It's A Beautiful Life


I stood on the porch with Mama crying, she hugged me before knocking on the door. I heard loud footsteps before the door was opened, I hid behind Mama's legs. Mama dragged me out in front of her, but I looked at me feet and tears continued to trickle down my cheeks. My first father had disowned me, what had I done to deserve that in my short three years of life. I heard Mama talking to the man, who was my real father, she then pulled me into her and hugged me quickly, kissed me on the forehead then quickly went back to her car, wanting to get away from the awkward situation.

"Sweetheart, why don't you come inside. It's getting cold out here." I heard a voice rumble, I looked up and my eyes were met with a man's. He was tall with long brown hair that reached to his shoulders. He was smiling down at me but I could tell the smile was forced. It was obvious he didn't want me here. I forced a smile but shook my head to his earlier offer. I didn't belong here, I didn't want to be somewhere I am not wanted.

"Well, erm, If you want to come inside then just , like, come in." I could tell he didn't know what to do. He didn't want a three year old daughter thrust upon him. He walked back inside leaving the door a little bit open. I sat down facing the street hoping Mama or Papa would come and get me, maybe Papa had made a mistake and he would come back to get me. That never happened of course I jut carried on crying with my head resting against the tall porch pillar. After a while of crying, I got a bit tired. It was around this time Mama made me have a nap, but Mama wasn't here, I was alone sitting in the sunset on a strange porch in a strange place. I felt myself drifting into sleep, only a light sleep which I could faintly tell how dark it was or how many cars passed. I didn't know what time it was but kept my eyes closed.

"Syn there is a little girl asleep on your porch." I heard a voice shout. I shifted a little bit feeling people walking around me they all in turn stopped close to me and I could feel them look down at me.

"Oh shit, I completely forgot about her!" I heard the man I was staying with swear.

"Don't worry Syn I'll get her." I felt someone come over and pick me up, I snuggled gently into the chest and fell into deeper sleep but not before I heard the person who had pick me up whisper, "Don't worry little one, we'll be best friends, and I will be your best uncle!"
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Thanks for my 9 amazing subscribers (I hope the number increases!!!)
And thanks to Fullmoon for the comment.

Before I go I have two things to say, comment and subscribe and click this link, it almost made me cry------->AMAZING LINK