I'm Supposed To Love You

Throw Downs

I sat down next to Spencer again and was boxed in the booth by Brendon, who sipped his Miller Lite merrily.

I looked over to him. "Have you ever even been drunk before?" I asked.

"Hell yeah!" He smiled as he said it. "I've been drunk so many times! You know, at parties and stuff..."

I rolled my eyes and said: "Whatever." I didn't want to admit he made me gave me butterflies with his smile or his voice or his stupid remarks. Or maybe I did. You know, just to get over this Lindsay/Peter thing.

You should have let him hit on you.

Shut up! I was delusional when I said I liked Brendon. I didn't even mean what I said about getting over Pete. I don't even know the guy. How would I get over him if I was never under him.

Wow. You just kinda hinted at wanting to be under Peter. Any double entendres there?

Oh God. Forget I said anything, okay?


I can't believe I'm arguing with myself...

Me neither.

It was then when I noticed Brendon's body was missing from the booth. Before I could flip out at myself for probably looking like an idiot staring at nothing, I saw Brendon standing at the end of the booth, smiling at me. He had his hand outstretched while he beckoned me up. I looked at him strangely and his grin grew wider. "Can I dance with you?" he asked.

I stumbled over my words before replying. "Sure. Why?"

"Maybe because I like to dance." He was rolling his eyes and being a smartass. I got out of the booth and stood up. He had his hand out to me still, and I didn't want to assume anything.

I guess I took too long because, the next thing I knew, my hand was in his and we were heading downstairs to the dance floor. While heading down there, I spotted Kitty and Ryan dancing slowly in the corner. I was confused, since the DJ was playing a fast song, but I figured they didn't care. Aww.

Once we reached the floor, Brendon stopped and turned to me. "Stay here," he said. I nodded and he walked off toward the DJ. All I saw was his smiling face speaking to the DJ, while the guy nodded. And with that, Brendon walked back to me.

"Will you dance with me?" He asked again, more loudly this time since the crowd was louder.

"Why would I be down there if I didn't want to dance with you?" I replied.

He smiled and nodded with his head down. "Yeah, I guess I forgot I already asked."

After a long pause, I said: "This dancing seems to be a little slow."

"Oh!" He said it like he forgot to dance. I rolled my eyes and listened to the beat of the song. I wasn't one to grind on a person I didn't know, so when I heard Ain't No Other Man by Christina Aguilera playing, and saw the way Brendon was dancing, I was relieved to see I didn't have to. They were only playing the Grammy nominees' songs. I danced with him the rest of the song in sync with him and like a freak. We had a great time and laughed until I heard a slow song come on. It was Mary J. Blige's Be Without You, and, for some reason, Brendon was smiling at me with his arms open, like he was ready for a hug.

He must've requested it.


I smiled back and put my arms around his neck, while his draped around my waist. We swayed with my head on his chest and his chin on my head. I don't know why I was so comfortable, but it just felt right. At that moment, I was so glad he was legal for me to date.

Wait a minute. I just met him. Why would I date him so suddenly!?

I don't know why. But you should try tasting other dishes before you dive into your main course.

What the hell is that supposed to mean?

Dig into it. Real deep.


This might take a while.

I didn't have a comeback for myself because I felt Brendon pull away from me. Was the song over? No. I still heard Mary's voice. But it had to be towards the middle of the song now. I looked up and saw Brendon nodding to Peter and taking Lindsay away to dance. I watched him walk away before slowly looking up at Peter, who was smiling and already had one hand on my waist. "Care to dance?" he asked.

"Sure," I said halfheartedly. I did the same to Peter, only slower, like I willed my hands to linger on his chest and shoulders before heading to the back of his neck. He seemed to notice and smiled down at me. I blushed and looked away, but I had nothing to look at, so I felt like an idiot. A couple of moments into our dance, I summoned up the courage to ask him, "So what number am I?"

He looked confused before asking, "What?"

