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We Were Barely Seventeen, and We Were Barely Dressed


“Cassidy Layne Graham! Get your ass down here now!” My dad screamed at me.

I quickly descended the stairs two at a time to him.

“What, dad?” I asked.

“What in the hell did you do to this box?” he asked.

I quickly looked at the box and realized it was the one that I set books on.

“I set a box of books on it. I didn’t know it was ornaments. It was surrounded by boxes of books,” I explained looking down. He sighed.

“Go finish unpacking your stuff.”

I ran back up the stairs and plugged my iPod into my stereo and let it play on shuffle while I unpacked.

I started unpacking my pictures and cried at a few of them before putting them up. I’m going to miss my friends, house, school, and her. She was the biggest loss of moving here.

“Cassidy,” my mom said knocking on the door. “Your father and I are going to go out for supper. Do you want us to bring you home something?”

I nodded and looked back down at my stuff.

“Honey, you should go out and meet people. Make some friends.”

I just shrugged and turned back to my room. I heard her sigh before she walked away. They both knew why I was so upset and that I had good reason to be.

I decided that mom was right and went outside to see if I could make any friends. I put on my black converses and grabbed my iPod and cell phone before going outside. No one was out on the street so I just walked around exploring this little town. I saw this little park and sat down under a tree.

“Watch out!” I heard someone yell. I looked up just in time to see a football fly at my head. I fell over and held my head in pain.

“I’m so sorry,” said a girl with blonde hair and purple streaks in it. “Are you all right?”

“Umm yeah. I think so.”

“Are you new here?”

“Yeah. I’m Cassidy.”

“I’m Violet. But everyone calls me Vi,” She explained. Violet was very hyper and I could tell I would like her.

The other people that were playing football all ran over towards us. I was now standing up.

“Hey, guys. This is Cassidy. She’s new here,” she informed them. “Cassidy, this is Mick, Haylee, Adam, Chace, Rylan, and Maria,” she said, pointing them out.

“Hello,” I said. I heard a course of ‘heys’ and ‘sups’.

“What school are you going to?” Chace asked.

“Umm…I think It’s called BGHS.”

“Yeah. That’s where we all go,” Adam said. I can already tell he’s gay and awesome. He had dark blonde hair and bright green eyes. I think I might have even saw a tiny lip ring.

“What grade are you?” asked Haylee. She had vibrant brown hair and beautiful brown eyes. She looked slightly Asian.


“Us too,” said Violet.

I nodded and they started to carry on a conversation before I grabbed my phone and realized what time it was.

“Hey, guys. I have to get home,” I said, standing up.

“Well here, give us your phone number,” Adam said.

I gave it to them while they all put it in their phones before I left.

When I got home, my parents were sitting in the living room.

“Cassidy, honey, is that you?” My mom asked.

“No, it’s the boogeyman,” I said, rolling my eyes. I walked into the room and told them I was going to go shower and write some of my friends.

After showering, I quickly logged onto my email and wrote my best friend from home, Taylor.

Hey Taylor. Sorry I haven’t called you yet. I just haven’t had the time yet since I just got here. I miss home already. I haven’t even been here for a day.

I miss her, immensely. I can’t believe my parents made me move so we could get a fresh start. Dad is still being annoying and threatening me. It’s not like I did anything.

I met some people today. They remind me of our group back home. Except this one girl, Maria. She seems almost like she is pretending to be who she’s not to fit in. I think she’s dating this kid named Rylan. I’ll send you pictures of everyone when I get to know them more. How awkward would that be? “Hi, I’m Cassidy. Can I take your picture so I can send it to my friend?” Haha.

There’s this girl named Violet in the group. She’s pretty awesome. And she reminds me of you. She could never replace you, don’t worry. I think she likes this Chace guy who is also in the group. They would make a cute couple.

Then there’s Mick, Haylee, and Adam. I haven’t really been able to assess them yet, but I know Adam is gay. For sure. He seems like a sweetheart. Mick seems a little distant most of the time and Haylee seems shy.

Well, I’m tired now. It’s been a long day. I’m going to go to bed soon. I miss all of you guys and love you!!

Xoxo Cassidy.

I shut the computer down and went downstairs to grab my dinner that my parents brought home. It was chicken parmesan. Yummy.

I quickly ate it and told my parents that I was going to go to bed. They nodded and went back to their television program. I walked upstairs and checked my phone to see I had a new text message.

From: 946-555-3452
At: 11: 06 PM

Heyy cassidy. its adam. we are meeting @ the local starbucks 2morrow @ 10. please come. ~@D@M

Cool. I guess I need to set an alarm to make sure I get up.

To: Adam
At: 11:10 PM

Hey Adam. I’ll be there. What’s the address? -Cass

I sat down in my bed and waited for him to reply.

From: Adam
At: 11:13 PM

wats ur address? ill just pick u up. ~@D@M

To: Adam
At: 11:14 PM

Umm 521 Cherry Drive. –Cass

From: Adam
At:11:16 PM

Sweet. ill be there around 9:45. ~@D@M

To: Adam
At:11:18 PM

Okay. See ya then. –Cass

I set my alarm on my phone real quick before turning on my tv and falling asleep to Rent.
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