Calliope's Catastrophe


As she laid herself down to sleep after what could be called the worst day of her young life, she could see her life flash before her eyes. Calliope had always had a typical life. Certainly nothing had ever prepared her for this hardship in her past.

No one had ever informed her that something like this could ever happen. Now Calliope had no way to be informed of anything ever again. She was alone. She had finally gotten what she always wanted.

All teenagers are pestered by their parents and younger siblings. All teenagers want to be left alone...desperately. Now that Calliope had what she wanted, she realized, she never wanted to be alone in the first place.

A saying Calliope had read somewhere, "No one said it was ever going to be easy," kept popping into her head. Laying there in the darkness that consumed not only her bedroom but her heart and soul as well, she whispered, "they could have clued me in on how hard it could get."

It was then that Calliope realized life takes you by surprise every day. Sometimes in a good sense and others bad. One thing was certain, though nothing in her past had prepared her for losing her parents and siblings, losing them had prepared her for the inevitability of losing herself.

As the clock on her bedside table lit up at midnight, Calliope sighed at the thought that she wasn't the same girl she was just twenty four hours ago. Something scared her as well. The thought that she'd never be the girl she use to be ever again.

No, Calliope was a woman. Alone and afraid of what hell today just might bring. Her last thought before falling asleep for what would be the first of many horrid nights of sleep to come.
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