When the Moon Fell in Love With the Sun


Later that day i got extremely bored and decided to go out for a walk. I saw this little side road and decided to take it/ it led t a lake. I sat down by the edge and watched fish swimming around.

"Hey," a voice said behind me.

"Hey," I said turning around to find Brendon.

He sat down next to me and watched the fish too.

"I used to come up here with my family when I was little," he said.

"Oh really>"

"I remember this one time when I was like 10 some fish tried to eat my balls."

"Haha no way."

"Yeah but it didn't really hurt cause they have no teeth."

"That's such a great story to tell."

"I know."

"So what's the real reason why you are here?"

"What do you mean?"

"I know that you didn't come here on a visit. Who would stay at their grandparents over the summer?"

"So you wanna know the truth?"


"Well I got caught putting snakes in my school for a senior prank and got busted by the cops. My mom sent me here so I wouldn't get into anymore trouble."

"That sucks."


"Come with me," he said holding out his hand.

"Where are we going?"

"I still have to show you around."


As we walked the streets of Summerlin, he showed me everything.

"There an awesome coffee shop, a dance studio, or and that's the flasher that lives next door," he said pointing to a guy with a trench coat on.

"Oh haha like in Hairspray?"

"No seriously he is a flasher."

"O-K," I said confused.

"Oh let's go into this music store," Brendon said running to the door.

"Omg Michael Jackson!" I screamed as I saw the 25th anniversary edition.

"What?" I said to this old lady who gave me a dirty look.

"Now don't go making people mad," Brendon said.

"Shut up."

"Oh sorry," Brendon said as he ran into somebody.

"Aren't you Brendon Urie from Panic at the disco?" the girl asked.

"Yeah I am."

"I told you," she told her group of friends.

Soon they were all asking for pictures and autographs. They were girls gawking in through the windows. People kept coming in.

"Well I got to go now," Brendon said after a while.

"No!" some girls said.

Brendon grabbed my hand and led me out the door. Everybody was following us.

"Is she your girlfriend?" one girl yelled.

"Come one," Brendon yelled to me as he started running.

We ran it seemed like forever. I was definitely out of shape.

"Are you always being chased by fans?" I asked when we got rid of them.

"Only on Fridays," he said laughing.
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