I'm With BL/ind

In My Control


The heat was traveling through the thin cracks of my shack of a home, instantly making the small space hot once the sun was out and about. I pushed the blankets off my body grumpy already and sang a song of cruse words. I sat up and looked around, I missed my pod. I knew that it was just behind the wall and down those few steps, but I was curious about being ‘normal’ again and sleeping like humans did. But in result, fuck the bed.

I stood up and pushed my tangled hair back, with no attempt to brush it out. Today I wouldn’t be going out and interacting with other stupid coloring books. I clearly wasn’t in the mood for team spirit and heat. Instead I pushed the clever black bottom and was welcomed into the small room of Better Living. I walked over to a desk with a rolled up map and opened the sucker up. I placed two hands on both ends to hold it open and looked over of what the land was now. It was big and I knew that those stupid boys could be anywhere.

I didn’t expect them to just knock on my shack and say, ‘Hey, here we are, kill us.’ I mean that would be too easy and I sort of want a fight. I want them to do the whole exchanging one life instead of four, but I know in the end I’ll get that one and the other three. I placed myself down on the chair after putting some weight down on both ends of the map and started to circle the possible zones they could be at. The more I worked on this plan the more I got frustrated.

“Fuck!” I yelled and threw the marker across the room, I stood up and started to pace. “I have to get them, I need to get them. I will get them, I will.” I promised myself and smirked evilly. “But how?” I then questioned and turned towards the cabinets. I opened a bottle and took my daily pill.

“Just think Kat, think… fucking think.” I encouraged and rubbed my temples. I waited until the pills worked and placed myself at the desk. I knew the only way of getting close to the Fabulous Killjoys were to get close the not so important ones, I honestly didn’t care if they died.

“You’re onto something Kat, you really are.” I told myself and kicked my feet up onto the desk and leaned back. So, I don’t need to technically get close to the bright ass losers, just enough to tell me what I need to know. But then again there are ones that might not get the hint of leaving me alone.

As I was getting more into this shit plan of mine, there was this beep that scared the crap out of me. I jumped and looked up to this television that appeared just behind a picture. I sat up and watched as a few Killjoys were approach my place, I stood up quickly and ran back to my shack. I made everything look as if I’ve been in the shack the whole time.

I changed back into my yesterday clothes while watching the red light on the wall go off, so I finally figured out what the use of that piece of shit. I managed to slip on my boots and hopped to the door as someone was knocking. I put my sunglasses on and opened the door.

“What?” I asked annoyed of course.

“Oh look who it is the fucking healer.” One of the dudes had said.

“Oh go fucking shoot yourself,” I snapped and was about to close the door but someone stopped it. I looked at the person seeing Disco Short Shit with this green mask and smile.

“We need help,” He stated.

“Clearly you all do but don’t count on me to help you,” I said and tried to push his foot out of the way.

“You helped us yesterday was makes today different?”

“The fact that’s it’s a new day dumbass,” I groaned and stopped trying to move his freakishly strong foot. “Damn, okay what the hell do you want?” I asked.

“My sister isn’t getting any better and don’t kill us for following you here. But you seem to know what you’re doing and we would like your help.” Disco Short Shit said.

“You fucking stalked me!?” I yelled and pushed opened the door wider. “And you ask me not to shoot you? Oh….” I started laughing, “You’re fucking twisted if you don’t think I’m not going to shoot you.”

“I know you won’t, Killjoys don’t shoot each other we help each other if needed, we are there for each other and we guided each other. Just like the Fabulous Killjoys who--”

“Whoa, whoa… shut the heck up before I slap you.” I warned and smiled. It just dawned on me, this guy right here short and strong could lead me to those four guys. I had a plan. “Before you get all world peace on my ass, I will help you.” I smiled, with so much evilness behind it.

I allowed them in; I offered my messy bed to the hurt girl. I offered water to them and I give a bit of my food that was there in the tiny fridge. I just had to wait for the right moment to do what I had to with Disco Short Shit.

The day carried on with the heat raising and it didn’t seem to affect them just myself, I was growing impatient as they just fucking sat around talking about what the world use to be, or what they really missed. ‘Stuck it up because this is how things are going to be.’ Is what I really wanted to tell them.

As it was getting darker everything was falling into place, the dude that was a bit of a bitch was talking about taking patrol, just in case Dracs were to be around. I rolled my eyes as he left and stared at the girl who was lying in the bed.

“Are you feeling any kind of pain?” I asked dully and crossed my arms, setting my weight on one leg.

“Amounts of it all over my body.” She whined.

“Oh gosh,” I whispered to myself and nodded. “I have something that’ll ease your pain and help you sleep, would you like some?” I offered. I knew the more you took of these pills the effects are always different. She nodded looking desperate. “Very well,” I searched through my leather jacket and pulled out the bottle.

“Are those from Better Living?” Disco asked.

“Yes and what of it?” I snapped my head to him. “They work, they’re not going brainwash her… moron.” I hissed and handed her water and two pills.

I waited until she was out cold, I was hoping with the pain she was feeling and the pills they would send her right to sleep. I got my wish. I turned to Disco Short Shit and wrapped my arm around his shoulders, I removed my ‘parents’ picture from the wall and pushed the button. I laughed as he looked amazed by the sudden change to my shack. I walked down the stairs with him at my side, and opened the door with my key; I closed the door behind me.

I smirked as he put some of the pieces together; he was ready to attack me when he found out that I was for Better Living and not Killjoys. I quickly grabbed a ray gun off the wall and a bullet from the desk, I knocked him up side of the head with my gun. The hit sent him down groaning in pain; I then quickly opened the gun and slipped the clear tiny wired bullet into it and closed it, I pointed it to the back of his head and pulled the trigger.

I smiled proudly as his upper body fell onto the ground, lifelessly. I put my ray gun back in its place looking like it was never used. I opened the drawers to the desk until I found I what needed; I knew that the unnamed lady from BL/ind wouldn’t leave me without a few of these. I closed the drawer with my hip and leaned against it. I pushed a red button at the middle top and giggled wildly as Disco Short Shit’s eyes opened. I continued with the grey button and it send back him to lifeless state. He was in my control now.

The beep from before started to go off, I pushed the red button on the remote and pushed it into my back pocket. I helped Disco Shit up and up the stairs; I returned everything to normal and sat him on the floor near the bed.

“Listen Disco Short Shit, you are going to ditch your sister and your friend, you are going to stick with me until I know longer need you, is that understood?” I tested and raised my eyebrow.

“Yes, I understand.” He answered robotically.

“Oh fuck, lighten up on the robot shit. Please.” I smacked the side of his head.

“Sorry.” He tried again sounding more himself, just emotionless. Oh well.

His friend walked in and told us there was no Dracs and that he wanted sleep, I pointed to the floor next to Disco since there wasn’t any place else. He simply nodded and tried to make himself comfortable by stealing a blanket from the girl and lying on the ground.

’Oh Kat, you are one slick fucking Kil— girl.’
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im pretty sure this were things are going to pick up and action and guns and what not will happen, if people stick after this chapter.
again, i thank those who comment and subscribe,it really makes me day.