Status: Slow updates...sorry<3

We Were Barely Seventeen, and We Were Barely Dressed


I woke up the next morning and started to get ready for work. I quickly got dressed into black skinny jeans and the tee shirt that Stacey had given me to wear. When I got downstairs, my mom pulled me into the kitchen and sat me at the table and shoved a stack of pancakes in my face.

"What are you doing, mom?"

"Do you think I'm stupid? I know you didn't eat dinner last night, Cassidy. We're not going back to that are we? I thought you were finally passed this whole depression thing. Remember what your therapist said: just because you feel sad doesn't mean you shouldn't eat," she said, quoting Dr. James.

"Really, mom? You say this like you know what the hell I'm going through. Just because we moved and tried to start a new life, doesn't mean that we can leave everything behind us. She is still apart of me, and even though you and dad may not care for her still, I do. Try and be a little bit sensitive even if you have no idea what I'm going through. I guess you can forget a lot easier than I can. Props to you," I said standing up to leave.

"Oh, and by the way, I didn't eat because I was too tired to. See you later, mom."

I stormed out of the house and started walking down the streets. I passed many people on the sidewalks, but none of them looked my way. I think they could feel the anger rolling off of me. I quickly breathed in and out ten times slowly to help calm me down. I got to the daycare center in ten minutes and walked in the main entrance.

"Oh, Cassidy, it's so nice to see you again," said Stacey, shaking my hand firmly.

"You, too. I'm so glad you decided to give me a chance."

She smiled and motioned for me to follow her. We walked through the door that was next to the desk and were immediately bombarded by children's chatter and very bright colors. She lead me to the main sitter.

"Hi. My name is Melissa. I take it you're Cassidy?"

I nodded and smiled while scanning her. She looked to be in her early thirties. She had light brown hair and bright blue eyes. Her face was very bare except for some light freckles across her nose and cheeks. She was not skinny, but not fat. She looked more athletic and healthy.

"Okay, Cassidy. Basically, you just got to keep the kids entertained. It's easier when I have you youngens around to help me out," Melissa said.

I laughed and nodded before walking over to some children.

"Kids, this is Cassidy. She will be helping us almost everyday. Say hi," she said, addressing the kids.

Some of them said 'hi' while others looked away from me shyly. I saw a little girl playing by herself with a couple of barbie dolls. I walked towards her and sat down next to her, crossing my legs.

"Hi, sweetie. What's your name?" I asked.

"My name's Danielle."

"That's a very pretty name. Do you mind if I call you Dani?"

She shook her head no and started to play with her barbies.

"Dani, why don't you play with the other kids?"

"They don't like me," she said, looking down.

"Why not?"

"Because they all think I'm weird. I've never done anything to them," she said sadly.

"That's okay. I'm weird, too. Plus, they don't know what they're missing out on," I said, earning a smile from her.

Throughout the rest of the day, she slowly started to let me in. She told me about her family. Her "icky" older brother, Tommy, and her mom, Darla. Her dad left them right after she was born. She didn't understand the full meaning, but I think he ran off with some hussy. At five, her mother came and picked her up. Dani introduced me as her new best friend and her mom smiled and told me Dani had never introduced anyone to her with the address 'friend'.

Once all the kids had been picked up, we put the toys back into the labeled bins.

"Alright, Cassidy, you are free to leave. I'll see you tomorrow," Melissa said.

"Okay. See ya," I said, picking up my purse and walking outside.

Hm. I don't really want to go home to see psycho mom. I guess I can call Adam and see what everyone's doing.

I took out my phone and quickly found his contact before pushing talk.

"Hey, Adam. What are you doing?"

"Um, Rylan's having a party tonight. I forgot to call and tell you," he said, sounding ashamed.

"Oh, it's no big deal. Are you home? My mom's being a bitch and I don't want to go home."

"Oh, come on over. Vi said you can wear some of her clothes."

"Okay, cool. I'm walking onto your street now."

"Alright, chicka. See ya soon," he said before hanging up.

I hung up and finished the walk to his house. I knocked on the door. Vi answered and yanked me into the house by my arm before pulling me into the bathroom.

"Sit," she demanded.

"Well, hello to you, too."

She picked up her curling iron and went to work on my hair. After doing my hair, she did my makeup. When I got up and looked in the mirror, she had my hair in big, loose curls and smokey eyed makeup that made my blue eyes pop.

"Here," she said, handing me a shirt to change into and leaving the bathroom.

I stripped off my work shirt and slipped the shirt on over my head. It was a black shirt that had a hot pink strip of material that formed into a bow under my chest. The shirt was tight at the top and loose at the bottom. Kind of like a baby doll top. There were no sleeves on the shirt. Just two straps like a tank top. I noticed the shoes that Violet had left on the floor.

"Hey, Vi? Are these shoes for me?"

"They sure are. Make sure your skinnies cover the back of the heels. It looks better."

I slipped on the black cage heels and looked at the full length mirror on the door. The whole black on black look really made me look skinny. The jeans made my ass look big, even though I have no butt. I laughed to myself and walked into the hall.

"Are you guys ready?" Adam yelled up the stairs.

I walked out and down the steps to where he was standing.

"Holy shit, Cass. You look drop dead gorgeous. This will make Rylan go goo goo over you," he said, hugging me.

"What do you mean? Why would I care what Rylan thinks?"

"Oh, please. You guys are obviously perfect for each other. And you like him," he said.

"Whatever. I don't like that conceited pig. I actually detest him."

"Oh, whatever. You totally have a crush on him."

"Can we just leave? Now?" I said, rolling my eyes and heading out the door.

Violet and Adam soon joined me and we got into Adam's car and headed to Rylan's house to party.
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