Status: Active :) Suscribe please.

The Way She Moves


"I freaking hate picking out bathing suits." I bellowed before I put on my tank top over my mixed-matched bikini. "I hate having huge boobs."

"You and me both," Emmie pouted. "I could have sworn that we packed at least matching ones."

"I know! On top of having my chest stick out further than normal, I also had a top that doesn't match my bottom. My boyfriend is going to think I'm a freak."

"No he won't." Lyric rolled her eyes.

"At least you have a matching bathing suit!" I yelled semi-loudly.

"I have one to." Taylor stuck out her tongue at us.

"Stick it, bean pole." Emmie retorted. "I wish I was as fucking tiny as Taylor."

"Me too.." I agreed. "Lyric, can I have your boobs?"


"I want smaller boobs. Mine are toooo big. Wanna trade?"

"No thank you."

"Ugh! No help at all!"

"Sure, whatever," Taylor rolled her eyes. "Come on, the beach is waiting."

"My beau is waiting for me," I giggled, pretending to be a girly girl, which isn't all.

"Don't ever do that again, Karma. Mmkay?" Emmie stated.

I groaned and rolled my eyes before walking out of the hotel room first. Lyric went to Austin's room instead of coming with us. I walked to Jonathan's hotel room door and knocked five times before Kyle answered.

"Why, hello ladies." He smiled. "Come on in. I think everyone is dressed..." Kyle trailed off and led the way into the room.

"Jonathan!" I sang loudly before bounching down on the bed next to him. "You look half awake."

"That's because I am," He lightly chuckled. "Why must you be so awake?"

"Coffee." I replied with a wink. "Come on, I wanna get my tan on."

"You'd rather tan than spend the day with me?" Jonathan pouted playfully.

"Awe, babe." I cooed. "Of course I want to spend the day with you. We get to tan first. I might as well call you Casper."

"First Prince Charming and now Casper?" He raised an eyebrow. "I believe that I liked Jonny better,"

"Get over it, darling." I giggled, and stood up. "Come on, we're going to the beach."

"Right now? I haven't even ate cereal yet."

"We'll stop by Starbucks...again."

"Fine." he groaned. "I'm going to go change."

"Hurry, please?"

"Sure, sure,"

I laughed and let him go so that he could grab his stuff, and go get ready.

"Are you guys coming?" I asked Kyle and Caleb.

"I guess," Caleb yawned. "What about you, Kyle?"

"Sure," He agreed. "Emmie, can we go get coffee too?"

"Of course, babe." She replied, kissing his cheek the best she could.

I guess that you could say that Kyle and Emmie are an odd couple. She's short, tan, and dark haired while Kyle is really tall, pale, and bleach blonde. They looked weird when they walked together, because she barely reached his shoulder. Everytime they kissed, he either bent down or wrapped her up in his arms and lifted her off of her feet. It was cute, and it worked for them. They contrasted, but in a good way. The height was the same with Caleb and Taylor. She was short like Emmie, Lyric, and myself are. Austin was just a couple of inches taller than Lyric and I barely came to Jonathan's chin. Jonathan and Kyle were alike too. They were both pale, hense the Casper nick-name.

"You coming, Karma?"


"Are you coming to Starbucks or waiting for Jonathan?"

I smiled softly.

"I'm waiting for Jonathan."

"I figured," Taylor giggled. "Bye!"

"Bye, guys," I laughed and watched my friends walk out of the hotel room. It wasn't five more mintues before Jonathan came out of the bathroom and he was ready.
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Thoughts on this chapter????

xoxo Rae