“Welcome to our kingdom” “Dude…it’s just a high school” “Yeah…but we rule it”

Chapter 8: Roomies?

~Yoyo’s POV~
After Arrow gave me the dress I went home, not visiting her like I usually would…because, well, Shade is at home waiting for me. Woot woot!

I entered the house and Shade was sitting on the couch watching Wrestling.

“Hey, I’m back” I said while taking off my shoes.

“Mhm…” He said really preoccupied with the fight that was going on.

“Who’s fighting?” I asked him.

He started laughing.

“Like you would know who they are.” He said now turning to look at me smirking.

“I do.” I defended sitting next to him.

“Randy Orton and John Cena” he said still looking at me since now it was commercials time…

“See, you could’ve said that from the beginning but noooo, you say “You wouldn’t know them” like a jerk” I said mocking him.

He raised an eyebrow then shrugged.
He turned off the TV.

“Well…I guess I should start taking care of your grades at school…” He said.

I groaned.

“Ugh…you don’t have to…”

“Oh yes I do, that’s my main business here, I know you enjoy my company but we have work to do.” He said smirking.

“Don’t flatter yourself…I don’t enjoy your company…” Yeah sure.

He rolled his eyes.

“If you say so…” He said not looking too convinced.

Oh well…

“Let’s start with math…your worst subject.” He said smirking evily.

“Okay!” I’m not going to show him how much I hate it.

-After Shade explaining 20 times something and Yoyo still not understanding-

“I don’t get it! I hate math! I never use it in life! I HATE MATH! And I hate doing math homework and exercises and….math stuff!” I said grabbing my hair really frustrated…

Yeah…I guess my plan of not showing him my hate for math failed…

“Gosh! Are you freaking stupid?! How can you not understand this? This is basis stuff…” He said also frustrated…making me feel dumb….again.

-After other 5 times of trying to explain-

“You know what?! FUCK THIS!” Shade said throwing the math book away, grabbing my hand and pulling me up.

“Let’s go to the cinema!” he said.

“YEAH!” I also said pumping my fist up excitedly.

He grinned.

We went to the cinema and saw a movie, a romantic comedy….we flirted during the movie several times, then we went for a stroll in the park, just talking and getting to know each other better…and then we came back home.

“Haha, I know! Archer and Arrow are epic when they fight like that. Those two should be together.” He said laughing while entering the house.

My grin fell when I saw the math books scattered all over the place…Great…

“Well…it’s obvious that if we keep having fun when you should be learning I’m not gonna be a vey good tutor…” he said thinking.

“But! I like going out, having fun…not doing math and chemistry and French stuff…” I said pouting…

He stood there thinking for about 2 minutes…

“Okay, I know” then he grinned.
I raised an eyebrow.

“If you do well and learn and try to understand, I will take you out everyday after homework…if you don’t….let’s just say you shall never leave this house” He said doing an evil laugh.

Sometimes I wonder why I like this guy…

“How about it?” He asked with an incredibly cute smile…

And now I have the answer.

“Fine! Deal.” I said grinning and extending my hand for him to shake it.

“Deal” He said shaking my hand.

~Gunner’s POV~

Ay stood there thinking for about 2 minutes…like pondering all the possible answers and what would happen later…

“Well…I guess…it was okay….I quite enjoyed it…” She said looking away.

I grinned.

“I win.” I said. “Now you have to go on another date with me.”

“Ugh…stupid bastard.” She said frustrated.

I chuckled.

“Tomorrow is Saturday, since today we had the day off…so, tomorrow, Saturday, I’ll pick you up at 6. Bring a bathing suit.” I said winking at her.

~Ay’s POV~

“Tomorrow is Saturday, since today we had the day off…so, tomorrow, Saturday, I’ll pick you up at 6. Bring a bathing suit.” He said winking at me.

I wonder what is he up to?

So now I have to go on another date with Gunner…not that I’m complaining or something…

We reached my place, he opened the door for me and then lead me to the door of my house. We just stood there awkwardly…none of us doing something….Oh, Fuck my pride.

I got on my tip toes on hugged him by putting my arms around his neck and my head on his chest.

I could feel his heart beat increase drastically.

~Gunner’s POV~

Normally, with other girls which I just wanted to get in bed I would be making out with them by now…but…I guess I’m too shy to do anything to Ay….I mean I don’t want to screw up after this wonderful night…

But then….

I thought 2012 came, but I remembered we still have one year left…

When Ay’s arms flew around my neck and she put her head on my chest…My heart started beating wildly…

I quickly put my arms around her waist and my head above hers…I kissed her forehead and she pulled back…

“Uhm…so, I’ll see you tomorrow….on our second date” She said rolling her eyes at the second date part.

“Yeah!” I said grinning like I just finished seeing Lord of the rings again.

“Okay…good night.” She said smiling.

“Good night.” I said still grinning.

She closed the doors…and I stood there for 3 seconds before turning to leave….still grinning.

~Ivonne’s POV~

I logged in on facebook and went to Dante’s profile…His foal grew up to be a Black Horse….how cute. I’m talking about Farmville.

He put up some new pictures too…Yay!

I looked at the comments…Grr…Melina and Britney commented (remember, the two bitches?)

Melina kisses xoxo: Oh ma god, Dante, suga’, u r such a cutie pie, I luv u n ur hotnes. Wanan com to ma place n get hot? :X :*

Britney_gossip_girl: Maybe we can hav a 3 some, huns, How bout me , u ‘n Melina together? Hmm? :* :X

Dante Torelli: Um…I don’t know what to say, ladies…


Anyways…this repeated itself on about another 3 pictures. Those stupid bitches…
At least Dante doesn’t go around fucking them…so much.

I searched the internet for some photos and quotes to put on my Facebook, put a status about love that you can’t have like everyday….and signed out.

I did homework with my computer still on…and as I was on Messenger...

I almost had a heart attack, I started hyper ventilating…I searched for my phone. I got it and called Arrow…well you can’t really say that I called her…I beeped her, I’m not using my precious credit.

She called me back…

“Hey, what happened this time?” She asked bored.

“Dante said “hi” to me on Messenger.” I said excitedly.

“Wow…what’s the big deal?” She said still bored…

“Hey!!! Be there for me! What should I say?” I asked her.

“I don’t know….you talk to him everyday at school, what’s the big deal?” She asked still not getting it…

“This is different, this means that he actually saw my name on his list and was like “Oh, I should talk to her to see what she’s doing”, It’s different!” I defended.

“If you say so…first of all say “hi” to him” she said getting more into it.

“Done…” I told her after pressing “enter”. “He said “how are you?”, what do I say?” I asked her nervously.

“You say “Fine, you?” She said in a ‘duh’ tone,

“Okay…He asked me if I’m going on the field trip with the school…what school trip? WHAT DO I SAY?!” I asked panicking.

“You say “I dunno” because if he’s asking then he’s going and this way you make him ask of you to come.” She said calmly.

“But I don’t know what he’s talking about!” I said.

“Neither do I, but it doesn’t matter…Just say “I don’t know…”


I Typed him “I don’t know…”

Dante_Torelli: Please? It’ll will be a lot more fun if you’re also there.

“He told me that it will be more fun if I’m there and asked me to come…”

“Okay, now tell him “yes” Arrow said.

I replied to him “Okay, I’ll come”

Dante_Torelli: Great! So, wanna be my roomie? I don’t wanna be paired up with some fan girl or stalker.

Huh? Roomie? What is he talking about…?

What have I gotten myself into…?
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