would make me smile,
And I’d love to swim in crystal clear waters
Of an untouched sea;
Sometimes I’ll see a shooting star,
And try to gaze from afar,
All the diamonds in the night sky;
The mist on the mountains is breathtaking,
As is walking in rainforest;
To see cascading waterfalls I’d do anything for,
As to stand on the highest peak in the world,
And look at the sights below;
I’d love to soar on wings above the clouds,
Across the bluest skies;
I’d do anything to see
All the beautiful things in the world,
Like a red rose blooming in the Sahara,
Like a river twisting through a dusty land,
All the beautiful things in the world;

But I also know I am looking at
The world’s most beautiful creation,
Every time you smile,
And every time I look into your eyes.’’
He said while looking at Yoyo. She was tomato red by now.

I chuckled, they were so cute...and that poem was really nice.

Now it was Dante’s turn.
„It’s a poem by Peter Oliveri”
„To lay a kiss on your lips,
so gentle and delicate
is like picking the drops of dew
off the petals of a rose.

I hold you close and feel safe,
sheltered in from the rain,
from the storms that grow and surround me.
I take your hand and look into your eyes
and see a heart made of gold and soul so pure.

You see you are an angel, an angel to me.
I could not help but fall madly in love with you,
the one who stole my heart.

I’m glad you did
because I could never find one such as you...
Some one who makes each day the best,
each laugh the longest,
each tear the saddest,
and a life, my life, worthwhile.’’

He said smiling at Ivonne.

Now...the person the teacher and I dreaded the most...
„Archer Torelli”

He grinned.

„It’s a poem composed by me”

Most boys started laughing.

„Gently I lay her
On the soft bed.

He started grinning and most people were also grinning knowing what was coming by now. We are talking about Archer after all...

„Caressing her shoulder
Expossing her neck.
I kiss down slowly
She lets a soft moan,
Without my permission
My hand starts to explore.

Her shirt then comes off,
I play with her breasts
She kisses my chest
My tongue does the rest.
My hands travel down
Shaking from the lust
I take down her pants
And she then takes down mine.

I gaze into her eyes
One look of acceptance
That is all I need
And further I proceed
Her nails into my back
Her moans drive me insane
As I get inside her
Before I might despaire.

The thrusts are getting faster
Doing as she says
Obeying to her orders
Just to hear her scream my name.
In one last final thrust
The pleasure all explodes
I fall on her small body
And go to sleep once more..”

He finished off. During the whole poem he was looking at me like he was imagining doing those things to me. In his dreams.

I looked around and noticed that most guys had boners and most girls were looking at Archer like they wanted to fuck him right here and right now.

„That was...uh....what I expected from you” The teacher said laughing a bit. „Okay now...Ai Shinma”

I even forgot that Yoyo’s name was actually Ai.

She got up and started reciting her poem.

A candle within me
A small flame burning,
Fueled by your eyes, your laughter, your astonishing smile.

A yearning within me
An aching longing,
Deepened by your joy, your charm, your ephemeral grace.

A love within me
A passion everlasting,
You dance among the stars, and in my fevered heart.

People started clapping. Ay was next.

I gazed in your eyes,
Such a beautiful blue;
My heart whispered to me,
And that’s right when I knew;
The waves had ceased crashing,
On the sand at our feet;
Time had stopped passing,
My search was complete;
I finally discovered,
What I'd known all along;
A mystery uncovered,
That just couldn't be wrong;
It wasn't our first kiss,
Nor' the day that we met;
But I realized something,
I will never forget;
With the stars shining brightly,
From high up above;
I'd one word to describe it,
That word, is love.
I knew then these feelings,
For my sweetheart were true;
The man of my dreams,
And my soulmate, is you.
I think of it every time,
That I look at the stars;
This memory is mine,
But that moment was

Many girls sighed like they were thinking about their dream guy, which was probably one of `the three` or Shade.

`` Ivonne Bailey, your turn.”

Key To My Heart

I had closed the door upon my heart
And wouldn't let anyone in,
I had trusted and loved only to be hurt
But, that would never happen again.

I had locked the door and tossed the key
As hard, and as far as I could,
Love would never enter there again,
My heart was closed for good.

Then you came into my life
And made me change my mind,
Just when I thought that tiny key
was impossible to find.

That's when you held out your hand
And proved to me I was wrong,
Inside your palm was the key to my heart...
You had it all along.

That was so cute and so like her.

``Arrow Rose”

I grinned. Ivonne, Ay and Yoyo looked at me with fear in their eyes. They know me too well....another sex poem.

``I also made a poem myself” I said smiling innocently.

„Oh...I see... go on...”

I grinned.

The way he kisses my neck at night
The way he holds me oh so tight
The was he slowly touches me sweet
The way he can fulfill my needs.

He pushes me roughly into the wall
I feel the skin on my neck crawl
He undresses me, the cold air hitting my skin
His eyes wandering to the places of sin.

His clothes come off and fall to the ground
I give him approval by making a sound
He thrusts in and waits for me to adjust
By a nod of my head he starts moving up.

My back is arching from the pleasure
His groans and moans, he feels the same
Sweet love we make until the pleasure
Engulfs us both and we drift away...

Haha. I bet not one expected that. Well no one except Yoyo, Ay and Ivonne....these people have no idea how much of a perverted mind I actually have.

And...I also have a weakness for sex poems....they are....sweet? I dunno I just like them.

I looked at everyone’s faces. The guys got boners again. Boners are so funny, they can’t hide it when they are aroused...we can. And the girls, some had shocked expressions and some had those faces like they wanted to fuck someone right now...Yup...My plan succeded.

„That was very....ar...intresting.” The teacher said. He also had a boner....okay...that’s creepy, but after all he’s abou 23 so....whatever....it’s still weird.

