I'm With BL/ind

In The Making of


Just as I was about fed up with the damn heat, I was brought back to room, sitting in the same chair that I clearly stated that I will not be a Killjoy. I sat there with my fingers curled around a mug that had some water in it. My eyes were glued to the icon of BL/ind, those cracked out eyes of that cracked out happy face staring back at me. In all honesty I probably would be paranoid but I had just taken another pill so it didn’t bug me.

Repeatedly both Korse and the unnamed lady were trying their hardest to sweeten the deal, anything and everything they could think of was thrown at me. So I would repeatedly shake my head no and smile, I wasn’t going to cave but there was so much begging I could handle. After a sip of my water, I stood up and wiped my mouth with the back of my hand and stared at the two of them.

“Okay, I’ll make you a deal,” I started and watched as they sat up straighter right away interested. “The only way I’ll be a… a… well you know a walking crayon, is if you get me the car I want.” I stated and crossed my arms. If I was going to do this why not get what I can?

“Okay, what kind of car?” Korse questioned, with that dead tone of his.

“A 1967 Shelby Mustang GT 500,” I said almost slowly seeing that they became confused by each letter or number that came out of my mouth. I was also smirking, because I knew that they couldn’t possibly find that car not after the sudden change and the destruction they caused. “But other than that, I’m good as long as I don’t die from starvation or heat stroke…” I added quickly.

They easily ignored me now that they were in a deep conversation. I took this as an opportunity to get the heck out of there; I walked out of the room with two random Dracs. I exited the same exit I always had since I was first brought here with either the same or different Dracs, I never knew clearly because of those stupid masks. I entered the same limo and was ready to be taken home.

I looked out the window as we were pulling out of the parking lot, watching a white van and a few Dracs pile out of it with a few Killjoys in hand. I looked at their bright colors and the masks that shield their fear. They stared at the limo, I thought they could see me and knew what was about to happen. A smirked played on my lips, they weren’t a threat. They were just future Draculoids or residents, either way they couldn’t do a thing.

I leaned my head back against the seat waiting to be in my pod and asleep. After all kinds of colors, shapes and other unexplainable things played before my eyes I was walking up to my house and getting ready to end this damn day.

My night was the same, meaningless and nothing to remember. My morning was also the same, slapped awake by warm water and taking my beautiful emotion eraser pill and brought to work. I ran my fingers through my partly tangled hair and pushed it back and into a ponytail not wanting to dealing with it down today. Along with today the weather felt way, way, fucking hotter and I absolutely hated it.

Instead of walking to the room that held the table of three, or going up to my decorated room of Killjoy masks or that same comfortable room that held multiple televisions I was lead to the elevator and heading down. I stood at the back behind Korse and the lady and a few Dracs, I listened to the endlessly dings and was growing impatient.

I pushed my way through the group when the doors opened and into the garage that held very few vehicles. “I swear that fucking elevator gets slower and slower every time I get on it.” I complaint and shook my head.

Completely ignoring me, they walked on only to have me follow them. As I stood in between two Dracs I started to get more annoyed as both of them started to bump me with their arms. Not to get my attention, not to warn me or anything simply because they couldn’t fucking control their arms. I slammed my tiny frame into the one that stood on my left and then into the one on my right. They quickly got my message and stayed away.

To my guess we were at our destination because both Korse and the lady turned and smiled either happily or evilly. It was almost scary.

“Well?” I said and raised my eyebrows wanting them to hurry up with whatever they had to show.

“We got it.” The lady said her red painted lips smiling wider as if she was proud.

“Got what?” I asked and took a deep breath, already knowing. I knew what they had; they had to get that beautiful piece of hunk on heels. They fucking got it, but I was just hoping that they got a new kind of van that could go faster and hold more prisoners. I brought my eyes to the ceiling of garage and started to wish really hard.

“Your car,” Korse said and grabbed my wrist roughly walking forward and turning a corner which revealed the car of my dreams. I looked at the car and shook my head rapidly.

“You were supposed to find it! It shouldn’t have taken you a night to find this beautiful, wonderful car…” I said in awe as I continued to stare at it, it wasn’t any bright color like I expected. It was a simple light grey with the two thick black lines running over it, it looked almost beat up. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.” I crused and approached the car, placing my hand on the roof of it. “Shit, this means I’m a Killjoy now, doesn’t it?”

“Not actually,” The lady said causing me to turn. “You need to choose, either go with a mask or bandana and sunglasses, you need to keep yourself safe. And you’re now Kat Venom.” She smiled widely.

“Kat Venom what the… ugh,” I groaned and brought my head back closing my eyes. “Fine, whatever….” I snapped and brought my head back to its normal position. “Sunglasses and bandana, I suppose. I’m not wearing a fucking mask.” I shook my head and leaned against my car.

“And I hope you’re not going to be part of your own collect of dead Killjoys because the Draculoids aren’t going to stop from shooting at you, Kat.” Korse warned.

I laughed loudly filling the quiet garage and smiled as it echoed, “That’s funny, real funny. Just be prepared to have less Dracs when I start being a ridiculous Killjoy, ew…” I wrinkled my nose.

With no further laughs we headed back to our room, I sat at the table as we went over the basics. I was given a map to find my shack of a home and was told after leaving the zones I was clearly on my own and the only help I was going to get was from the other Killjoys, like I was going to need their damn help. I was only to contact them if I had captured any of the Fabulous Killjoys or have killed one of them.

I’m Kat Venom and I’m a Killjoy… it sickens me deeply.
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yes, yes, yes and update. i just wanted thank those who commented and subscribed xDD