Status: Active

A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes

Chapter 1


Four Letters

Two vowels and two consonants

The only emotion I couldn’t control.

Jake’s the kind of kid mommy and daddy tell you to stay away from.
“Don’t drink, don’t do drugs.” You’ve heard the same lecture a thousand and one times. But you never really understand the meaning behind it until you meet your very own Jake. He used to skateboard, he’s been smoking since he was eleven, and he’s completely and utterly irresistible. This is the kind of kid the teachers hate because he honestly doesn’t care about school. This is the kind of kid your friends want to give condoms to as a Christmas gag gift, being serious. This is the kind of kid that captured my heart in less than 20 seconds.
“Jake needs a haircut,” mom would say.

“Jake needs an attitude check,” dad would add.

“Jake’s perfect,” I’d think to myself.

I guess you could say it started a while ago, me falling for him. Destiny says I get “that look” whenever I see him in the hallway. The kid’s not hard to miss, he must stand around 6’4 or so, so he’s about half a head taller than the other guys walking down the hallway at Briardale. He’s got this red sweatshirt he never leaves without, and he’s always got more than two T-shirts on. I will never understand it. He’s got this curly blond hair that reminds me of some California surfer, that kind of perfection; and don’t even get me started on his eyes. I mean, I’ve always had a thing for guys with blue eyes. Always. But not like this. Words like, ‘ocean’ and ‘sky’ come to mind, but those are such cliché and overly used words it almost makes my stomach churn. Jake isn’t anywhere near cliché. His eyes are a liquid pool of blue, swirling around the iridescent tides of the Atlantic. And his smile, God I can’t even. It’s fairly nonexistent, but when it peeks through everything around me melts into one. Jake’s the kind of kid that sends shivers down your spine when he looks you in the eye. Not the average, thirteen year old girl has a new crush shivers, either. Shivers that remind you of the first time you got pelted with a snowball, or your first kiss with the boy you were sure you’d marry. He’s the kind of kid you want to make happy, no matter how big the feat.

“Hey beautiful,” I heard this angelic voice behind me; I could tell it was coming from a smiling face.

“Hey Jake,” I managed to say with only a tiny giggle escaping.

“Do you want to listen?” he asked me, motioning to his MP3 player and holding out an ear bud to me.

“Yeah, I’d love to.” I beamed up at him, biting my lip just enough to be noticeable; flirty.

We’re sitting in a study hall together; the rest of the world has escaped me. I can feel the tender touch of another’s hand upon my knee, tapping a steady beat to the song bursting into our ears. He’s lost in another world; music is his life. A miniscule smile appears on his lips, those lips. Jake looks over at me, a break in his ever-so present concentration.

“What are you looking at…?” A puzzled look is evident.

I stammer a form of an apology, my face as red as his sweatshirt.

“Don’t worry about it,” he smiles at me. “Do you like this song?”

It took me a minute to actually listen to the words, but once the pace is set I realize it’s a love song.
“Yeah, actually. I love it.”

“Good,” he whispers in my ear. Tingles spread across my entire body. Goosebumps pop up on every inch of my skin. “Because it reminds me of you.”

Everything starts spinning just a little bit faster, my hearts beating just a little but quicker, and I’m smiling just a lot wider. I can feel my head start to lean onto Jake’s shoulder, and he moves closer. I almost want to do the whole ‘batting eyelash’ thing, but I think that’s a bit much. This is perfection.
The ear bud on my side slips down, hanging in the crevice between our two chairs. I lean to pick it up, his lips coming inches from mine. A sharp intake of a breath escapes me, eyes wide: vulnerable.

“Having a little trouble, are we?” He laughs. ‘There’s that smile again,’ I think to myself.

“No, I mean maybe a little but you know not really” I start rambling, my face turning redder and redder. Jake picks it up, still laughing almost unnoticeably. He’s still smiling, too, which could be one of the Seven Wonders of the World. We sat there for the rest of the class hour, his hand on my knee and my unchanging beam of a smile broadcasting my happiness to the room.
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