When the Moon Fell in Love With the Sun

Smooth Criminal

I sat in my loft trying to think of how I can escape. It had been 2 weeks and my grandma still hasn't bailed me out yet. I would try the whole spoon thing you see in the movies, but the floor is cement. I have nothing to do in here besides stare at the ceiling. I keep getting the song Bad Boys stick in my head. One good thing is I haven't been ass raped or beaten up...yet. Everybody hates me in my cell. Cause I sing a lot! I sing when I get bored.

"Sterling," and officer said approaching my cell.


"You made bail."

"Yes!" I yelled.

"I'm going home, I'm going home. It's my birthday, It's my birthday not really but do it anyway!" I said as all the girls gave me dirty looks.

I wish I could do the little heel clap thing cuz I would so do that right now!

"Hey Grandma," I said as I got let out.

"Lets go."

The whole car ride was silent. She wouldn't talk to me at all. Right when I got into the house, my grandpa was waiting for me.

"What did you think you were doing?" he asked.

"I wasn't thinking," I said as I was staring at my shoes with my head hung.

"Do you even know that boy you have slept with?"

"Not really, but I was drunk."

"That's no excuse. If I ever see this guy, I will pull my shot gun our on him. I'll blow his ass to China."

"Whatever Grandpa."

"Don't whatever me. I should paddle your ass for what troubled you caused."

"Your mom is really mad. She said maybe you should go back to Connersville, but I told her that you would just get in trouble there," my grandma said.

"Yeah, Yeah," I said as I walked to my room.

I locked my door and turned up my music as loud as I could. After a while somebody kept pounding on the door.

"Hold on!" I yelled over the music.

I opened the door to find Brendon.

"How could you fucking sleep with Gabe?" he said as he walked in.

"I was drunk."

"Yeah but still you could've had a little control over yourself."

"Shut up. It's not entirely my fault. He was drunk too. Why didn't you get in trouble? I saw you drinking."

"They didn't test me."

"That's not fair!"

"Oh whatever. I only had like a couple of drinks."

"Oh yeah and thanks for visiting me in jail. You are like the greatest friend ever!"

"I meant to but I kept forgetting and I was too busy."

"What? Whoring it up with Amber?"

"Yeah right. Don't even call me a whore when you're the one who has sex with random guys."

"So it doesn't matter. That's the thing when you're single, you can have hot passionate sex with strangers."

"See! You're a fucking whore! Why don't you just put on the red light. Cuz Katie you don't have to sell your body to the night."

"I'm not a fucking whore! You're the one who has sex with all your fucking groupies."

"I have never had sex with one of them."

"Oh yeah that's. No girl would ever go out with you cuz they all knwo you're small."

"Shut the hell up you drunk ass bitch."

"Get out!" I yelled.

He left my room and slammed the door behind him. I threw my pillow at the door from being frustrated and I slid down the wall, crying.
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So yeah i updated. I also have another chapter that I will probably post later today or tomorrow. So comment this please! And what do you think will happen next? Will Katie and Brendon ever be friends again?