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We Were Barely Seventeen, and We Were Barely Dressed


It had been a few days since I had my interview with the day care. And I got the job. I miss being little. Having no worries in the world. Playing outside all day.

I looked up as I entered the Starbucks that all of my new friends were sitting at. Adam had already ordered my drink since I had gotten there later than normal.

"Are we ready to go?" Violet asked, looking around the table. Everyone nodded and stood up from the table.

We separated into different cars. Adam, Rylan, Maria, and I went in one car while Violet, Mick, Haylee, and Chace went in another car. I guess you're wondering where we are going. We are going to an amusement park that's an hour away.

I sat shot gun as Adam drove.

"So, guys, what should we do?" I asked, trying to break the ice.

"I'm sleeping," Maria mumbled under her breath.

I picked up Adam's collection of CD's from the floor and searched for a good one to listen to. I ended up putting in Adam Lambert's For Your Entertainment. Adam and I sang along to the CD as Rylan rolled his eyes and continued looking out the window. I saw Maria fall onto his lap and watched as he pushed her off of him.

"Why did you do that?" I asked.

"Do what?" Rylan questioned while raising his eyebrows.

"Why did you push Maria off of you? You're her boyfriend, right?"

"Technically, no. I never asked Maria to be my girlfriend. I don't get in relationships and when I do, it never lasts long. As soon as we started fooling around, she assumed it was public. Even after I told her, she still hangs all over me," he explained.


"Wow, what?"

"I'm just surprised that you gave me a straight answer. I mean you do hate me after all."

"I don't hate you, Cassidy. I don't necessarily like you, but I don't hate you," he said, shrugging.

"That's reassuring."

The rest of the ride to the park was kind of awkward. There was a tension in the air that I couldn't really place under any emotion.

A half an hour later, we, finally, arrived at the theme park. There were some pretty massive rides inside. Once we had paid and gotten our wristbands, we walked through the gates and started looking in all the directions of the rides.

"Where should we go first?" asked Violet.

"I think we should take it easy and go on the ferris wheel," Haylee chimed in.

We all agreed and made our way to the ferris wheel. When we got into the little cab type thing, Mick and Rylan started to rock the ride.

"Would you stop please?!?" I all but screamed at them.

"Why? Is wittle cassidy scared?" Rylan said in a baby voice.

"No!" I immediately shot back. "I just don't like dangling 200 feet above the ground in an old hunk of metal."

"Relax, Cassi. This thing won't break," Rylan said.

I usually hate the nickname Cassi, but I let this one slide. She always called me Dee.

I shook this thought from my head and noticed that Rylan and Mick had stopped. I closed my eyes and waited until the ride had gotten over. We stepped off the ride and made our way to the biggest roller coaster in the park.

"So, you don't like ferris wheels, but you can go straight towards the big roller coaster without looking back?" Adam asked.

"Yep. I just don't like dangling and going slow. It creeps me out," I said, smiling.

"What else creeps you out?" Chace asked.

"Well, I'm not a fan of storms. I like rain, I just hate the thunder and lightening. I turn into a savage."

"Any reason why?" Maria asked, sounding like she could care less. Just wanted to be nosey, I guess.

"Yes, but I have no desire to tell you all right now. Eventually I will."

We got to the front of the line and jumped into seats. I smiled as I felt the roller coaster start to life.

I felt the wind rushing past me as we went on turns, and flips, and jack knifes. Throughout the ride, I heard the screams of Maria and the maniacal laughing as Violet as she enjoyed the ride. The guys didn't make much of any noise except a few hollers of joy. After the ride, we stepped off the ride and started to make our way to the stairs.

"Well, that was fun. What should we go on next?" Violet questioned, her eyes wild with excitement.

It continued like this for the rest of the day. We were winging it on what rides we wanted to go on. Although, Maria did insist we ride the ferris wheel again. I think she only did it so that she could watch me cringe every time the cubby tipped.

We finally exhausted around five and decided we should head back into town. When I stepped into my house, I went straight to the bathroom and showered. I felt exhausted so instead of fixing supper or even telling my parents I had returned, I plopped down on my bed, turned on a good movie, and fell into a deep slumber.

Work in the morning. Should be fun learning a new job. Yay.
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Last day of school was today! Yay!

Sorry for the shortness...