Doves on Fire

A band!?

+May 11th [[ that makes Sadye 6 months+
"Geetard!' Pixie yelled from the other room. I was in Sadye's playing with her. I liked playing with her. She was so cute and oblivious to the fact that I wasn't her dad.

"What's up Pixie?" I asked.

She popped into Sadye's room. "Like the song!" She opened my notebook.

"Huh?" I read the page she was on. "Oh. That."

"Yea it's good, what's it about?" she asked.

"9/11. I kinda wrote for Sadye. 9/11 kinda screwed us both and I wrote it for her as like a lullabye or something."

"Sing it."

"Sing!" Sadye cried.
I blushed. I never sang infront of anyone besides Sadye. But hey, I'll go for it.

"You're not in this alone
Let me break this awkward silence
Let me go, go on record
Be the first to say I'm sorry
Hear me out,
And if you take me down
Or would you lay me out
And if the world needs something better
Let's give them one more reason now, now, now
We walk in single file
We light our rails and punch our time
Ride escalators colder than a cell
This broken city sky like butane on my skin
stolen from my eyes
Hello Angel, tell me where are you
Tell me where we go from here
Tell me where we go from here
Tell me we go from...
And in this moment we can't close the lids on burning eyes
Our memories blanket us with friends we know like fallout vapors
Steel corpses stretch out towards an ending sun, scorched and black
It reaches in and tears your flesh apart
As ice cold hands rip into your heart
That's if you've still got one that's left inside that cave you call a chest
And after seeing what we saw, can we still reclaim our innocence
And if the world needs something better, let's give them one more reason now
This broken city sky like butane on my skin
stolen from my eyes
Hello Angel, tell me where are you
Tell me where we go from here
Tell me where we go from here
Tell me we go from here
," I sang.

"Amazing Gee," Pixie grinned. Sadye giggled and clapped.

"Ya know Mikey and Frank wanna start a band, but Mikey can only---" Pixie started.

"Play bass and Frank only knows guitar. Yea so? You want me to join?"

"Seeing as none of you work on weekends, yes I do."


So I asked Mikey and Frank and they excitedly let me join. Plus I called Ray, since we needed a drummer.

"Sure, but I need a set," Ray said.

"Waaah?" I moaned.

"The other band broke up and that wasn't my drumset. But I can play guitar."

Yea that's right ..." I turned to Mikey and Frank. "Yo he's a kick ass guitarist."

"Fine we'll have two," Mikey shrugged.

And now we're on our quest for a drummer. So we go out to eat.
Ray was getting use to the gang [[ he know Mikey already ]].

"Hey ain't that Bob from Babies 'R Us?" Cupcake asked.
We turned our heads and saw Bob. He looked pretty the same as back then. He was a waiter. And waiting our table.

"BOB!" Cupcake grinned.

It took him awhile but he recognized us. "Oh hey guys! Uh ..."

"Gerard," I pointed to me.






Sadye shrieked and laughed.

"Haha hi. whatcha need?"
We told him our orders and he went to go get them.

"I'm glad we saw him again. I liked Bob," Cupcake said.

"More than me?" Mikey frowned.


"Who's Bob? Kacey asked.

"A cool Babies 'R Us worker guy. He helped us alot," I said.

"Cool. So about a drummer ...?" Ray asked.
We talked about that until we saw Bob come with our food. And some dudes tripped him, sending him and our food all over the place.

"Asses," Bob snarled.
Not cool. I got up and hit the guy. Soon a fight broke out and I was kicked out.
The rest followed me out.

"You okay Gee?" Pixie asked.

"Yea fine."

"Oy!" bob came running out.

"Hey," I waved.

"Look thanks for that. I woulda taken him, but I woulda got fired," Bob shook my hand.

"No problem."

"Hey you still work at Babies 'R Us?" Frank asked.


"Why two jobs if you don't mind me asking?" Kacey asked.

"I'm from Chicago, but I go to college here. I need the money for dorming," Bob said. "I got these two and a play drums for a church on sunday mornings."

"Drums!?" Me, Frank, Mikey, and Ray snapped our heads up.

"Yea why?"

"We're looking for a drummer," Mikey said.

"Really?" Bob said.

"Yepp. Hey you wanna join our future band?" Frank asked.

"Uhh ... " Bob said.

"Please?" Cupcake gave him puppy eyes.

"Okay when and where?" Bob asked.

"Uh weekends and at Gerard's!" Mikey said.

"Okay yea just call me when you guys start," he gave us his number.
And that's how My Chemical Romance started.