I'm Supposed To Love You

Turning Tides and Setting Up

Lindsay didn't really hear me since she was already almost to the door. "Lindsay!" I didn't yell that time. Peter did. And I really don't know why, but at the moment, I shot Lindsay a look full of jealousy. She didn't see since her head was still turned.

When she did turn, she looked bad. Her left eye was bruised and her dress was torn in various places, not to mention her right heel was still broken. I pitied her, but I didn't know why.

She probably deserved it.

Don't say that! That's mean!

It's probably true.

Quit it!

Alright... But I'm your conscience.


Lindsay stood still by the rope as Peter ran to her. Why am I so jealous!? She never did stop crying, but as Peter held her, she seemed to calm down a little. He stroked her hair and she cried into the chest his tuxedo. The rest of the guys looked uncomfortable as they stood there looking at the ground and shuffling their feet. Actually, Peter kind of did, too. But I guess they were friends. I doubt he'd comfort me like that if I broke down crying right now.

When she finally told Peter what was wrong, another person came bursting through the party's doors. Paris Hilton.

Paris looked worse than Lindsay, and I'm guessing that's what this was all about. But through the bruises and split lip and eyebrows, she wasn't crying. She was happy. They were fighting about something.

On Paris's arm was a blonde guy with dazzling white teeth and a slight five o'clock shadow. I knew him from the tabloids years ago, but I couldn't quite place his name.

"Hi, Brendon." She sauntered past Brendon and waved while giving her patented smirk and wave. Brendon just half-waved and quickly glanced over at us.

Finally, someone noticed us.

Paris brushed past Lindsay and gave Peter a disgusting sexy look. She walked out of the doors and didn't come back.

Just then, Lindsay burst out into tears again and buried her face into Peter's shirt. I heard murmurs by the doors behind me and gasps behind those faces. I turned and saw at least a dozen other socialites looking out on the madness. I got angry for some reason and forcefully shut the doors on their faces. This doesn't need to be everybody's business.

I turned back and strode up to Lindsay and Peter. I put my hand on her shoulder instinctively and patted her hair from behind. Peter threw me a questioning look and I threw back a confused look.

Lindsay stopped crying after a couple more minutes and looked at Peter and I. She smiled and hugged Peter. When she turned to me, she smiled hesitantly. I gave her a warm smile. But the weird part was: I meant it.

Lindsay walked out through the rope and waved bye to us. But as I turned around, I heard her call me: "Audrey!"

I whipped around and she beckoned me over with a slight smile on her face. I walked over to her and she spoke slowly. "Thanks," she said. "I don't know how you have such a big heart to comfort me. I'm sorry about what I did. I didn't mean to. But then these rumors started,---"

"Stop," I closed my eyes and grinned at her. "Don't apologize. It's okay. What's done is done. But next time, don't listen to the tabloids or the Hiltons."

She laughed slightly and nodded. "Okay, but still, thank you."

"It's no problem. Are you going home though?"

"Yeah, I might as well."

"Since when did the Lindsay I know let whores ruin her night?" I smirked and I knew, as her face lit up, she had changed.

This might work out.

Lindsay and I walked back to the door and I hooked my arm with Kitty's on the way. Both the bands were already inside and Kitty looked absolutely dumbstruck. She looked at me with an open mouth and I looked back while mouthing: She's changed. Kitty looked skeptical, and I rolled my eyes. To show that I wasn't giving Lindsay the attention I was giving Kitty, I lay my head on Kitty's shoulder as we walked through the crowd. Kitty brushed me off and stuck out her tongue at me. I stuck mine out back at her. We grinned at each other with Lindsay walking next to me.

"'Ey!" I heard someone call out to the dance floor, which we were walking through. On instinct, I looked up and saw Diddy waving at Kitty and me. Kitty waved back and dragged me up the stairs. I looked back at Lindsay and waved goodbye. She waved back and walked in the other direction.

"Puffy!" Kitty screamed. Diddy smiled and enveloped us both in a hug. He had a cigar in his mouth as he wheeled us toward some tables. None were empty.

"You ladies want to meet some friends of mine?" Diddy was walking slowly and dragging us with his arms around our shoulders.

"Sure!" Kitty and I were in sync--- again. We're twins.

He smiled and led us to a table on the right side of the room. It was obviously pretty full, and large, at that. I looked a little more closely and saw Patrick Stumph at the end of the booth facing us.

"Uh, we already met them," Kitty read my mind.

"They don't suit you?" Diddy asked.

"Suit us?"

"Yeah. They're around both your ages. They're pretty successful, if I may say so myself."

"Are you trying to set us up?" Oh God.

"I don't know, if you don't like 'em, then I can set 'em up wit' some other girls." Diddy knew my problem with the socialites.

"No, that's okay!" Kitty was looking over at the table, smiling and waving. I looked too and saw Ryan waving us over. I rolled my eyes at Kitty and hugged Diddy one more time before setting off. "Thanks, man!" I yelled back at Diddy.

"Anytime, girl!"

Kitty walked a little ahead of me and stopped at the table. "Hey guys, nice to see you again!" This girl was too cheerful.

I smiled at them while unconsciously scanning the booth for Peter when I heard Patrick say: "He's on the dance floor."

"Who?" I asked innocently.

"Pete. He's out there." He smiled and looked quickly from the floor below us to me and back to the dance floor.

"What makes you so sure that I'd go?"

I heard a round of "OOOOOOOOHHHHHHH!"s from the booth.

"He's Pete Wentz, why wouldn't you go?" Andy Hurley said.

"Yeah, he's down there waiting for you." Jon Walker added.

I hid my blushing face behind Kitty's like I was telling her something quietly. She caught on and turned against me: "I know he's hot, Audrey. Why are you asking me?"

I turned beet red and glared at her. She grinned and was about to sit next to Spencer Smith, who was across from Patrick, when Ryan got up and started pushing his way out of the booth. To hide her assumptions, Kitty sat down as planned and waited for any of them to come true. Ryan successfully managed to get out and mumbled a "Sorry," to Patrick while Patrick wiped his nose.

"I think I just brown-nosed Ryan," he said. "Oh my God, am I gay!?"

I laughed and got out of Ryan's path to Kitty as he whispered something to her. She blushed and smiled while she got up from her seat. She shot me an apologetic look and I mouthed, "Go," to her. She beamed and continued to the dance floor( presumably) with Ryan.

I took her place next to Spencer and asked, "Where's the bar?"

"Over next to the DJ," Brendon answered. "Why? Did you want something?"

"Yeah, I'm kinda thirsty."

"Okay, I was about to go anyway."

"No, I'll go."

"Alright," Brendon smiled and led me to the bar, which was where we had originally met Diddy.

"A Coke Classic," I told the bartender.

He looked to Brendon as he ordered a Miller Lite. I looked to Brendon with a questioning look on my face. "Are you even legal?" I asked.

"No, but I'm getting a Coke. You're the one getting a beer."

I rolled my eyes and leaned against the bar as my Coke was set next to me. "That'll be six dollars."

I took out my purse and handed him a ten while he looked for my change in the register. I tipped him three dollars and stuffed the last dollar in my purse in some random pocket. As Brendon and I strode back to the table, I noticed Lindsay sitting at the end where Patrick used to be. I got her attention and we exchanged grins. But as we got closer, my face fell: She was sitting next to Peter, his arm draped around her shoulders.
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Thanks so much for supporting every chapter, tono2221 :D
And thanks for subscribing, lexiheartshim (along with the other people I can't name because I don't know who they are) ! :]