

Amity's mouth fell open, she was shocked and didn't know what to say. After a few minutes she spoke. "What do you mean we're married Matt? I think I would remember that."
"You we're to hungover to remember anything." He replied softly.
"How long." Amity said with no emotion.
"Seven years." Matt said looking up from his lap and at Amity's emotionless face.
"You knew for seven fucking years and you never told me?!" Amity screamed. "When, when did this happen?" She asked.
"When we went to Vegas to celebrate your birthday and the release of Waking the Fallen." Matt said standing up and leaving the room.
"Where the fuck do you think your going?! We are not done here!" She screamed following Matt up the stairs and into his bedroom. He was on his knees reaching for something under the bed. Moments later he pulled out an old shoe box. Matt stood up and sat on the bed with the shoe box in his lap. Amity stood in the door way watching him.
"I was scared. That's the reason I didn't tell you. I just wanted to marry you and be with you forever. You knew that. I asked you to marry me a million times but you always said no and that we were to young. But some how that night we ended up in a wedding chapel. Just us, it was after all the guys had already passed out. I woke up the next morning and we were in our room. You were still passed out next to me and I saw the veil on your head and the rings on our fingers. I freaked I knew you would want to get a divorce so I didn't tell you. I took the stuff and hid it in my bag and then put it in this box when I got home. I was going to tell you though I was just waiting for the right time. And then I fucked up and you walked in on me and that girl. I never meant for that to happen. And then you dumped me and wouldn't talk to me so I could explain. And I never got to tell you about that night in Vegas. I was still hoping I could win you back but then you got with Zacky. You were happy. I hated it. I wanted you to be happy with me not him." Matt said looking up at her. Once again her mouth fell open in shock.
"The only thing to do is to get a divorce. We can go now and it will all be over and done with in a few days before we leave. No one has to know not the guys, Eden or Zacky." Amity said pacing back and forth.
"No." Matt standing up.
"Yes. There's no other way." She said stopping her pacing and looking up at him.
"No I'm not signing the papers. This is my second chance. Be with me Amity. Just until the tours over. Be my wife and then you can make your choice about who you really want to be with. Me or Zack." Matt said walking over to her hope in his eyes.
"Your fucking crazy! I want Zacky not you! I'll always want Zack!" She said running from the room and out the door. She cried the whole way home. She got out of the can and ran inside. Zacky was sitting on the couch watching some baseball game. He looked up when he heard her run in. He looked up and saw the look of pain and sorrow on her face. He jumped up and pulled her into his arms.
"Amity. Baby whats wrong? What happened? Are you okay?" He asked pulling away to look at her face. She had makeup streaking her face from her tears. He reached out and whipped them away.
"Every things wrong! and no I'm not ok! Fucking Matt that asshole! He ruined my life and now he's doing it again." She said throwing her self back into Zack's arms and crying into his chest.
"What did he do hun?" He asked angrily. Matt had hurt her and Zack wanted to kill him for it. How dare he hurt her again. He had to pay.
"I don't want to tell you." She cried into his chest.
"Babe you need to tell me, please." Zack said softly.
"Apparently we're married and he wont give me the divorce" She whispered bringing her eyes up to his. Zack's mouth fell open and it only made Amity cry harder.
"Explain please." He said bring her chin up so she was looking at him. Amity went on to tell Zacky everything that had happened to the time she got to Matt's house to right then.
"It's ok babe, it's ok. I'm not going to leave you." He said pulling her into a tight embrace. "We'll figure out something." He whispered into her hair. They just stayed like that for a while sitting on the couch. Zack looked down and saw Amity was sleeping. He laid her down on the couch and covered her up with a blanket. He got up and walked into the kitchen grabbing the phone. He dialed Matt's number and got his voice mail. "Amity told me everything. The deals on." Zack said seriously. He didn't know what else to do. He couldn't take Matt to court he didn't want the fans to know that would just mess it up even more. He walked back into the living room and picked up Amity. He took her into their bed room and laid with her on the bed. What have I just done.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry this took so long to get out. I'll try to update more this week because I'm on spring break so i have free time lol
If you like All Time Low you should read my new story ThisLoveIsHopeless
Comments would be nice :) Dont be a silent reader :)