Status: Slow updates...sorry<3

We Were Barely Seventeen, and We Were Barely Dressed


“Mom! Where is she?!?” I yelled, running into the living room where my mom and dad were both sitting with a local cop.

“Honey, go pack some clothes. She’s in the hospital back home. We need to leave soon,” my dad said, ushering me towards the stairs. Rylan and Violet were still standing by the door.

I started walking up the stairs to my room and went straight to the closet to grab a small piece of luggage.

“Cass, do you want to tell us what’s happening?” Violet asked in a gentle voice.

I turned to her and Rylan as I was shoving random articles of clothing into the bag.

“They found my sister. I don’t know any details other than she’s back at a hospital near where I used to live. We’re leaving soon. I’m so sorry, guys,” I said, throwing stuff in the bag as soon as my hands touched it.

“I’m coming with you,” Rylan stated.

“No you’re not. You’ve got to go back to your house where everyone else is,” I said.

“Yeah. You really can’t go, Rylan,” Vi added.

“No. I’m going with you Cass. Odds are, you’re going to want someone there besides your parents,” he said.

It was true. I would want someone there.

“But you don’t have any clothes, Rylan, and there’s no time for you to go get some.”

“Fuck clothes. I’ve got my parents credit card. I’ll just buy new stuff. I need a new wardrobe anyway,” he said, trying to lighten the mood.

“Fine, but how is your corvette getting back to your place?” Violet asked.

He dug in his pocket and tossed her the keys.

“Be careful with my baby,” he said, before zipping up my bag on the bed and walking down the stairs.

“What just happened?” I said still in shock.

“I don’t know, but it looks like Rylan is going with you. You better hurry up and get downstairs so you can leave. Text or call me when you get more details,” she said before walking towards me and embracing me in a tight hug. “Love you, Cass.”

“Love you, too, Vi. Thanks for being here for me,” I said before releasing her and running down the stairs and out the door.

My mom and dad were already sitting in the front seats of our little Toyota Camry. Rylan was sitting in the back and my parents must have already asked him because they were sitting silently. I climbed in the back and waved to Violet as she carefully got into Rylan’s car.

We pulled out of the driveway and were on our way.


“So, mom, what do we know yet about Bry?” I asked softly.

“Um, from what I’ve been told, she somehow escaped her kidnapper and was found along the side of some road by a passerby. I think they said she was malnourished and had a concussion,” she said nonchalantly.

“You say that like it’s no big deal, Mom,” I said sternly.

“Cassie! Enough! I’m tired of you acting like you’re the only one who cares about Brylee! You always make us out to be the bad guys in this situation! Your mother and I have been through a lot and we don’t need your shit right now! You don’t know what it’s like to lose a child, and I hope you never will know. We had to learn how to live completely differently than we did before. It’s not an easy thing to adjust to. You may think that we didn’t care about Brylee, but you’re wrong! We love her with all of our hearts! I don’t know why they had to take her, but sometimes I wish it was you they would have taken!” he shouted at me.

I was in a complete state of shock. My jaw went slack and tears started rolling down my face.

“William, that was uncalled for. Apologize to Cassidy,” my mom cut in.

“I won’t apologize for stating my opinion,” he said looking out the window.

Rylan grabbed my right hand and squeezed it in his.

I stared out the window and watched all the trees pass by. Tears continued to stream down my face for the rest of the three hour drive.


We got to the hospital in record time thanks to my asshole of a father’s speeding. We all got out of the car and piled into the waiting room. My mom and I walked straight up to the desk and asked to see Brylee.

“I’m sorry, ma’am, but they just took her into surgery an hour ago. The surgery isn’t even scheduled to be done for another three hours,” the nurse at the station replied.

“Surgery? For what?” I asked, growing impatient.

“Are you family of Brylee’s?” she asked.

“Yes, I’m her sister and this is her mom,” I said, starting to cry all over again.

“Okay, well I’ll have to send a doctor out to talk to you,” she said starting to stand up.

“Damn it, lady! Just tell me what’s wrong with my baby!” my mom yelled with tears rolling down her face. I don’t think I’ve seen her show this emotion over anything since the week of Brylee’s kidnapping.

“Okay, well I’m not supposed to be telling you this, but Brylee had some internal bleeding in her stomach. They had to go in and take care of it and there was no time to wait for you guys to show up. I’m sorry about the inconvenience, but you won’t be able to see her until tomorrow. There’s a hotel right down the road if you want to rent a room for the night,” she said as kindly as possible.

“Okay,” my mom said, walking back towards my dad.

I walked back over to where they were all sitting. Rylan had his head in his hands, looking distressed.

“Come on, Cass and Rylan. We’re going to go to the hotel,” my mom said.

“No. I’m just going to stay the night here,” I said, standing up from my seat by Rylan.

“You can’t stay here all night, Cassidy. I won’t allow it,” my dad said furiously.

“I think you kind of disowned me enough in the car. You might as well let me make my own decisions,” I said, looking anywhere but at him.

I heard his shoes slam down the whole way out the door.

“I’m sorry, Cass. I love you,” my mom said while hugging me tightly.

“I love you, too, mom,” I said back to her.

She let go of me and left through the same doors my dad did.

“Wow, Cass. I’m so sorry,” Rylan said, wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

“It’s not your fault Rylan.”

We sat in a comfortable silence for the next five minutes.

“I’m going to try and sleep. I want to see Brylee as soon as possible without looking like complete hell,” I said with a sigh.

“Okay. You can lean on me and sleep. I’ll stay up so that I make sure you’re the first one to see her,” he said, slipping off his hoody and laying it on top of me.

“You don’t have to do that, Rylan.”

“I want to. Just go to sleep, Cass.”

“Thanks, Rylan. You’re too good for me,” I said, before leaning against him fully and closing my eyes.
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Sorry for not updating sooner. I've been crazy busy with school starting back up and finishing summer homework. And having soccer three to four times a week.

Thanks to everyone who commented last chapter. I appreciate it.