
Journal Entry 3

"As sand slips through the do the days of my life."

My rules to live by:
1. Put no man or woman before you.
2. Keep your humanity.
3. Eat and don't be eaten.

Mindless conversations with myself and I'm running out of patience. I feel stuck at the bottom of this useless universe. The man refuses to say a word to me. I'm not exactly sure as to why he feels the need to be silent and stay in my presence. Sounds idiotic to me but then again I'm not him. Though, his cowboy hat says he's from my neighborhood. Or at least that is what I assume. His eyes judge me, I can see it. It's like he knows what I've done in my past. I'm determined to just pretend that he has decided to follow me. I reached the station yesterday and found some supplies. Food and water to be exact. I find that my body craves less and less each day that I don't feed it. It feels as if my stomach is getting smaller and smaller with each passing day.

My ears ring from the other day and I'm not sure where to go from here. I don't know what's real anymore and feel alone. I feel like that any minute someone could light a match and we could all go down in flames. Everything is falling out place and I'm falling to the waste side. Is hell taking the final score? Any moment the world could blow with evils that unseen. There's so much violence in the rain and the silence is becoming deafening to my own ears. I've begun to fear for my own life but not in a healthy way. I fear of the demon I will let into my soul. I fear what I cannot see...