Status: Active

A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes

Chapter 4

So you'll never guess who landed the grand prize: A detention after school today! And for what, may you ask? Getting paper thrown at me and being called a skank. When did I become such a trouble maker?

To make things worse, my teacher had the principal call home, and now when Toby gets there he's going to hear something like this.

"Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Ryan. I'm sorry to inform you that your daughter, Morgan Ryan, has been caught passing inappropriate notes in class and therefore will have to attend detention all week from 3:00pm until 6:00pm. A parent or guardian will have to pick her up and sign her out. I'm sorry for the inconvenience. Have a good night."

Then, Toby'll start to freak out. 'What did the note say?' 'Who was she passing notes to? I bet it was that Jake kid.' 'Who's going to pick her up? Do I count as a guardian?' And that's all I'll hear about all night, I can guarantee it.

A thousand light years later, fourth period rolled around. I was suprised, and disappointed, to see that Jake wasn't in his usual seat: next to me. I looked around, but he was nowhere to be seen. Instead, I got mean looks from girls who used to idolize me, and smirks from the guys who used to fantasize getting in my pants. What happened? It's not like I gained 300 pounds and stopped wearing make up. It's not like I stopped curling my hair. I look exactly the same, and isn't that what all these people cared about, anyway?

"Hey, Morgan?" This tiny blonde girl came up to me. She sounds like a mouse.

"Umm, yeah?"

"Could I ask you something? Since you were, like, the most popular girl in school and all?"
What? Someone still wants to talk to me? Someone out there still wants to talk to me?

"Yeah, of course!"

"So, um, like, I hear you're kind of...easy. And I just wanted to know if, like, do guys like you better now that you're kind of, um, skanky?"

My cover is blown. My mental stability is slowly decreasing. ...Who am I kidding? My nonexistant mental stability just skyrocketed down into a plumet of no return. This cute little barbie just called me skanky. This. Fucking. Barbie. Just. Called. Me. Skanky. She used to be like a little puppy dog trailing behind me, and now look. I mean, I understand I might of slept with Alex a few times, I won't deny it. But he was my boyfriend, and I was in love with him. Am in love with him? No, don't go there. He left me when I needed him most. That's why I have Jake now, right?

Right. And where is this knight in shining armour, Jake? He's out of sight, out of mind. Well, to everyone except me. And maybe the kids he sells pot to.

"No, guys don't like you better if you're a skank. Actually, they'll just use you and then break up with you over the phone. But maybe your luck will be better than mine. I wish you the best." The sarcasm seriously radiated off my voice at this.

"Oh, okay! Thanks for the advice, Morgan!" She was perky as ever, bouncing away to her stupid popular friends. Who still have lives.

I hate them.
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Soooooo? What'dya think?