Doves on Fire

And so it begins ...

"Mikey fuck off!" I growled, making my younger brother jump back.

"Sorry I was just---" Mikey started.

"Well don't," I said. "I want these fucking things out!" I pulled at the IVs. My mom hand stopped me.

"Gee this is what happens. This is what you gotta have when you slit your wrists," my dad said.

I started shaking. "I don't like needles."

"We know," My mom said.

"But razorblades are fine?" Mikey snapped.

I was going to hit him. I really was. I mean, I understand I scared the shit outta him and all, but shut the fuck up. So yea I was gonna hit him, but my mom beat me to it.

"Micheal!" She scolded.

I turned to my side. "Can you guys leave? I wanna be alone. They nodded and left.

"I wanna be left the fuck alone."


"Mr. Way? Would you come with me for a sec?" a nurse smiled.

"Where?" I put down my comic book.

"To the maternity ward," she said.


"To cheer you up."

She led me into the baby place, and I must admit, it did cheer me up. The babies were so small and innocent.

"See that one? All alone?" she pointed. I nodded.

"Mind holding her while I give her a shot?"

"Won't her parents mind?"

"She's an orphan. She was born on the 23rd floor of the Twin Towers on 9/11. Someone found her on the 15th flight of steps next to her crushed mother. She was two months premature. She's only 2 months old and already seen the evil a person's hate can do. Besides asthma, she is perfectly fine. But no one seems to want her," the nurse sighed.

I looked at the baby and sighed too. They put us in a room and she handed me the baby.

"Put her head in your elbow---yes like that," she instructed me. I looked down into the baby's eyes and they surprised me. They were violet. Not purple, violet. She had little hair but what was there you could see strawberry blonde. Or was all babies born with light hair? Whatever, all I knew was that I was in L O V E.

"Okay," the nurse said, and she stuck the needle in the baby's thigh. She let out a screa and started to cry.

"Shh, shh," I started to sing "Hush Little Baby." Soon she calmed down and fell asleep. She was so pretty. I wanted to name her Sadye.

The nurse smiled. "Thanks Mr. Way, I'll take her now."

I didn't want to leave her, but I gave her to the nurse. But I learned something. I wanted that baby.