I'm Supposed To Love You

Running Into Walls

While Kitty drove to the afterparty, I was getting second thoughts and fidgeting with the top of my dress. The impact of her hand on mine made me look up at her in shock. "Stop it," she said while raising her eyebrows and clenching her jaw. "You look fine."

"What if we run into her?" I asked.

"Who?" Her eyebrows knitted together in confusion.

"Her," I stressed it like I was trying to remind her. "Remember last time?"

"Okay," She looked like she was about to pull over. "I think it might be a little obvious that I have no idea what you're talking about."

"That... that..." I couldn't bring myself to say it. She ruined my twenty-third birthday, as well as my entire year. She deserves to be called whatever the tabloids call her. "That... bitch."

"Audrey, there are a lot of those in this business. Could you try to be more specific?"

"Lindsay," I said it in a small voice. I didn't want to be so negative toward her, but what she did calls for more than just negativity.

"Oh," The comprehension dawned on her face like it reminded her of something she was supposed to do yesterday. "Babe, don't let her get to you. It's been two years. She probably doesn't even remember you."

Like it was a bad omen, as she said those words, we passed a huge billboard promoting Winston. I sunk lower into my seat as Kitty sucked in her breath through her teeth. "Well, it won't be such a big deal to her now. She probably does this a lot."

She backstabs the people who trust her all the time?


We got to the party and Kitty took the keys out of the ignition. We parked in the lot over from the party, and it was only a matter of time before the cameras would start flashing.

"Come on, we're missing the bands!" Kitty was so excited, I couldn't help but smile. Fuck Lindsay. I don't have to let her ruin tonight.

We stepped out of the car in sync with each other and strode like prima donnas with huge smiles on our faces. And, yeah, the cameras were flashing. My eyes were starting to water as we finally got to the door with the bouncer waiting. He looked like he could take out my kitchen wall. "Name," he said, no emotion in his face.

"Sparce, Audrey," I said, trying to peek over the list. He snatched it up toward his face and silently read the names under "S" to himself. Once he was done, he unlatched the rope blocking the door and said, "Go ahead."

I walked in and looked behind me to smile at Kitty, but she wasn't there. She looked like she was about to punch the guy. "I'm her guest!" She was yelling at him. Apparently, her name wasn't on the list. "Sorry miss, no name, no entry." He didn't look sorry.

But I stopped paying attention when I caught sight of who was behind her, trying to get in as well. It was Pete Wentz. From Fall Out Boy. Oh. My. God.

"Is there a problem, Jon?" he asked the security guard.

Jon smiled and said, "Only trying to keep the fans from breaking through, Mr. Wentz."

The guy behind Peter came foward and whispered something to him. Immediately, his eyes flashed to me, and I noticed I was still gawking. Hey, even stars get starstruck.

He smiled and flashed his bright white teeth and I got hot. All over. I smiled back as smoothly as I could, but I could tell I looked like an idiot.

Kitty was still glaring at Jon to notice the exchange and smirk at me. The guy who whispered to Peter( I could barely notice) stepped in front of him and grinned at Jon. It was Brendon Urie of Panic At The Disco. Holy crap! Today must have been fate, since those two bands were my icons. I swear, if Frank Iero and Andy Mrotek came, this night would be insane. Brendon was wearing a white tux, as well as the rest of Panic behind him. Figures. Peter was wearing a pale yellow tux and a black tie, while the rest of the band had on light blue tuxedos and white ties. Brendon was telling the bouncer to let Kitty in as Ryan Ross's guest.

Kitty heard him and looked kind of shocked. She looked over at a smiling Ryan and quickly shot me a blush look. I winked at her in an obvious gesture, and she flipped out trying to get at me. She probably wanted to slap me right now. But that's okay. She loves me.

Jon unhooked the rope again and let both bands and Kitty through. Kitty passed by him and passed him a threatening look, scanning him up and down. I rolled my eyes and chuckled as she came up to me, ahead of the bands. "I could've taken him."

"Kitty, did you see how huge he was!? You would've been lucky to scratch him." I laughed as I thought of how his face would look if she actually did.

As we stood there talking, I heard, "Hey ladies." I looked up with an are you serious? look on my face. Joe Trohman was smirking at us. "You wanna come with us?"

I laughed unintentionally. "Aw, c'mon," I heard Spencer Smith whine. "We're famous! We don't bite."

"Unless you want us to." Peter said that. The attraction I was feeling before vanished instantly. What a creep!

I took Kitty's hand and walked toward the door to the booming music. As I opened it up, I was nearly knocked over by a stampeding girl. She was crying and her right heel was broken. Wait a minute...
