I'm With BL/ind

No Thank You


As the pod door opened with that swoosh I robotically grabbed my new set of clothes which were white skinny jeans, black v-neck shirt and the same black leather jacket along with the black boots and finally some underwear and a bra. Now every time I woke up I didn’t feel tired, I didn’t really feel anything until the warm water of my shower slapped me across the face; I let a small gasp out and blinked repeatedly. I felt like I’ve been in this daze for hours and hours. I looked around and quickly realized where I was.

It was quiet and made the feeling of abandonment appear in the pit of my stomach, I frowned deeply and closed my eyes. It was only a matter of seconds that a wave of emotions started to attack me, I didn’t deal with emotions quite well, especially if they were happiness, calm, excitement something among those lines. But if they were anger, wanting to kill then sure, I’ll take that any day.

I finished my shower and dried off quickly, I didn’t want to find myself running around Battery City begging for peace between Better Living and the Killjoys. I dressed myself in a hurry and rushed downstairs to my plain kitchen; I got a bottle of water from the fridge and took the pill that was waiting for me on the counter. I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply as the pill massacred any bubbly feeling I wasn’t use to.

When I was myself I headed back to my restroom where I finished fixing my jet black hair and applying a bit of red lipstick to my lips. I slipped on my jacket and my boots, grabbing my ray gun and putting into its holster that was at my hip. I casually walked down the stairs to the front door; I walked out being welcomed by the heat. I slipped on my sunglasses; they had to be Ray Ban Wayfarer

I looked around seeing blends of white and black, smiles and all. People happily walked to their car, happily walked to visit their neighbors and happily drove off for their assigned job or even for a vacation at BLI Retinal Resorts. I felt I knew so much about this place I didn’t give a shit about. But then again isn’t it always like that?

Just as I reached the curb of the sidewalk the same black limo pulled up, possibly at the same time as well. The unnamed woman got out of the limo with that bright ass smile, she motioned for me to enter and I willingly did. I looked in see Korse and a few Dracs sitting there not moving, I moved over on the seat and didn’t bother to take my sunglasses off.

We were off before unnamed lady could close the door, I placed my hands on lap and waited until were arrived at indestructible building. No one spoke or made any eye contact not that it mattered, it just made the air tense.

It wasn’t long after that the group of us was walking down the hall, our boots clicking in unison. The Dracs were dismissed and we entered the room where Korse would watch any kind of activity until he was needed along with the lady. I walked over to the small table that sat the three of us. Korse eyed me and started to looked between both us.

“Are you going to speak or are you just going stare at us?” I snapped and took off my sunglasses hooking them to my shirt.

“I have a plan,” He only said.

“Explain.” I demanded while looking uninterested.

“How bad do you want those Killjoys, Kat?”

I huffed and rolled my eyes, I tilted my head to the side. “I want them so fucking bad; I want them dead like I haven’t made it obvious before.” I laughed at the thought of that wish coming true.

“You’re a strong, independent, a fighter per--”

“Cut the bullshit, seriously I don’t want to hear about how good I am or what you like best about me, just tell me the fucking plan. It’s too early for these precious moments.” I cut in and crossed my arms, throwing my head back.

“We’re making you into a Killjoy.” The woman stated, seriously if I may add.

I laughed loudly and lifted my head up; I looked between the both of them and continued on with my laughing fit. I shook my head in disagreement. “Fuck that, there is no way I am dying my hair some fucked up bright color, or wearing any kind of bright color for that matter. I’m content with your black and white dress code. There is no way you’re turning me into one of them.” I stated and stood up, serious now.

“Here are some of the things we’ll add only for you,” The lady followed suit, resting her hands on the surface of the table. “Top-notch fast car, any kind of ray gun your cold heart desires, a place to rest that no other Killjoy will know of, and actual food.” She said with a small smile.

“No, not for a second am I going to pretend to be them. What kind of name will I get? Kat Venom?” I snorted and shook my head.

“If that’s what you want,”

“Don’t you get I don’t want to be out there, in the sun… driving around like a crazy bitch because I break the fucking rules and act like I’m a wild person.” I stated and even threw in the hand claws, swaying my body as well.

“It’s not like you follow the rules anyways.”

“Not my point,” I sighed and looked at them. “Can’t we just kidnap a fellow Killjoy and hope that the fabulous ones come to the rescue and that’s when we get them!” I said punching the palm of my hand.

“We tried that yesterday.” Korse said emotionless.

“All I have to say is that you’re not turning me into a fucking Killjoy.” I said firmly and walked out of the room slamming the door behind me. I jumped the few stairs and walked out into the lobby pushing a Drac out of my way that was walking a little too slow.

I pushed the front doors open and walked off to the side, I moved my hand to the wall as I walked and when I was out of view and was at this spot that made me feel really alive for some reason. I sat on the bit of grass and leaned back against the wall, opening a small box and pulled out a lighter and a box of cigarettes.

As I lit the cigarette all I could think was of them wanting me to be a fucking Killjoy, there was no way I was going to become that even if it was pretending. I stared at the view of the desert of what use to be Los Angeles, nothing but dirt and dry plants. But if you were to turn there stood the city of multiple shades of the color white, there was no life to it. It was better than being out there, in the heat trying to survive another day and gain some kind of power.
♠ ♠ ♠
not much of a better chapter, but it something!