Status: Active :) Suscribe please.

The Way She Moves

He's Made For You

"How as your long talk with Jonathan?" Emmie asked the second I walked into the bed area.

"She's wearing his hoodie. That's gotta be a good sign," Lyric playfully stated.

I only sighed heavily, and sat down beside Emmie.

"Whoa, wants wrong, babe?" Emmie asked.

"I didn't tell him." I squeaked out.

"Tell him what?" Austin asked.

I jumped, considering that I had no idea the bass player was in the room.

"I didn't tell him that I wanted to go out for a night on the boardwalk." I quickly lied.

"Ooh," Austin nodded, but I could tell he didn't believe me all of the way. "I'm sorry, maybe tomorrow."

"Yeah, that's what we planned on," I forced a giggle.

Austin rolled his eyes lightly before he kissed Lyric.

"I'll see you lovely ladies tomorrow?"

"Yeah," Emmie and I replied while Lyric got up to walk her boyfrien out of the door.

Seconds later Lyric came back with Taylor following her.

"Where did you come from?!" I gasped with a giggle.

"My mom!" She shouted before hugging me and Emmie at the same time. "I'm so sick of being the ONLY girl staying in FTSK's bus...well except for Emmie when she's sneaking off,"

Emmie playfully winked at Taylor, causing us to laugh.

"So what did you really not tell Jonathan about?" Lyric questioned.

"Alex." I sighed heavily. "I couldn't do it tonight."

"Karma..." Emmie trailed off, looking at me. "Please tell him as soon as you can. Don't make things worse for you two in the long run. This will end badly, and you know it."
I groaned loudly.

"I know, Em!" I stated before dramatically falling back on the bed. "Can everyone please stop telling me what to do?"

"No." Lyric stated.

I gave her a sarcastic look.

"Ly, seriously. You can't say a fucking thing so stop acting like that. Have you told Austin either?"

"Not exactly..."

"See? You have no right to tell me what to do,"

"I'm just saying what's best for you. Austin and I haven't exactly been that far yet. I don't move as fast as you guys."

Taylor rolled her eyes, Emmie gave her a death glare, and I just stood emotionless.

" should tell him too," Taylor interjected. "Austin would be hurt if he didn't know, and Karma... I know you hate people telling you what to do, but seriously. Talk to Jonathan about it."

"Dude, I barely even remember that it did happen. It was two years ago. I was twenty, and drunk off my ass. Alex was only 18."

"Cougar!" Taylor giggled, but I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah.. I'm a mighty cougar, hear me roar."

"All sarcasam aside..." Lyric noted. "What are we doing tomorrow?"

"Jonathan and I are spending the day together." I openly admitted. "I'm really stoked for it. It's going to be just us two the entire day."

"Awe!" Taylor giggled. "That's precious."

"He's the perfect guy for anyone..."

"But he's made for you." Emmie lightly pinched my cheeks. "Come on, girlies. Time to get to bed. Daytona Beach will be here when we wake up tomorrow."

"Sure, sure," Lyric giggled and rolled her eyes. "Can we all just like sleep on the floor?"

"Or we could push both of the beds together?" Emmie suggested.

"Either sounds good to me," I added before we all decided to try and push the beds together, which took forever.
♠ ♠ ♠
Short, I apologize! Another chapter should be up soon. :)

xoxo Rae