I'm Supposed To Love You

Late Nights and Cliffhangers

"Babe, wake up."

I felt a hand on my cheek as I started regaining consciousness. My eyes opened to a smiling Peter and a dark sky. As I started remembering where I was, Pete chuckled lightly. "We're home," he said.

I blinked my eyes several times before sitting up in my seat. Pete got out of the car and went around to open my door. When he did, he took my hand to steady me as I stepped onto the pavement of my familiar driveway. As we walked up the slope, I clung to his arm and put my head on his shoulder, since I was only half-awake if that.

Kitty was already home, and, from seeing him in the kitchen eating a bowl of cereal, I gathered Ryan was staying the night. When he heard us pass the open archway, he looked over and put his hand up to wave. "Hey man," Pete replied. I was too tired to make sense, so all Ryan heard was, "Heymawazzuh."

Pete chuckled along with Ryan before he told Ryan, "I'm gonna take her up to bed."

"Alright, man," Ryan said.

Figuring I couldn't make it upstairs without hurting myself, Pete took me up into his arms and carried me bridal-style to my room. I nuzzled my head against his neck and began to drift off to sleep.

My head lolled back and forth with each step, preventing me to just crash in Pete's arms. He opened the door to my room quietly and made his way over to my bed, gently setting me down and pulling the covers over me. He kissed my forehead and was about to head back to the door as I said, "Stay."

I was surprised he understood me, or even heard me. But I knew he did when he sighed, turning and walking back over to me. "Stay," I repeated.

"I can't," he said.

"Why not?" I asked, my eyes closed and my eyebrows scrunched together.

"I have to go back home," he answered.

"You can drive home in the morning," I reasoned, my mouth pouting involuntarily.

"No," he said. "I have to go now. Erin's probably back at my place. We're working on the last track. After tonight, I promise to stay every night. You know what, I'll even sleep in with you every morning. Remember how we used to?"

I nodded sleepily, but my eyebrows told him I still wasn't satisfied.

"Baby," he started, trailing off to find a good explanation. ".... It's just one more song, okay? Then Erin won't be able to keep me from you."

"Ican'beliefshecankeepyewawaynow," I tried to reason again.

Pete chuckled sadly. "I'm sorry," he said. After a slight pause, he continued. "Come over tomorrow morning. I have something I couldn't give you today."

He kissed me goodnight and left without saying goodbye.


I awoke the next morning to bright lights shining on my face. I shielded my eyes and looked to my window, over which the blinds were open. I squinted my eyes and sat up in bed, listening for signs of anyone else being awake. I heard none.

I looked to my clock and saw that it was nine in the morning.

Duh. We went to bed at... what... three?

I forgot.

Damn right you did.

Fuck off! Sheesh! I only had six hours of sleep.

Which is why I'm cranky.

You're my conscience. How can you be cranky?

Talk to God about that little glitch later. You have more important crap to do.


Just as I got up from my bed, my Sidekick began to chime out that wonderful song. That also reminded me...

Yeah. Pete's 'surprise'.



I looked to my phone and saw that Shane was calling me.

It's been a while.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Audrey, baby!" Shane was so cheesy sometimes.

I laughed. "Yeah?"

"I've got a job for you," he practically sang out.

"Ooh, goody!" Sarcasm dripped from my words.

"You like kickass broads, right?" I had to laugh.


"You know, Wonderwoman, Aeon Flux, and... and..."


"Fuck no, are you out of your mind!? She sucks." Once again, I had to laugh!

"Alright, alright. What's your point?"

"The job," he started. "It's about a chick. She kicks ass. End of story. Do you want it or not?"

"Is it a lot of work?" I asked.

"Yeah," he said skeptically. "But you get to use wires in it!"

I rolled my eyes and said, "Sure."

"Alriiiight!" Man I love this guy.

"Yeah, yeah."

"Well, I'll let you get back to your... umm... 'business'."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"I heard about the whole Disney thing yesterday." I could only imagine how cheesy his wink was on the other end of the line.

"It was my birthday!"

"And Pete was caught bein' real cozy with you."

"He's my boyfriend, c'mon!"

"Awww," he said. "How cute!"

I blushed and said, "Yeah, yeah, yeah. I gotta go. Love ya. Bye!"

I hung up and got ready to go over to Pete's place.


Once I got to his house, I got out of my car, put my shades on, and just headed up to the front door. I didn't even bother locking the door since this neighborhood was so nice.

I got to the front door and found it was open. When I walked in, I figured I'd just surprise him. I love his surprise face.

I walked upstairs and heard the shower running. I slowly opened his door and....
♠ ♠ ♠
I hate those darn cliffhangers, too. :[