
Journal Entry 2

"As sand slips through the hourglass so do the days of my life."

My rules to live by:
1.Put no man or woman before you.
2.Keep your humanity.
3.Eat and don't be eaten.

I've been running once again. Though I feel that I am running from what took place last night and not from the flesh eating creatures. I feel my mind is beginning to put up defense to keep myself from reliving it. I think I prefer that. I've yet to run into that man who did what I couldn't. I get this feeling he's following me though. I'm not sure how I feel about that. I don't know what he wants and I think that's what scares me the most. Will he shoot me just as easily as he did my family? The question lingers in my mind and I feel it will until I know the truth.

Food. I need to find more food but that fear of contamination is creeping up again. The growling in my stomach is beginning to think for me. I've eaten questionable food and nothing has happened yet. I can't chance it though. I need to find canned foods, that was best for my case. There's a store on the outskirts of town that I can check out on my way out of town. My water jug still holds some water but that is too getting low. This isn't good.

A hole has formed in me. As I try to make my thoughts focus on the on the supplies I need they still find their way back to my family. I feel as if I'm being punished though. Before this happened, I was driven by lust and had an affair on my husband. I can't even believe I'm admitting that. I tried everything I could to drive that situation from my head. I never told my husband but maybe I should have. It would have helped to clear my conscious. Maybe one day I'll come back to this city and ask for forgiveness from my dead husband. It may not be much but maybe it'll help me.

It's certain that I'm being followed. I saw him, the man who shot my family. This man makes me nervous. He's been watching me and I don't know why he's doing so. The unknown can do wicked things to your mind. Maybe I'm just seeing things. My mind could be playing tricks...I am hungry and hunger does things to you.