Status: Slow updates...sorry<3

We Were Barely Seventeen, and We Were Barely Dressed


I woke up the next morning and got ready. After straightening my hair and putting on my makeup, I got dressed into blue jean skinnies and a pink t-shirt that said boyfriends are over rated. My calender showed me that it was Saturday. The house was dead silent so I took that as a sign that my parents had left and went somewhere for the day.

When I walked downstairs and into the living room, I noticed all of my new friends sitting around the living room.

"Uh, hey, guys. What's going on?" I asked, eyeing them all suspiciously.

"Oh, uh we just decided that we should have a movie marathon here," Rylan said. I glared at him and turned towards the kitchen.

"Where are you going?" Chace called.

"To get something to eat. You guys can eat whatever you can find in here," I yelled back from the kitchen.

I Immediately heard the footsteps of four guys come into the kitchen. They started browsing through all of our food while I just poured a bowl of waffle crisp and ate that. The girls came in a little while after and found food.

"Hey! That was mine!" Haylee yelled as Mick took one of her poptarts.

"Well, it's in my mouth now so if you want it you'll have to come and get it," he responded before ducking behind Adam.

Adam quickly side stepped out of the way as Haylee started attacking Mick. Mick was laughing the whole time as Haylee tackled him to the ground. Everyone was well distracted by their encounter that they didn't notice Rylan pulling me into the other room.

"Listen, Cassidy, I'm sorry about last night. I shouldn't ha-"

"No. I'm over it. Just leave it be," I said, starting to walk back into the kitchen.

"You need to tell them, Cass.They have the right to know."

"Why? So they can judge me like everyone else? I'm done with this Rylan. I don't want to talk about this. Especially with you."

When I walked back into the kitchen, I took my spot back at the breakfast bar. No one even knew that I was missing.

"So what movie do you want to watch, Cass? Today's all about you," Adam said, hugging me from behind.

"Why don't we have a Harry Potter marathon?"

"Oh, please. Harry Potter is over rated," Maria said.

"You know what, Maria? I have had it with your bull shit! No one invited you here, and this day is about Cass. She had a rough enough night last night with Rylan giving her shit," Violet yelled at Maria.

"What?" I said, turning to Rylan. "You told them. Why the hell would you do that? I can't believe you. Now I'll have to live with everyone's pity for me!"

I ran out of the room and out of the front door with tears once again streaming down my face. I've been in this town for less than three weeks and one boy has made me cry twice. This is ridiculous.

I could hear them all calling for me from the house and even a few pairs of footsteps following. I kept running until I didn't hear any footsteps and was sure I couldn't get home without adventuring out on my own.

I walked in a direction that I was sure was putting me farther away from home. I didn't even realize that a car had pulled up next to me until I heard my name being called from beside me.

"Cassidy, come on. Get in the car," he said.

"I'd rather die."

I didn't hear a response, but felt him pull on my wrist a couple of minutes later.

"Come on, Cass. They had the right to know! They won't pity you, hon. They just want to help like I do," Rylan said, pulling me to a halt.

"I just wanted to try and live a normal life. I can't do that now," I said, while pulling away and starting to walk again.

Rylan's arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me into his chest. He held me close and wouldn't let me go. I could smell the cologne he was wearing and my God was it heaven. It was one of the best things I've ever smelled and I didn't want to quit.

"Are you done trying to run from me now?" he asked softly.

I nodded and let him lead me back over to his car. He opened my door for me and waited for me to get in. I buckled my seat belt as he walked to his side of the car and got in. He drove us silently back to my house. When we got there, the gang was sitting outside on my porch while looking towards the car. Violet practically ripped the door off the car and tore me from the car.

"Cassidy Layne! Why the hell would you scare me like that? Don't you ever take off like that again! You had me scared half to death! I don't care about your fucking past. None of us do! So you have a past? Who doesn't? I cold tell you shit on everyone here that they wouldn't want you to know. You're no different than any one of us. You've got baggage, but so do we. We love you, Cassidy. All of us. You shouldn't be ashamed or afraid to tell us anything. We won't judge you," she said while hugging me. Everyone else soon joined until we had a massive hug out on my driveway.

When we pulled away I saw tears on Violet's face and Haylee's. I wouldn't have expected hers because we aren't that close, but I guess she's just one of those people who genuinely care about people.

"So how about that Harry Potter marathon?" I said, laughing and wiping at my eyes. Everyone nodded and cracked a smile as we started to walk back inside.

I ended up sitting between Adam and Rylan. Half way through the first Harry Potter, I felt someone's arm wrap around my shoulder. I looked at Adam expectantly and noticed that it wasn't Adam's arm but Rylan's. I turned and looked at Rylan, but he just smiled at me slightly before turning back to the movie.

He's just being nice because he feels bad for telling him. That's it.