I'm With BL/ind

A Different Scenery


My eyes were glued to the sky that was waking up just like I was, I stood there in the path of my house ready to tackle this mission down. No one else was up; it wasn’t time for everyone else to wake up just yet. I licked my non-painted lips, missing the red lipstick that was my kind of signature. I brought my attention back this to this crappy reality. I was wearing red ugly skinny jeans, a faded yellow shirt and my black leather jacket along with my awesome pair of boots.

I was surprised that the whole neighborhood wasn’t up due to my brightest. I shook my head side to side in disappointment, this wasn’t me. I wasn’t a walking coloring book. But this image was just until I was done with this mission and then I would be back to my black and white outfits. I tied a black bandana to my neck and stuck my Ray Ban sunglasses on top of my head. I nodded a little in a way to encourage myself to start this awful day.

It was only moments after my encouragement won and my lovely 1967 Mustang roared to life, sending a pleasing smile to my lips. It sort of gave me an urge to get out of the car and hug it. “Oh crap,” I mumbled and dug through my pockets for my pills and took one. By the time I left my street there was no sign of happiness or any other giddy feeling tickling my stomach.

I was told to leave bright and early because it wouldn’t be so suspicious to those daredevil Killjoys who like to venture close to the city or zones. I would easily be sold out and that will be that, no dead Killjoys. I sighed deeply as I left the actual city and started to drive through the zones. I looked through my rear view mirror to the city that seemed small. Was I actually going to miss being there? I brought my left hand out of the opened window giving my wave of goodbye A.K.A the middle finger.

After an hour or so the air was hotter but bearable, the sky was clear and it was bright as fuck out here. I put on my sunglasses and carefully looked over the map they given me and started to look for my lovely house. The directions that were given they were clear enough… clear enough to get me fucking lost, those stupid bastards. Every now and then an abandoned car could be seen off the side, doors open, hood missing or even the roof. It almost gave me a sad feeling, but instead it would send a smile to my pale lips.

I figured I would just drive around maybe something from the coded directions would appear. A daydream started to cast before my eyes and I loved it. It finally happened that I was face to face with the four Killjoys I wanted. They were beaten up and bleeding it was beautiful. I had my colored ray gun pointed at one their heads and one by one they went down. I was on the last one and just as I was about to shoot, my eyes noticed something behind the dude. A figure, a bright one at that, I shook my head leaving my daydream and slammed on the brakes and took a shaky breath.

I closed my eyes and opened them slowly as a guy, possibly short and obvious a Killjoy was waving his hands around like a damn idiot. I took off my seatbelt and turned off my car, I remembered my bandana that would shield my identity… fuck, the stupid piece of cloth was annoying me. I got of my car and slammed my door closed, holding on my keys tightly.

“What the fuck is your problem?!” I yelled loudly, “Did you know I could have hit you? I should have hit you, you fucking douche bag! Son of a bitch…” I continued and shook my head; I stared at the guy that just stood there. He wore a bright colored mask, green and clothes to match it.

“We need help,” He said in a panicked voice.

“So?” I said and rolled my eyes, wishing he could see the annoyance.

“Please, my sister is badly hurt. I think she broke her leg and to top it off she got shot.” He explained and motioned for me to follow.

I don’t know why but I did. I groaned and walked behind him, I was lead to spot where a girl was on the floor was being looked over by another guy. I crossed my arms and stood just a few feet away from them and shook my head almost smiling.

“I’m Disco--” He started but I cut him off quickly.

“No, shut up. There will be no name exchange here. It keeps us from getting close and personal.” I put my hand up as well to make it clear and approached the girl. I got down on my knees and looked over her broken leg. The Dracs were really getting sloppy; they needed to be taught better, they needed to learn how to kill and not just damage.

“Okay listen girl, I’m going to try and help you. You’re going to feel a lot of fucking pain. Do you understand that?” I asked and looked at her over my sunglasses. She nodded as the tears streamed down her dirty cheeks. I rolled my eyes and placed my hands on her leg on the proper spots before snapping her leg back into place. Hearing her murderous scream send my lips into a curl, it was only a matter of days before it was a male’s scream.

“What the fuck are you smiling at?” The guy snapped who was supporting the girl’s upper body.

“The fact you couldn’t help her, you dumb fuck. Now keep her off her feet and try to keep her leg propped up. As for the gun shot,” I looked over the flesh wound and laughed lightly. “She’ll be fine, just keep it covered and it’ll heal… hopefully.” I stated and got up; I walked passed short Disco something and headed back to my car.

“Thank you!” The short guy yelled.

I looked over my shoulder and shook my head, “Just forget it. But remember this, if you are to see my car again and jump in front of it don’t expect me to stop, I WILL run your ass over. Got it?” I pointed my finger at him before pushing my sunglasses higher up my face.

He laughed and smiled more; he added a small nod before disappearing. Oh gosh, even out here in the damn heat and the awful scenery people were giggly and joyful. I made a face and shook slightly; I got back in my car and brought it back to life. I continued down the road I was on and looked out for anything that brought me closer to my shack and out of the heat.

About another hour later and a few turns here and there, there was a billboard advertising Better Living. It could have been just black and white, no it was but now it was colored in bright colors and had words of encouragement to the local Killjoys. It was only then that I realize that I was getting closer to my shack; I turned into this small dirt road and drove a few miles into the desert. A somewhat big shack came into a view; I smiled lightly and parked my car on the side of it.

When I got out I remembered to try and keep my beautiful car hidden in some way, which I did but not well. I looked over my key chain and noticed the extra key hanging there, it fit perfectly in the keyhole and I was inside my shack. It was the odd that it made me feel at home, there was a bed in the corner made and ready to be slept in. There was a desk pressed up against the wall in front of the bed, objects and such laid on the surface. Also there was a red light bulb on the wall that I had no idea what the use of it was. In addition of the shack there was a dresser, I assumed is there my Killjoy clothes rested in. But what truly got my eye was this picture of a couple who I didn’t know; I walked over it and took it off the wall and frowned.

“Who the fuck,” I only started and looked up; there on the wall was a small black button. I pushed it out of curiosity and jumped back as the wall opened. I looked down the few stairs and noticed another door, I carefully walked down it after putting the picture back in its place and opened the door with the key I had. Just before my eyes was a totally different room, white and lifeless.

“Way to go Better Living,” I cheered and smiled at the pod that was there, on the wall was a whole lot of different ray guns and sunglasses in different colors. There was fridge that was stocked with what seemed like endless food and pills in one of the cabinets along with more food and water. In a small closet there was a few more leather jackets and boots, holsters as well.

“You’re dead Fabulous Killjoys, you’re so fucking dead!” I yelled and laughed loudly, staring at their posters that hung off the near wall. Like I really needed to remembered their covered faces.
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in all honesty, i'm not too sure of this chapter. but it is start her life as a killjoy and soon those fabulous ones will be put in play, so bare with me.
comments and subscribers are always, always welcomed. i love them.