Sequel: Gorgeous Nightmare
Status: Active.

Ugly Duckling

chapter ten;

So my day went like this:

Wake up.


Make up.


Kaylee called me a whore; I called her an anorexic rat.

Leia and Kinley threw carrot sticks at me at lunch, then called me a pathetic bitch.

Jesse laughed, like usual.

Ana and Aly sped past me in their porsche after school, spraying muddy water all over me.

I came home covered in shit water again.

Mom saw the lone scar I'd left near my collarbone.

I lied and said the cat did it.

She believed me.

Then she asked why I was so dirty.

I said the cat did it.

She called me a sarcastic turd.

I ate all my dinner for once.

I went upstairs and threw up all my dinner;


I made five fresh cuts on my left arm, just for the hell of it.

I fell asleep to the sounds of sex next door, again.

And what did I dream about, you might ask?

That asshole that ruined my life.

He's my father.

Did I make you hurt yourself, Sweetie?
No, Daddy. You made me ugly.
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