Status: Active

A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes

Chapter 6

"Don't you think it's getting kind of late?" I ask Jake as we stop for a red light.

"Nah, it's only been a few hours. Do you want to stop somewhere and grab a bite to eat?"

"No, it's fine. I just think I should be getting home before Toby gets really worried is all..."

"Toby? That's seriously who you're worried about here?"

"Well, yeah..."

"Whatever, Let's get some food."

By the time I'd thought of a response, we were already moving again. Trees and grass passed by in a blur, and I knew he was speeding by at least ten ticks over the limit. I wasn't scared or anything, just suddenly kind of tired and I really wanted to go home.

Sooner or later, we pulled into some restraunt I'd never heard of. It looked Italian, or Spanish, or... I don't know. Not American. I took of the helmet and my hair was all stuck to the side of my face. 'They don't call it helmet hair for nothing, huh.' Is what I was thinking. I start walking towards the door, and then I feel this...force holding me back. Not a force, exactly, but I grip on my hand going slower than my own pace. I look down to see this entangled picture of Jake's hand over mine. His thumb is beating to some song in his head, if I could ever know what was playing.

He walked ahead of me, then, and opened the door for me. I guess I was more suprised than usual, because Jake gave me a really funny look.

"What's that face for?" He asked me.

"Oh, nothing. I'm sorry, I was just spacing out."

"Spacing out seems to get you into a lot of trouble, huh Morgan?" Oh my God. How does he know about that?

"How...Who...You know too!?"

He just started laughing.

"Yeah, babe. Everyone knows by now. It happened, what, 1st hour?"

"Well, yeah. I guess. It wasn't a big deal or anything."

"Of course not. Morgan Ryan getting a detention? That's only as big as a new meteor hitting Earth, or Justin Bieber falling off the side of the world. That's all, huh?"

...I wasn't that big of a goodie two shoes. Was I? I know I get basically all A's, and I know I don't go to any huge college parties, but I don't give teachers apples everyday, either.

I hesitated before saying, "Shut up, Jake. It really isn't."

Then a waitor in a red T-shirt and black apron came over and seated us. We were in one of those 4 person booths with only two people, and he sat right across from me. Jake, that is. Not the waitor.

"Can I get you two something to to drink?" The waitor's nametag read "Paul."

"Sure. Could I get a Pepsi, and a raspberry iced tea for Morgan. Thanks."

How did he know that? I thought only Lindsay knew about my secret obsession to that stuff.

"How did you know I like raspberry iced tea?"

"It came out one night. Way back last summer. Granted, you were half asleep, but I figured it was still true."

"...I talked to you last summer? Like, a lot?"

"Yeah, Morg. I called you every night, and you even answered sometimes. But normally I had to hang up after a few hours cause you'd fallen asleep. But I must say, girls that talk in their sleep are pretty darn adorable."


"Oops, you didn't know that?"

"No, wait, what? What did I say?"

"Nothing. Relax." He said with a huge smile plastered on his face.

After that, Paul came back with our drinks. Mine even had a lemon in it. As if this moment could get any better?

"Do you know what you want to eat?" Paul asked.

"I'll have the special. Mashed potatoes please."

"What's that? You're not going to order for me again?" I teased.

"Nope. You were too busy telling me how much you loved me for talking to you to get around to your favorite food."

My face, as always, started heating up.

"I'll just have a salad, please. With raspberry vinagrette."

After Paul left, my awkward smile turned into a glare.

"What else did I say?" I nearly yelled.

"Let's see... You hate small dogs, except Lindsay's neighbor's dog, Buster. You miss the beach more than anything, mostly the water skiing. You have a secret obsession with iCarly, and you're afraid of the dark. Is that enough?"

I said all that? He REMEMBERS all that? My stupid secrets nobody except Lindsay knew? I'm supposed to be the mystery!

The food came and went, and it really was good. Jake paid the bill and left the tip, even when I argued to go Dutch. After leaving, the motorcycle seemed to be staring me in the eyes, horns straight up.

"Do we really have to leave already?" I asked, pursing my bottom lip out like a puppy.

"Aren't you the one who was worried about being home late? It'l be after nine by the time I get you home."

"So? Maybe we could just... go by that lake?" I pointed towards this trail off to the left that led to a hill over a lake.

"I suppose so...I'll race ya!" Jake yelled over his shoulder after sprinting off.

We raced down the hill and onto a dock above the lake.

"You didn't want to swim, right?" he asked me.

"Of course not. That's silly. I mean, I don't even have clothes to change into or anything."

"Your sure?"

"Yep. Definitely."

"Then I guess you'd be pretty pissed if I did this..." He said as he picked me up and held me effortlessly in his arms, my toes dangling just above the water.

"JAKE! PUT ME DOWN!" I yelled.

"If you say so..." And then I plopped into the lake with a splash, my entire body immersed in the dark blue water. I was about to yell when I heard a huge splash next to me.


And that was that. We swam for a couple hours, and by the time I'm sure it was near eleven I got out and sat on the dock. The moon was about a quarter way full, and my toes could just reach the water from where I was sitting.

Jake came up next to me, pulling himself up.

"You ready to head home?"

"Now? It'l be midnight by the time we get back!"

"Well yeah... Unless you wanted to sleep in that gazebo over there."

I hadn't even noticed the gazebo. It was white with purple and green flowers painted along the base, with sibtle detail carved on the roof. It was gorgeous.

"I guess you're right."

So we walked back towards the bike, when I felt myself being lifted off the ground. Then I was being carried, all the way back to the parking lot. When we got there, he set me down and mounted the bike. I got on after, and we rode off in the night. Near forty five minutes later, we were getting near my subdivision.

"Jake, I can't go home. Toby will eat me alive."

"Do you want to come to my place?"

"What? You're place? Won't your parents care?"

He laughed. "I have an apartment, Morgan. My parents have their own house."

Then it was decided, I'd just stay the night there. One night, so what? That's no big deal, right? Right. Of course.

We got to his building, and I immediately got nervous. But, of course, there was no need to. Jake went into his room and got an extra T shirt and a pair of shorts out.

"Here. They might be big, but you should be alright. You can take my room if you want, I got the couch. Oh, and in the morning..." He left for a minute, returning with a towel. "The bathroom's the second door on the right." And then he went and sat on the couch, setting up blankets.

"Jake, thank you so much. I could take the couch, though. I really don't mind."

"No, you're a guest. You get the bed."

"Alright, thanks...."

I got into his room, and was honestly suprised to see it was clean. There was a desk in the corner, and posters on all the walls. His bedspread was black, and the walls were grey. On every wall there was something for Avenged Sevenfold, Blood on the Dancefloor, or Asking Alexandria. I knew I liked this kid.

I few minutes later, he came in. He was holding a little lamp, then he set it on the desk and plugged it in.

"Don't want the Boogie Monster to come out or anything. You know, cause it's dark." Then he walked over and looked at me, all tucked in.

"Goodnight, Morgan. Sleep tight." Then he kissed my forehead, and turned the lights off on his way out.

Please, God, don't let me fall for him.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry this isn't a great chapter, everyone. I just wanted to get it out there.