Status: Just started, hope you like it so far.

Lost on Earth

Where To Go From Here

I didn't dwell on that fact because really, it was my pessimistic personality getting in the way again. There could be a way out but I wasn't listening to that little voice because it got me into trouble a while back, and right now I didn't want to think about that.
"Did you see the scientist anywhere?" I asked hoping he said yes and that he was dead somewhere.
"No, I checked every room and nothing. Hell, I even looked in cabinets and stuff to check and make sure he wasn't in the fetal position thinking about what the fuck was he going to do now. That's how I found some stuff to bind your wound."
And I couldn't thank him enough for that. I had no way of repaying him for saving my life and for some reason, I wanted to repay him anyway I could. But I knew that now wasn't the time a simple thank you should be sufficient enough.
"Thank you, for everything."
He got up and looked down on me, smiled and said, "I couldn't let a sexy lady like you be ripped apart, I had to do something." And with that comment I lifted up and kissed him. I kissed him slowly because I just wanted to savor the feel of him. If this was my last night to live then by damn I'm going to get what I've been craving, but not too much. I didn't think sex was an option because a part of me was still old fashion when I liked someone. I mean I'm not falling in love with Thomas but by damn those lips were making it pretty damn hard on me.
He pulled back first and again he smiled that damn smile, "Before you make your blood run too fast, you might want to calm down kitten. You're already about to bleed through that gauze I put on there. I'd hate for you to die on me when I've already gotten this close to you."
I felt so giddy by him saying that and I've never felt that way since I was twelve and had my first kiss.
"Alright, I'll settle down. I just couldn't help myself." I said that and knew it was the truth and I also did keep in mind that if I didn't calm down I would bleed out. I'm just glad he was gentleman enough to notice.

"We will leave at dawn. The longer we wait, the less chance I have of getting you out of here. That wound will bleed out the longer we postpone leaving." He looked scared but not for himself. The look he gave me was so sincere that I couldn't help kissing him again, except this time I kissed him so deeply. I was trying to explore him, every inch of him, but he pulled away.
"I can't have you doing this to me. My body is on fire from you doing that with you tongue but I can't have you drained in the morning. Try to get some sleep." With that statement he kissed me on my forehead and cuddled close to me.
I was scared shit-less for what was to come tomorrow but I knew there was no other way.