When the Moon Fell in Love With the Sun

When The Doves Cry

This whole week me and Brendon have been hanging out non stop. He's become like one of my best friends. I really like him, but I'm not going to tell him that. I haven't told him about my past and I wasn't planning on telling him anything. He doesn't have to know everything.

"Hey Katie, time to wake up," my grandma said.


I noticed that my grandma wasn't smiling, it look like she had been crying.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Honey, something happened in Connersville."

"What happened?"

"Yesterday Matt got in a car accident...and he's gone," she said sobbing.

I just sat there frozen. How could this happen? No it must be a mistake right? Matt was more than my brother, he was like my best friend. Yeah he was kinda overprotective of me, but I loved him. But I did the only thing I could do...run.

I ran out of the house as fast as I could. The tears wouldn't quit falling. It was like somebody had ripped my heart out. It was pouring outside, so i probably looked stupid running in the rain. But I don't care, only thing I could think about was getting away. When something bad happens I always run away. That's how I deal with my problems. I got tired of running so I pulled up my hood and kept walking with my feet sinking in the wet grass. I walked to the lake. It was a place to just get away and think. I sat there for a while, just staring at my feet. I tried to think of all the good times me and Matt shared. But the more I thought about it, the more I cried.

I felt a pair of arms grab me and pull me to his chest. I didn't even look up, but just kept sobbing into him.

"Shhh Shhh. It's gonna be OK," he said.

"No it's not. He's gone and never coming back."

"Yeah but you know he cared about you."

"Yeah I know, but I just wish I could've talk to him before."

"He knows that you love him. Don't worry everything will turn out OK"

"Thanks Bren you're a great friend," I said hugging him.

When I got back to the house, I immediately went to my room and locked the door. I didn't want to talk to anybody. I took out and old photo album and skimmed through it. We looked so happy back then. Just one big happy family. I came across on old school picture of Matt.

"See you soon Matt," I whispered.

I went into my bathroom and grabbed the bottle of tylenol. I downed some pills and waited. The next thing I knew, everything went black. Why do all good things come to an end...?
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Yay! I finally updated. Sorry it took so long I've been really busy. But tell me what you think bout the update and comments are always welcomed! =) Thanks for reading. I'll have another update tomorrow so be prepared.