I'm Supposed To Love You

Born Under a Bad Sign

I'm Dana Frost. At least in Winston. It's a story of a young English prince in the eighteenth century whose name is, ironically, Winston Green. He encounters a young woman in a palace prison cell who is starving and has no family. Winston would ask her name, and the lady would always reply, "My name has no meaning." Winston--- blah blah blah. I acted for the lead, Dana Frost, and got the part. I remember when my agent called me. I literally freaked. But as happy as I was to get such a high-paying job, I'm even happier to say I'm done filming. The rest of the time from February 25th to the release in July 16th is dedicated to the special effects department in Chicago, which is quite a distance from my hometown in southern California.

I used to live with Lyle and Greta Sparce as Audrey Sparce, but I moved out at the tender age of 19 to my best friend Katherine's apartment in downtown L.A. to be closer to the production studios that supported my indie movie at the time. Across Decadance skyrocketed my career as I turned 21, four years ago. Katherine has supported me throughout the years as she's been attending the local community college. I've brought in the money, but it's no mind. I've known this girl since I was three, and I'd do too much for her.

"Party," We were sitting at the dining room table eating angel hair pasta around five-forty on a Friday night when Kat got sick of the silence.

"What?" What was "Party," supposed to mean?

"Par-ty," Kat sounded it out like I was a child learning my ABCs.

"Oh," I replied with a nonchalant expression.

"Audrey," she started. "We need a party. Now. We haven't been to a party in so long, I forgot what they're like!"

"Kitty," It was my petname for her. "Why do you suddenly need to go to a party?"

"I need fun!"

"I'm not fun enough?" I pouted.

"Of course not," she grinned. "Now go call up one of your celebrity chaps and we can booty dance on a random rich gangster."

"Ok, what?" I laughed at her... umm... "use of words".


I just stared at her for a couple of moments before getting up from the table and heading for my cell phone. I shook my head to myself as I grabbed it and looked through my address book.

Let's see.... Aren't the Grammy's going on right now? That can only mean....

"Diddy!" It was 9:00 now, and Diddy was a good friend. What? You gotta keep the partiers close, or you're gonna be bored.

"Yo!" I heard a crowd of people surrounding him, and the loud clicks of camera flashes. "Audrey, what's up, girl?"

"I was wondering if you were gonna hold an after party."

"Ah, I see what you playin' at. Hell yeah, of course you can come. Usual spot. You know I wouldn't miss a time to have a party!"

I was laughing and rolling my eyes at the same time as I replied. "I should've known better! Thanks, man!" I was about to hang up when heard him yell on the other line.

"'Ey yo!" I put my ear back to the phone and asked, "Yeah?"

"You bringin' Kathy?" I could hear him smiling through his voice. He always liked having Kitty at his parties. She always did something to make the party memorable.

"Why wouldn't I bring her? C'mon, Diddy, you know me."

"Yeah, I know. Tell her to be there ready to take some shots wit' yo' boy."

"Alright, man. Thanks a lot."

I hung up and yelled to Kitty, not wanting to waste energy by walking back down the stairs. "Kitty, we're going to the Grammy after party at Diddy's place!"

I left to get my party dress and heard, "I miss my Puffy!" I laughed and took it out from my closet. It looked the same as it did the last time I wore it, but I don't know if it still fits.

I tried it on, zipped it up, and looked in the mirror.


I think I'm ready to show off my "eighteenth century maiden" body. Oh yeah.