I'm Supposed To Love You

Keep It Quiet

Kitty and Ryan exited the limo together first, to get the public excited about their coupling first. To tell you the truth, the relationship between Peter and I has basically been a bit hush-hush, if you know what I mean. And, to tell you the truth, then knots in my stomach started tightening as Peter began to get out. I was afraid the public wouldn't accept us as a couple.

Pete stopped scooting over to the door and looked back at me, sensing something was wrong because I hadn't budged. He sat still for a second before he slid back over to me, putting his hand on my cheek and forcing me to face him gently. "They don't know anything," he assured me, reading my mind. I smiled as he kissed me, leaving a small trail that led to my neck.

When he stopped, he proceeded to lead me to the door. Pete got out first to the eager clicks and flashes of the cameras around us. He handled it well as he waved and smiled, distracting everyone from the fact Audrey Sparce followed him out of the limo. I laced my fingers with him before they finally realized what was happening. And even before they could spring forward with their cameras, Peter pulled me over to the interviewers to avoid the paparazzi sharks.

"Audrey!" I heard someone call me to right and saw a news crew from NBC. I looked to Peter and nodded, thinking I could somehow telepathically tell him I'd be avoiding relationship questions. He actually seemed to understand and headed off to the opposite side of the carpet. He didn't kiss me for obvious reasons, but I still felt weird when he left to the media.

"Audrey," the interviewer began. "How are you feeling tonight? Are you excited?"

"I'm very honored to be here," I replied. "I mean, to be nominated is amazing. I can't explain it."

"Well, all of us at the studio are rooting for you."

Bullshit. Who else did you tell that to?

"Thank you," I said anyway. "That means a lot."

"Now," the interviewer said absentmindedly as she looked past me to the back of Peter's head. "I noticed you were holding the hand of the >very much discussed Pete Wentz. Care to explain?"

She calls him Pete as if she knows him. What the hell!?

"He's basically my best friend," I answered. I was almost the whole truth. I told him everything, and he told me everything, just like it would be if we were best friends. And besides, no one knows me better.... Well, besides Kitty.

"There's nothing going on between the two of you?"

"Well, I can't really say anything about our relationship. I'm pretty confused about it myself. I love him more like my friend than anything."


It's only to fend off the media, Jesus!

"So is there anyone else in your life taking the position left by Chad?"

Yeah. Chad Michael Murray. We were only exclusive for a month at best. We didn't fit, and we don't really keep in touch, but when I see him I say hi. It's the only thing that's keeping our friendship alive.

"I don't make it a point to be in a relationship every waking moment. And 'boyfriend' isn't a position."

"Audrey, are you positive there's no one special in your life?"

"There will always be someone special to me, but that doesn't necessarily mean it has to be a boyfriend."

"I mean a significant other."

I got fed up with this chick and walked away, a fake smile plastered to my face. Looking to the crew that were filming Peter, I saw that he had continued up the carpet. There was no doubt people were confused as to why he, Kitty, and Ryan were here.

I continued posing for pictures while slowly making my way up to the doors as Steven caught up with me. He'd been in the limo, yes. But he didn't talk at all. Something was wrong, and I was going to ask him all about it when we got home. When he reached me in his traditional black tuxedo, he interlocked our arms. I went along with it because I knew what his plan was:

He was distracting the media from the memory of me holding hands with Pete by showing traits of a date as we walked together to the doors.


I sat in between Peter and Steven toward the end of one of the rows in the middle of the auditorium and laced my fingers with Peter's under the armrest. Suddenly, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I whipped my head around and saw Lindsay standing behind me with...


Oh my God.

"Hi Audrey," Lindsay greeted, a sweet smile on her face.

"Hey," I said back, absentmindedly.

"This is Chad," she said, introducing me to him.

"Yeah we've met," Chad said, shaking my hand anyway. "How are you, Audge?"

"I'm doing really good," I smiled. "And yourself?"

"Never been better," he grinned. "I heard you were nominated."

"Yeah," I said excitedly. "Best Actress. Aren't you nominated too?"

"Not me personally. But the movie I was in has been nominated for Best Indie, or whatever."

"That's awesome!" I sounded so suburban, like I was a housewife talking with someone I haven't seen since high school( and didn't really care about). "What movie?"

"Bullets for Wilma. It's cool. I use a gun for most of the movie."

"I figured," I laughed.

There was an awkward pause as Chad shuffled his feet and held Lindsay's hand while looking at me occasionally.

Introduce Peter!

But Lindsay already knows him.

Chyeah. But Chad doesn't!

"Chad," I smiled. "This is Peter..."

Steven too. People might get suspicious!

"... and this is Steven."

"Peter Wentz?" Chad asked with wide eyes as he finished shaking Pete's hand and absentmindedly went on to shake Steven's hand.

"Yeah," Peter grinned. He loved meeting fans. And when he's doing something he loves, I have to be happy. It's just the nature of it. "You're Chad Michael Murray."

"Yeah!" Chad sounded thrilled that Pete knew who he was. "I'm a huge fan of the band, dude."

"Yeah?" Peter looked blankly at Chad. I knew he only knew Chad by name. "I like your... movies. They're awesome."

Chad nearly started shaking with excitement as I was on the edge of bursting with laughter. I kept my face as level as I could, but the smile was beginning to contort my face, so I decided to get away as soon as possible.

"I'll leave you two to chat amongst each other," I said calmly. I amaze myself sometimes.

Peter's fingers gripped themselves tighter around mine as I attempted to get up from the seat. I looked at him with a smirk on my face as I told Lindsay, "Could you go with me, Linds? I wanted to catch up."

"Oh," Lindsay grinned. "Sure!"

With that, Peter let go, defeated, while I left for the bathroom to catch up with Lindsay.

"Hey," I began nonchalantly. "Remember when you said Peter was cheating on me?"

"Yeah," Lindsay said cautiously.

"What did the girl look like?"

"Well she had black hair... ummm... brown eyes... her hair was curled...."

"Oh! Erin?"

"I don't know."

"Yeah, she's the new talent for Decaydance. She's... really... pretty--- so how've you been?"

I changed the subject with the hopes of her forgetting I said anything. Well at least she wasn't lying about the whole chick thing.

Unless she took a lucky guess.

Yeah, there's always that.