Doves on Fire

Baby Girl

+2 Months later [[ July 7th ]] [[ Sadye's 8 months ]]
I cradled Sadye in my arms again. It was after practice, our third one to be exact.

"Hello?" I picked up the phone.

"OH MY GAWD GERARD! Kacey's giving birth and the ambulance isn't here yet can you come!!!!" Cupcake screamed.

"What!? Okay I'll drive you but I need a babysitter!"

"I'll do it just come on!!"


I sped to the hospital Well not to bad cause I didn't want to get into an accident.

"Can I help you?" the nurse asked.

"Can't you see she's ready to pop!?" me and Frank said.

She glared at us. "I need a wheelchair."


I was waiting in the apporiately named waiting room for Kacey to be done. She was giving birth. Frank was in there with her.

"Gerard!" Pixie and Cupcake were running towards me. Behind them were Mikey, Bob, and Ray. Sadye was snug in Mikey's arms.

"Hey guys," I put down Fangora.

"How is she?" Cupcake asked.

"Fine. Still in labor though."

"That long!?" Mikey said.

"Well aduh! It takes a long time to pop out a human being!" Pixie biffed him.

"Hey! Don't chu touch my boy," Cupcake said. Pixie gave her a funny look but shrugged.


[[ Like 6 hours later : July 8th, 2002 ]]

I walked into the room. Kacey had her eyes closed and was all tired looking and Frank was holding Abigail Lily Morlen.
Frank smiled and handed me Abigail.

"Cute right?" Frank grinned. "She's out right now, sleeping."

I looked at Frank. "What did you---"

"I'm going to stay with her. I might not have the perfect income, but I'll get another job."

"Not your kid."

"Not a problem. I'll treat her like she is."

"What if she says no?"

"Who'll ever say no to me?"

I handed Abigail back to Frank. i put a hand on his shoulder. "You're going a good thing Frank."

"I hope so Gerard. I really do."

I left the room so Mikey and Cupcake could come in. I told Pixie, Ray, and Bob what Frank told me.

"Aw that's sweet," Pixie said.

"Yea I know."