Status: Great books

The Pain From The Heart's Center.

Chapter v "Attempt To Get To The Dark"

"The Dark Space"

Xavier's attempt to enter the dark world had been a success But however,
He must pass some tests of agreement.


"Who is this??"

"I'm a sage of light and dark you will be going through a few tests.
Of courage, Relations, temptation, Anger, And control. if you do not
Succeed you shall be forced out of this realm and never return for 3
thousand years."

"What?! Your kidding me right?!"

"No, Xavier. I am not"


"Are you sure you are up to the tests?"

"...Yes, Master Sage."

"Do you need more time for the Tests before you are ready?"

"Well, That's the problem Almighty Sage if
i don't hurry with these tests Yuki will die!"

"Yuki...? You Mean Lucia?"

"No? I mean my friend..."-He thinks-

"Yeah! Lucia!"

"Well, Xavier in the time frame you have 1 year to save her."

"A year..."

"Yes Xavier. A full year."

"I need more time to train for this"

"That's what this is my child. This is more of training than
Tests You will battle all sorts of demonic beasts."

"I understand sage..."

"So your choice Xavier...? "

"I'll do it. only for her though nothing will get in my way
of defeating Phantom"

"Alright, Xavier here are the rules."

Xavier Herachi Mochi Tea. you are forbidden to cheat in any way of
Determination. No Skipping any part of the test. No finding a way
Through the tests(Also as cheating) . You will be judged by your actions
And your fighting style May it be a fair fight on all arena's
And Xavier. You can die in these tests.

-Passing through Dark World.
-Your sword reach's max power for 3 days
-And 100G

P.s. Fight fair or punishments will be fatal.

"Seems easy enough master sage."

"Alright Xavier Be gone now."

"Yes, master sage."

"Good luck Xavier"

-The master sage burst's into light
and is gone.-

"Hmph. I'm ready."

"Round I "Courage" "

-Xavier Hears earthquakes all around him and a roar of
Thunder The breathing of a heavy Demonic Monster-

"What the hell is that?!"

"Xavier.. i want to eat your Flesh from the bone its
Attached too..."

"What?!!?" -His armor gets colder and Drips of water
As though it was raining-

"Xavier you little bastard..."

"Who are you..!?"

"Heh,Heh,Heh ..."-The demonic monster Stands up as if he were 500 ft tall.-

"Holy.... shit..."-His eyes glaze into the monster in fear-

"Come here you little prick."-He yells-

"Fuck you Giant."-He pulls out his sword-

-His sword looked as if it were crafted by the finest iron and Ichie
And it glowed as if it were gold.-

"Nice, Sword It'll look better when your heads on it..."

"Foul beast. i will smite you down"-He runs at the giant demon holding
His sword behind his hind leg -

-The demon reaches his hand down and tries to pick up Xavier-

-Xavier jumps on his arm and start running up to the beasts
Face and says-

"Fuck you, demon"-He jumps up and slashes the demons throat
His throats was slit easily by the sharp Shadow blade-

"This, This is impossible... how could a mortal Strike me down"-He says as his
throat drains of blood-

"Obviously you don't know much about who i am."

"It's impossible your just a mere mortal..."-He falls to his feet in termination-

"You'll never pass the next test Xavier..."

"Haha"-Xavier laughed-

"Silence."-Xavier jumps up and slices the giants head in half
And the demons fades away as if it were nothing.-

"That was close"-Xavier thought to himself...-

-The almighty Sage appeared in front of him and says-

"How swell Xavier... you have cleared the 1st round
With nothing but a scratch. You pass round one."

"Thank god"-Xavier thought to himself-

"Next round Xavier. Relations.."