When the Moon Fell in Love With the Sun

I Don't Care

"You what," he said surprised.

"I may be moving."

"To where?"


"That's too far away. Besides you have to go back home soon."

"Yeah I know but I wanna spend some time with my dad. Before I have to go back."

"Why? I mean he's done so much shit to you and your family. I don't see why you want to stay with him."

His words actually made me think. Why did I want to stay with him. I mean he had basically ruined my life. I guess it was just the idea of having a father figure back in my life. I know my mom wouldn't want me to go but it's my decision. Even though I would love to stay here and be with Brendon, this town is getting really boring to me.

"I really don't know," I said worried about my decision.

"Then stay here with me."

"I don't know what to do. I mean you want me to stay and be with you but I'm gonna have to leave soon and we'll have to be apart. And I haven't seen my dad in forever. I miss being able to call him Dad. I'm just so confused."

"Well don't think about what I want or what he wants. What do you want?"

"That's the thing I want to do both but I can't. I just think I need to be with my dad right. I'm sorry but family comes first you know."

"Yeah it's cool I understand. I guess I'll just see you around," he said getting up and walking away.

"Come on Brendon don't be like that. I'm sorry but I haven't seen him in years," I said angry.

"Whatever it really doesn't matter. I mean we finally may get together but no you decide something totally different."

"Do you realize how selfish you sound right now. What would happen if I stayed here and then I would have to move when school started. What about that?"

"We could still be together. We wouldn't be able to see each other that much. But by you moving right now it doesn't give us a chance to start something," he said coming closer to me.

"We still can. We can just have a long distance relationship right now and eventually we'll get together."

"Yeah but we're not going to have anytime to hang out. Alaska is really far away and you're be leaving there and going directly back home. We're going to start touring soon so I can't come visit you. It just won't work. So just have fun moving!" He said finally walking away.

"Well fuck you!" I yelled after him.

I started walking the opposite way and I didn't even know where it would take, but I didn't care. I just wanted to get away from him. He is probably one of the most selfish people I know. But I guess I can kinda see where he is coming from. It doesn't really matter anyway. I guess it just wasn't meant to be.

I started walking down a dirt path. And I guess it lead to the desert. I don't know I've never been on a real desert before. Indiana only has woods. I couldn't really see anything it was pitch black out so I guess that is why I didn't see the hole that I fell in.

"Shit!" I said really loud.

I had twisted my ankle really bad. And of course it just has to happen to me. I couldn't really stand up and walk it hurt too bad. I checked my phone to try and call somebody but of course no signal. I official hate deserts.

I was too busy arguing with myself over what to do when I heard a low growl coming from somewhere. I couldn't see anything but it scared me so bad. I shone my phone in the direction of the noise and I saw two coyotes coming toward me.

"You have to be kidding. What did I ever do to you?" I said looking up at the sky.

So I guess this is how my life was going to end. Getting mauled to death by coyotes. That will be an interesting story to tell people. Or maybe they won't even be able to find my body. Maybe the coyotes would just eat all of me and they would report me as missing. Haha maybe they would think Brendon kidnapped me and would take him to jail. That thought made me giggle.

Out of nowhere I saw headlights behind me and somebody was beeping their horn. The coyotes took off in a second.

"Are you all right?" some guy asked me.

"Uh I think so," I answered unsure.

I was unsure if this was actually happening or not. But whoever the guy was was really hot! He had light brown hair, green eyes, and a muscular body. He kind of looked like a abercombie model.

"That's good I thought you were gonna be their dinner. Why are you out here so late?" he asked curiously.

"I got lost actually. I sort of fell and hurt my ankle and could really walk."

"Well here let me help you," he said as he picked me up and carried me to his jeep.

I think things are starting to look up.
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I finally updated. Sorry it took so long. I've just been busy. I kind of had a writers block when I wrote this so it's not that great but still leave me comments please.