Doves on Fire

Faith, Trust, and Pixie Dust

Sadye giggled as she and Pixie played with my hair.
Yea I know, ow.

"Ow. OW!" I yelped as Sadye grabbed a handful of hair. She just giggled and yanked yanked yanked.
Okay, so as it turned out, me and Pixie met again. At my job. She was looking for Yaoi and [[ though I hate to admit it ]] I knew exactly where it was. A lot people want Yaoi. She don't recognize me at first, but when I said "Ain't Yaoi so R A D !" And she hug-tackled me.

"Let's go visit your brother and his friends!" Pixie grinned.


"GEE!" Cupcake grinned and jumped off the bean bag.

I laughed and hugged her. "Where's Kacey and Frank?"

"Still sleeping," Mikey shrugged.

"Oh," I said putting Sadye down. Mikey grinned "Hi Sadye," and picked her up.

"So Gee," Cupcake said. "Who's she?"

"OH! Hi I'm Elizabeth, but people call me Lixie. Except Radder, he calls me Pixie," Pixie introduced herself.

"Liana, but people who know better call me Cupcake," Cupcake shook hands with Pixie.

"And I'm Mikey!" Mikey said, putting Sadye down. Once he did she crawled into Frank's room.

"Sadye!" I ran after her thinking she'd wake him up. Gawd I wish I didn't.
Cause inside, Frank and Kacey were fucking.
Not just fucking fucking : naked, no covers, Cocaine Energy drink cans everywhere. And Frank was on the bottom.
Of course the others followed me into the room. We all kinda just watched with our jaws dropped.
Frank finally stopped orgasming long enough to realized we were there. We all gasped and ran out.

"Oh. My. Gawd," we all said.


"So uhhh," Frank and Kacey came out.

"Whatever, that doesn't beat me walking in on Mikey," I shuddered.

They rest laughed.

"Is that okay for the baby?" Pixie asked.

"Sure," Kacey shrugged.

"'Sure?' Let me shove a hot dog in your ear and see gow you like it," I said.

"Aww it don't hurt him," Frank said.

"Yea cause yo peepee too small to reach her uterus," Cupcake nodded.

"Yea---HEY!" Frank snapped. We all laughed.