I'm Supposed To Love You

Shining Golden Statues

I sat next to Peter as Lindsay made her way over to Chad, who sat quietly in his seat, seeming to have lost his will to talk. I looked to Pete and saw him smiling.

"What did you do?" I mumbled.

He looked back at me with innocent eyes and said, "What do you mean?"

"Chad never liked being quiet," I replied.

"Wait, how would you know that?" He asked me with a curious glint in his eye.

"Well... I... we... oh shut up!" I pushed my back against the seat and folded my arms while Pete continued chortling. When he stopped, he took one of my hands and laced his fingers with mine secretively.

"I'm just kidding babe," he laughed.

I blushed and looked away before he could see how much talking about Chad embarrassed me. Pete's middle and forefingers crept their way under my chin and pulled gently so that I now faced him. Our eyes locked onto each other as he bowed his head to show "submission". I smiled.

It felt like the perfect moment to have kissed him, but the cameras were zooming in on random people as the awards ceremony began, so I wiped my face clean of the dumb smile that was once on it and turned my attention to the stage.


"And the nominees are...." The presenters, Hilary Swank and Jack Nicholson, stood at the podium after their "funny" speech and began naming off the nominees for Best Actor.

"Kevin Costner as Dillon Macenroe in Diary of a Gay Man." Applause.

"Orlando Bloom as Kyle Gates in Grace & Harmony." Applause.

"George Clooney as Freddy Moses in Quincy's Last Wish." Applause.

"Leonardo DiCaprio as Giovanni Malone in Mob." Applause.

"Matt Damon as Jason Morgan in The Affiliation." Applause.

Then the crowd went quiet.

I crossed my fingers as they showed all the nominees on the big screen. Orlando looked absolutely nervous.

"And the Oscar goes to..."

Orlando began to sweat and bite his lip.

"GEORGE CLOONEY! Quincy's Last Wish!"

Orlando began to clap out of courtesy and smile as though it wasn't surprising. I knew, deep down, he wanted that award badly.

George accepted his award, gave a speech that lasted thirty seconds tops, and headed back to his seat as they played a bit of music to send him off with.

"Please welcome Robert De Niro and James Franco, co-stars of the new movie, Ride."

The announcement was followed by the two men walking to the podium from opposite sides of the stage. When they reached their destination, they shook hands and greeted each other. Robert spoke first.

"In every movie that ever made it big in the box office, there had to be a lady to lead the man. Same goes in everyday life."

James and Robert switched places and the speech continued.

"We're here to honor the strong, wise, confident, and obviously beautiful leading ladies of Hollywood."

They switched.

"The nominees for Best Actress are..."

James read the list off.

"Cate Blanchett as Priscilla Hedgewick in Quincy's Last Wish." Applause.

"Meryl Streep as Cynthia Macenroe in Diary of a Gay Man." Applause.

"Audrey Sparce as Katherine Beich in Grace & Harmony." Applause. Peter's fingers tightened their grip on my hand before I squeezed back.

"Keira Knightley as Samantha McCall in The Affiliation." Applause.

Robert moved James away from the microphone slightly as he said, "Are any of these ladies single?"

The breath I was holding in from excitement and nervousness was let out as I crinkled my nose in laughter. Pete squeezed my hand again.

James went back to the microphone and replied to Robert. "If they are," he said. "They get to come home with me." He winked at the audience and I let out a wolf whistle. "Glad someone appreciates me," James laughed. I giggled and let out my giddyness before returning to a smiling face.

The crowd went quiet again, but this time, it was killing me.

Robert switched places with James once more and announced, "And the Oscar goes to..."


"AUDREY SPARCE! Grace & Harmony!"

I literally jumped from my seat and let out a scream that was drowned out by the applause that went all across the auditorium. I turned to Steven and eagerly hugged him. He kissed my cheek and said, "Congrats, Audge!" I smiled and went down to hug Kitty, who could not stop giggling. I hugged Ryan and headed back to the aisle, hugging Peter the same way I hugged Steven, only with more affection( that went unnoticed).

I walked quickly down the aisle, nodding to people I know and to people who yelled, "Congratulations!" to me. I skipped up the steps to the stage and hugged a smiling Robert. "Congratulations," he said. "Thank you," I replied, the smile on my face growing bigger by the second. I then went on to hug James, who kissed my cheek and said, "Good job, Audrey."

I giggled. "Thank you, James." He winked before handing me my Oscar and stepping back from the podium, giving me room to give my speech.

"Wow," I said. It was all I could think of saying! I didn't have a speech prepared. Come on, who would? I was up against Meryl Streep, Cate Blanchett, and Keira Knightey! Why would I get my hopes up!? "This is... shocking. I am so honored to be in the same category as those lovely ladies."

I looked at the glimmering award before continuing. "I'd like to thank Greg for give me the chance to actually be in this room right now. Umm... I'd like to thank the entire crew... my co-stars... Orlando especially. Thank you for coaching me."

I could barely see him, but I think he saluted me as a sign of acknowledgement.

"I'd like to thank my best friend Katherine, who has literally been with me since day one. No one would know my name if it wasn't for her."

Kitty waved giddily as she clutched to Ryan, whose head rested on her shoulder.

"I'd like to thank my other best friend, as well. I couldn't survive without him."

Steven simply smiled as to not give away that I was talking about him.

"I'd, of course, like to thank the man I love, who makes me feel like I'm something special every day. I love you!"

Pete smiled and winked inconspicuously, making me laugh lightly.

"I'd like to thank my mom for all the support, and I'd like to take a moment to thank my dad. Unfortunately, he couldn't be here. But I know he's looking down at me with a smile on his face."

I looked up at the ceiling with tears threatening to leak from my eyes.

"I did it Daddy." I spoke more to the sky than to the audience. I kissed the Oscar and held it up, as though I was giving it to him.

The music started to play as the applause in the auditorium was uproarious. The smile on my face was extraordinary as I headed back to my seat. The tears weren't completely nonexistent, but they weren't coming as strong as before while I glided back to my seat... at least... that's what it felt like. But maybe it was just the Oscar.