"Tonight. How many girls have you already danced with?" Venom slightly laced my tongue as the words slithered out and bit his ego.

"Just Lindsay, why?"

"Oh." I was getting more and more jealous of Lindsay by the moment.

Maybe this won't work out.

Because of a guy? Our friendship was already ruined by a guy once. I'm not gonna let it happen again.

"Seriously," he started. "Why did you ask? You make it sound like I'm a whore."

"I don't know, from what I can gather, you don't look like you should be dancing with me. I just thought you've already gotten to every other girl in here and thought, 'Maybe I should try something new'."

"Maybe I wanted to dance with you because I wanted to." He seemed to be getting ticked off.


"Maybe I wanted to get to know you better."

"Let me save you some time: you don't."

He looked shocked and that's when I realized the song had already changed. "Why wouldn't I?" he asked.

"I couldn't be a good friend."

"What if I don't want to be your friend?"

"Wh---?" Before I could finish, I was silenced by his lips being pressed to mine. I couldn't get over the shock before he pulled back. Rather, he was pulled back. I looked behind him and saw Brendon. His expression was angry and hurt.

Love triangle!


You heard me! Brendon loves you!

He barely knows me!

You always do that!

Do what???

You always ruin my fantasies! Remember when you took away my unicorn in kindergarten!? Not cool!

Haha, yeah, I do remember that...

That's when I felt a fist collide with my cheek. I stumbled backwards, but caught myself before I could go down. I held my face in shock as I heard gasps and laughter all around me. In the midst of it all, I heard a repeating of "I'm so sorry!" and "What did you do!?" though the second wasn't directed to me.

I noticed I was leaning back on someone who was holding me up. "You'll be alright, girl. Just relax, okay?" The person spoke to me, and I recognized the voice as Diddy's.

I stood back up on my own and felt okay, minus the disorientation. "OH MY GOD!" I heard Kitty screech from next to me. "What did you do!?"

I was on the verge of tears as I headed to the door. It wasn't their fault. Whoever hit me simply missed, and I didn't want them to feel bad. Why was everybody freaking out? It was only a punch.

Yeah, but look at yourself.

I walked more slowly and rummaged through my handbag for my mirror. As I opened it up, I gasped. There was a bruise already forming. Oh God.

I couldn't hold it in anymore as I walked to the car. I cried. Hard. My face hurt, my confidence shot down, and my social life was gonna go downhill from here, I swear it.

As I reached the car, I remembered Kitty having the keys.

Why was my night so perfect before it crashed!? I could've at least been happy to go home. As hurt and embarrassed as I was, I still wanted to go back in there. I wanted to continue my dance with Brendon. None of the crappy parts of my night wouldn't have happened if Peter kept dancing with Lindsay.

"Yeah, he's down there waiting for you."

Fuck. Why do guys ruin everything?

I heard the rapid footsteps of someone running in my direction, but I didn't bother to look up. When they stopped in front of me, I recognized the voice. "I'm sorry."

It was Brendon.

I looked up at him and sniffled while trying to smile. "Why?" I asked as I wiped my eyes to free them of their tears. I couldn't let him see me like this, so I turned my head back down.

"I hit you." He said it like it was obvious.

"Accidents happen. Forget it ever happened."

He smiled in pity at me. He bent his knees so he was eye-level with me and said: "I should've never threw the punch. I mean, it was to one of my best friends. I can't believe I let myself do that."

"I don't know why you guys even fought."

"To tell you the truth, I didn't like to see him kiss you."

I looked up at him and saw he was blushing, and couldn't look me in the eye. "Well if you didn't like it, you should've done something about it. You know, other than punching your best friend."

He caught my eye and looked confused. I smirked and basically challenged his manhood. He rolled his eyes and leaned in to kiss me. When he finally did, I felt weak. His kiss was soft and prepared, while Pete's was passionate and spontaneous. But I enjoyed it all the same.