It's A Beautiful Life


Papa always loved me, we always did things together, in fact Papa was the one who got me involved with my love for music and dance. He always took me to my dance classes and my music lessons. He watched every single one of my dance recitals and music concerts.But lately Papa seemed a little bit further away then usual, he would bang into me hard, most of the time I am sure it was an accident but he didn't even apologize. Once he even knocked me down the stairs when he was rushing to get upstairs. That was the day I realised something was not quite right about Papa, he didn't want me, he only made time for my brother.

It all started at the doctors, we went for our regular check up that Mama usually took my brother and I too. Mama was busy so Papa took us instead. After a few blood tests, which I was very brave about and didn't cry, they took Papa into a separate room a couple of minutes when he came out he picked up my brother and left, I had to run to catch up with him.

Papa didn't talk to me all the way home but when we got home he locked my brother into our bedroom. I heard him shout at Mama, told her something about getting rid of someone who is not related to him. I was worried about what Papa was shouting at, he never shouted before.

A couple of days later I woke up to find my Mama snivelling in my bedroom. She was packing my things into a large bag.

"Mama what's happening?" I asked her, she looked at me shocked to find I had woken up.

"Well baby, Mama and Papa are sending you to live with one of Mama's friends for a while." I looked at my Mama.

"Why?" I asked again, putting my thumb in my mouth.

"Well Papa wanted a little bit of alone time with your brother for a while. He thought it would be best if you spent a little bit of alone time with Mama's friend." I nodded, Papa didn't want me, I knew it.

Just then Papa walked in furiously, he looked at me angrily. "I hope you're sending her away to live with her real father." He shouted. I felt tears prick in my eye, what did Papa mean about real father.

"Mama what does Papa mean?" I started to cry.

"Well...Papa... Papa isn't your real father, we are sending you off to live with your real father. His name is Brian."
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