I sat down grinning like a mad-woman.

„Only you from all these girls would do something like that . Hi-5!” Yoyo said laughing. We hi-fived.

„You should’ve seen their faces” Ay said laughing.

Ivonne was also laughing really loud right now.

I just stood there grinning....

„Well....I’m Arrow after all, right?”

„Gosh, you are such a pervert” Yoyo said grinning.

„I know!” I said also grinning.

The teacher graded us, and most people got an A and some got B’s. We all got A’s.

~Archer’s POV~

Oh my god...she did a sex poem. I can’t believe it. I never thought that she could be so much of a pervert...hm...well, seems like there are many things I don’t know about her. She moved here with that chick Ivonne...I should ask her about Arrow.

The girls were all heading towards Health class and so were we. Yeah...let’s say that we all got a peak at the principal’s files...we do that a lot and we saw their schedules, we changed our classes so that we have the same ones as them. Why? Because it’s good for our plans of getting them to sleep with us.....and they are also.....kind of....a little.....fun to hang around, it’s not like we are stalking them or anything...we are just following them around everywhere they go....okay we sound like stalkers.

But mainly because of the first reason of course. So me, Dante, Gunner and Shade headed towards Health.

~Arrow’s POV~

We all sat down and it looks like the boys also had this class....weird they always have the same classes as us.

„Good morning children. I am Miss Rogers.” „ And I am Mister Green.” So we have two teachers...one female and one male.

„This semester we are going to be taking part in a national project. You kids will be educated in the matters of a sexual life.”

„Aren’t we supposed to learn about that in Sex-ed?” I asked.

„Well, yeah, but it will look good for our school if you kids took part in this project. If you don’t, you will fail” The teachers here seem to threaten us a lot.

„You will get into pairs that you will keep for the rest of this year. No, not girl and girl or boy and boy, you will be mixed pairs.” Said Miss Rogers crushing our hopes.

They took out a list and their hands brushed against each other and they looked away blushing..........






Creepy teachers...

They started reading the list and I got paired up with some nerd....no one was happy with who they got paired up with.

„Miss Rogers, Mister Green, can’t we pair up like we want to, you will have better resoults if the persons co-operate.” Said Ivonne using her innocent techer’s pet face and smile.

„Well....yeah, okay, you have 2 minutes to find a partner.”

Yes. I grinned at Ivonne who grinned back at me.

- Present -

„So, you still a virgin?”Archer asked me smirking.

„I’m not telling you that!” I said shaking my head.

„Oh come on! We are partners or what?! You want back to that nerd and share information with him?” He asked trying to hide the smirk that was creeping on his face...

I shivered as I remembered how I got paired up with Archer...

- Flash back -

„Hey, wanna be my partner?” I turned to look at who asked me that...

Oh no....it was one of those nerds that spits because of his braces...yuck.


„She’s taken by me. Now back off, loser.” Said a deep, masculine voice from behind me.

I turned around to see Archer.

„Uh...what the...” I asked angrily.

„Do you want him to be your partner?” he whispered into me ear, which , I must admit send shivers down my spine....and he must’ve noticed cause he smirked.


I won’t give into you, Archer, I’d prefer being paired up with a nerd.

I turned around to tell that nerd that I was free.

„Ssso, are you really bussssy wisss him?” that nerd asked me spitting

OH GOD! One spitball almost hit me.

„YEAH! I’M TAKEN!” I said as I backed down and I colided with Archer’s chest since he was so tall. He smirked.

„Oh, that’ssss too bad” that nerd said leaving.

Oh god.

„Hey there partner” Archer said smirking.

- Back to present –
That’s how I got paired up with Archer.


„Yeah, I am...I think it’s useless to ask YOU this question.”

“Pretty much, yeah” He said smirking.

~Archer’s POV~

I asked her if she was still a virgin and she told me that she is. Great. This makes this hunt even more fulfilling. I will get her V-card.

“I think it’s useless to ask YOU this question.” She said.

“Pretty much, yeah” I am Archer Torelli.

Of course I’m not a virgin anymore…do I look like a virgin? Well….if you put it like that, she could any guy she wanted, she’s damn hot, but I guess she didn’t want anyone…

Well, she’s gonna want me.

~Arrow’s POV~

We had to learn how to put condoms….on bananas. This is awful.

So awkward, not even 2 seconds can pass without Archer making another perverted comment.

For example:

The teacher gave us the banana.

“Small banana, mine is bigger than that”


When I tried to put on a condom and failed miserably for the first time.

“Look how it’s done” he said putting it on in one swift move.

“I can give you private lessons, how about tutoring you in health class?” he asked winking.


When we were talking about penis size.

“The average penis size is between 5.5 and 6.2 inches when erect and about 5.1 in girth.”

Archer started laughing.

“That’s the average penis size for 12 year olds right?” he asked the teacher.

“No…that’s the average penis size for adults…” Miss Roberts said.

Archer got a straight face and then started laughing again.

“Oh my god, mine is at least 10 inches and 9 inches in girth” he said still laughing.

Holy shit…that’s big…I looked at the teachers. Miss Roberts smiled at him, not a perverted or creepy smile, just an nice old lady smile.

“Good for you, young man.”

Archer grinned.

While Mister Green looked away flushed….oh holy shit does that mean that Archer has a bigger….than the Health teach-…OH GOD! I can’t believe I just thought about that…

I blushed.

Archer looked at me and smirked.

“Whenever you want to get…hot with someone you know will live up to your expectations… Call me.” He said ending with a wink and doing the “call-me” hand motion thingy with an imaginary telephone to the ear.

I blushed even harder…And I DON’T BLUSH!

Stupid jerk stop making me blush like that….and stop making Mr. Heart skip beats…it’s not nice….at all.
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Tell me what you think.