When the Moon Fell in Love With the Sun


I turned on the light and of course it was Brendon.

"What are you doing here? You scared me." i asked.

"Listen I'm really really sorry. I told her when i was mad at you. I was just letting off steam."

"I don't care why you told her. Brendon that wad my deepest, darkest secret. I trusted you. But now I know that you're just a backstabber."

"Didn't you hear me? I said i was sorry. And I should be the one mad at you anyway."

"Why would you be mad at me for?"

"Amber told me it was you who hit her first."

"What? I did not! She is such a liar. She pushed me first and then i hit but technically she started it."

"You shouldn't have pushed her."

"I was defending myself."

"Well you shouldn't be jealous of what me and Amber have since you and Gabe aren't working out so well."

"What are you talking about?"

"I heard you and Gabe arguing in the parking lot. And Amber told me the reason why you hit her was because you were jealous of her. And that Gabe was talking to her and not you. You shouldn't be so jealous no guys will like you."

"What the hell?!? She was jealous of me that's why she pushed me. And Gabe wasn't even talking to her," I said yelling.

"Why would she be jealous of you?" he asked getting closer to me.

"Because she was mad that you were looking at me."

"I was not looking at you. I was looking at her."

"Wow you are such a liar. Just like you're whore of a girlfriend."

"What the fuck she is not a whore."

"Oh really where did you find her at? A strip club or a street corner? Seriously just get the fuck out of here."

"I'll leave after," he said getting even closer to me."

"After what?"

"This," he said as he pressed his lips against mine.

It didn't even process in my mind what was going on, so I kissed him back.

"Hey Katie you left your jacket in my car," Gabe said as he walked in on us.

"What the hell is going on here?" he asked.

"Gabe it's not what it looks like?"

"Oh really then what is it?"

"Katie got choked on candy and I was just trying to suck it out of her mouth. It worked! So no need to thank me," Brendon said.

"Just shut up," I said to Brendon.

"I can't believe you would do this to me," Gabe said.

"I didn't mean to it just happened," I said with tears streaming down my face.

"Save it," Gabe said walking out.

"Well that's too bad," Brendon said trying to kiss me again.

"Get out!" I yelled.

"What? why?"

"This is all your fault," i said slamming the door in his face.

I slid down the wall crying. I couldn't believe what I did. How could i cheat on Gabe? He was one of the best boyfriends I ever had, even though we didn't date for that long.

I got up and walked wont he hall to my grandparents bedroom. When i went in, my grandpa had his mouth wide open snoring. I went over to my grandma's side and slipped into bed right beside her. She stirred awake and saw that I was crying.

"Grandma, I made a mistake," I whispered.

"Shhhh it's OK," she said stroking my hair.

I finally fell asleep with visions of Brendon dancing in my head.

The next morning I got a call from my dad to meet him at Starbucks so we could talk. So i hurried up and got dressed and met him there.

"Hey dad," i said as i sat down.

"Hey I got you a strawberry frapacino"

"Oh thanks. So what id you want to talk about?"

"Well I was think about moving someplace else. You know just to experience something new. And I was wondering if you want to come with me?"

"Really? But I'm going back to Indiana after summer is over. Cause I'm going to go to Ball State up in Muncie."

"But this would be a great opportunity for you. You can leave when the summer is over. I was thinking about moving soon."

"Oh OK um well let me think about it."

"OK I hope you do come with me. It'd be great to have you back," he said smiling.
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