I'm With BL/ind

Can They Be Trusted?


With promises and reassurances for Disco’s life from the positive Party Poison who was looking over the wound in the backseat, my annoyance was rising. I knew that Disco was going to pull through, he was strong enough, so it seemed. My worries remained on the fucked up car tailing gating me and where exactly was my shack of a home. I was wondering if the other three Killjoys trusted me as much as Poison made it look like he did. They probably had doubts as much as I did; they couldn’t possibly be as fabulous as everyone made them turn out to be.

With the memorable billboard of Better Living I made the needed turn and headed into the desert, no longer paying attention to the bright headlights behind me but of my own dancing along the dry plants and dry road ahead of us. I was sure they thought I was driving all of us into our doom, but I wasn’t. My headlights hit the dark shack bringing a small to my lips which I didn’t think would ever appear due to the sight.

I killed the engine and quickly got back into my ‘sad and panic’ mood. I helped Party Poison with Disco and lead them to the door; I quickly offered the unmade bed and turned on the light as I did. I stood off to the side as the other three rushed in, Fun Ghoul and Kobra Kid stood near as Jet Star assistant Party Poison.

“I did what I could; he should rest for a few days.” Poison said a few minutes later. He got up from his spot as the three Killjoys parted. He walked through the given space and closer to me. I couldn’t help but let myself tense at the sudden closeness.

“Thank you,” I forced myself to be nice and looked at him. I still shocked at the fact that they were right here in front of me. I sort wanted to ask for their autograph and warn them I was going to kill them real quick.

“No problem.” He smiled and tug at the mask that hung freely at his neck.

“You guys are more than welcome to stay; I know how unsafe it could be at night for Killjoys.” I offered and mentally laugh at my nights in search for stupid Killjoys.

“It’s never safe for us.” Fun Ghoul said a bit bitterly. He just made it to the top of my kill list.

“Ghoul, cut it out she’s just trying to be nice.” Poison stated and sighed.

“Well I still see her as the one who pointed a ray gun at us.” Fun Ghoul mumbled as he pushed passed his fellow Killjoys and stood near the door which wasn’t far.

“Sorry about him, he doesn’t trust easily.” Poison quickly apologized.

“There’s no need to be sorry.” I frowned deeply at Fun Ghoul and sighed.

I later offered the space on the floor and whatever blankets that was available. With four more bodies added to the shack it was smaller and more uncomfortable. I was offered the bigger space as Jet star took a much smaller space. With their kindness it was making me a bit sick, I wasn’t use to this and I don’t think I’ll ever be.

There was a bit of scuffling going on but everything was soon calm, their light snoring was some kind of music which put me to sleep easily or it could’ve been the active day. I was starting to feel paranoid after a while I expected to open my eyes and see them searching my shack and figuring out my intentions out here. And I also expected to open my eyes and see a ray gun pointed to my face because they knew who I was and who I worked for. But that didn’t happen at all, every time I opened my eyes there was no fear, no panic just a shack of sleeping Killjoys.

By morning I was the first one up I stepped over legs, arms, boots and heads to get to the bed where Disco laid. I carefully sat myself near his side and looked over his sleeping form. I was starting to question myself. Should I just let the kid go? If I were to let him go would I miss him? How much longer do I have to be with this dude? I suppose my questions were a bit loud in my head that I didn’t realize I was being talked to. I jumped at the wave of a hand passing in front of my face; I looked up quickly to see Party Poison awake.

“I asked you if you were okay.” He laughed lightly and pushed that red hair of his out of his face.

“Fine,” I simply answered and looked back to Disco.

“He’s going to be fine; you don’t have to worry about him.” He continued with the reassuring.

“Of course I have to worry about him; I put him into that mess.” I snapped.

“So you’re not longer blaming us?”

“I blame you just as much as I blame myself plus more.”

“Okay, I guess I can understand that.” He started sounding somewhat hurt by the statement. “We can always make it up to you.” He continued.

“There you go again with the ‘we’ shit, I don’t mind helping but there’s some people who just don’t want our help Party Poison.” A tired and grumpy voice of Fun Ghoul said.

I quickly looked over to Ghoul who was slipping on his boots, in a way I admire his attitude and thought he would be really good to work with. He shot me a quick look and turned; he tripped over Kobra’s leg waking his ass up and looked back at me like I was the one who caused it before walking out and into the heat.

“Fuck,” Kobra kid whispered and pushed the blanket off his legs and started to examine his leg as if Ghoul did any real damage.

“Like I was saying, we can always make it up to.” Party Poison repeated bringing my attention back to him.

I had to think about this carefully, for one they would always be in my sight and there will be a chance of them trusting me and a better chance of an easy kill. And for the trust to work that would mean more days with them and more mornings just like this but how long are they willing to stay?

My eyes darted all over my lap as I continued to think, this could be good right? Yes, this could be really fucking good on my part. I looked up at Party Poison and nodded. “How would you make it up to me?” I had to ask.

Party Poison looked over to Kobra Kid who longer was worried by his leg and was staring back; his shoulders went into a short shrug. “Protection and help her out until the guy is fully healed.” He then added.

“This isn’t a bad idea because she’s also helping us by providing us shelter.” Jet Star butted into our conversation and sat up from where he was sleeping.

I looked over to him oddly thinking that he was still asleep, I shook my head a little and looked back to the pair of eyes staring at me. I gave another odd expression to Party Poison; he quickly looked away from me and to something that was suddenly interesting on the floor. If it had to be said, I was fucking helping them as they were helping me, great.

I looked back to my lap and frowned, feeling mad with myself. I didn’t come out here to make friends nor did I come out here to get protected. I came out here strictly for a job, a get in and get out. My carefree and bitch attitude had flown out the window the moment Disco ran in front of my car.

No, fuck that. That wasn’t going to happen. I wasn’t going to be taken under their wing because they thought I couldn’t stand up for myself. These guys were going down and there was no way around it. I could do this; I could shelter these morons until Disco gets better. The moment he does we’re ghosting their asses and that’s it. Bye-bye Killjoy life.

“It’s a deal.” I said maybe a little too eagerly and looked between three guys who stared back at me.

“Okay then as of right now the deal is put into play.” Party Poison smiled.

It grew quiet among us nothing but the light breathing of Disco could be heard. Even before my mind could take over my body like it seemed to do lately without the help of my amazing pills, which I started to crave.

“We don’t know your name.” Kobra Kid spoke up, almost sounding embarrassed that he was the one to ask.

“Kat Venom,” I introduce myself and licked my lips at how odd it tasted to say that name to them.

“I like it,” Jet Star said softly. I smiled in a way of saying ‘Thank you.’ And secretly rolled my eyes.

I couldn’t stop myself from bringing my attention back to Party Poison, as if I was looking for approve of the name. I couldn’t place it but there was something about this single stupid Killjoy that made it seemed like it was okay to let some emotion slip even if it was happy. Shit, I really had to watch myself around these guys if not… then I was going to lose myself.
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yeah this was a bit slow, but i'm sure with the next few chapters things will be hard for Kat and a bit more of action.
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